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Bigfoot filmed in Utah?

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posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by CeeRZ
I'm calling costume on this one. Mainly because I LIVE in Utah... and Bigfoot is a big joke here. I've actually got friends who own bigfoot costumes, and to me... this just looked like a costume and typical Utah fun.

I do hope you come back and share! Can you get us some pictures of these costumes?

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by randyvs

Well, you wouldn't make any money off of me but I would enjoy watching none-the-less. I still think this one looks better than most!

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 12:21 AM
At 50 sec mark the tree in lower left corner looks cut. Did Bigfoot build that hut with power tools? I don't know about anybody else but the idea of a bigfoot with a chainsaw scares me almost as bad as a computer program wanting to have it's own body.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 12:30 AM
What you are seeing there is in fact not Bigfoot. It is actually the lesser known North American Littlefoot - a distant cousin. If this were an actual Bigfoot sighting you would have known it by the prominently displayed Nike Air Jordan's and Adidas jackets the Bigfoot creatures now wear. ( it's in their contract you see).The North American Littlefoot reaches a height of 5 foot 9 where as Bigfoot can reach 6 foot 7 especially when sporting the Nike Air Jordan Pump model. Not to be outdone, Littlefoot is currently in talks with Keds and Buster Brown.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by Greensage

Originally posted by CeeRZ
I'm calling costume on this one. Mainly because I LIVE in Utah... and Bigfoot is a big joke here. I've actually got friends who own bigfoot costumes, and to me... this just looked like a costume and typical Utah fun.

I do hope you come back and share! Can you get us some pictures of these costumes?

haha yeah, I'll try. A funny story involving one of the costumes though, My friends all went out to a "Haunted House" out west of Salt Lake City to scare some kids that were out there. It's a hot spot for teenagers who want to get scared. Anyway, my friend put the Sasquatch suit on, and they went inside the house to scare the kids. Which they did a very very good job of. Not long after the kids ran off screaming, the cops showed up. All our friends came out with their hands up, with the exception of my friend in the suit. Understand, these suits are about 8-9 feet tall with the stilts, and very top heavy. Well, the cop could see someone was still inside the house, but didn't know he was wearing the suit and yelled at him to come out with his hands in the air. So.. he did. But had to duck under the door frame, which threw him off balance, which pitched him forward a few steps while he tried to regain his balance, and instead he ended up completely face planting on top of the cop. Epic.
I wish to high heaven I got video

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 02:42 PM
It looks like a guy in a black rain poncho. You can't tell me that's not a reflective surface. If you had a once in a lifetime opportunity to catch one on film you can't tell me you wouldn't do everything in your power to get the clearest shot possible. Including running up to it. I know I would. Someone should start an online smear campaign against hoaxers. They already have little to no respect for us. Why not dish out a little payback?

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 05:38 AM
yeah kind of a frustrating video, but i think that could be a BF.

The shelter looks a little silly, but it also closely resembles a BF shelter that was in another video I saw on ATS

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 08:14 AM


posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 08:19 AM
and of course this cam has no zoom...

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