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I can't get a council house and its driving me mad!

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posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

Get a cheaper place. You earn £1100 and after rent you have just £250? Your rent is grossly disproportionate with what you earn. It is not hard to find a decent flat for £450 a month at all. You are paying what £850pm rent? That's far too expensive mate. Look for a cheaper place is my advice and try work overtime or get a 2nd job, it sucks but in hard times you gota do anything you can.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Stovokor

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by Stovokor

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
reply to post by Stovokor

Seriously, who does think about this things but that is neither here nor there. The fact of the matter is, I was under the notion that I work and pay my taxes so that I could recieve help from the state if needed.


Why is it the responsibility of your neighbors and fellow tax payers to take care of you when you make bad decisions? That is not the governments job. This is partly the reason western governments are in the financial trouble they are in.

When businesses make bad choices, governments (i.e. Taxpayers have to bail them out), when governments make bad decisions like stupid payers have to suffer, and when people start families they can't afford they want tax payers to support them...there's a huge flaw in this logic.

You made the decision to have sex, you are making the decision to have the baby and now you want tax payers to float the bill?? That's a problem. At what point do individuals become responsible for their decisions?

The guy only wants a house so his child can have its own room and you sound like your ready to make him dig his own grave and shoot him. Jesus christ, tighter then a ducks backside some people.

Millions of them sucking the taxpayers teet dry.

He needs to get a second or third job, use family to supplement childcare, and live cheap..not put both hands out demanding people that make wise family planning decisions to help support the unwise choice he has made.

I suppose being a father would be his second job because in reality, one person should only need ONE JOB. What makes you think his family should act as a childcare service? Maybe they're all out working to - You know, like people are expected to do.
Your making him out to be a scrounger yet this man clearly works, clearly pays his taxes and what not and when it comes to the system making arrangements so that he can raise the next generation that will become the workforce and pay taxes and most likely work until death (If retirement age keeps being put up) Why shouldn't he be able to live in a measly 2 bedroomed shoddy throw up flat/house?

If they had sat on his ass all his life i could understand your view here.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Annie Mossity

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL

'help' is one thing, subsidies and the like, but to expect free room and board for simply having a job and paying taxes seems a bit of a stretch to me.

Read his post again. This time, try to take it all in.

Done? Great.

Now show me where in any of his posts he's said that he expects free room and board.

edit on 1-9-2011 by RMFX1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by navy_vet_stg3

Don't get me wrong that is what I'm going to do but 2-3 jobs = no time with the family.


posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
reply to post by navy_vet_stg3

Don't get me wrong that is what I'm going to do but 2-3 jobs = no time with the family.


ALS, I no longer live in the UK. I live somewhere where I pay an even higher percentage of tax than I did at home, and you can bet your arse that if I ever find myself in a position like the one that you're in now, I'm going to expect to get some of that money back by way of assistance for the government.

If our wage packets weren't being raped by their taxes on a monthly basis then maybe people would be able to afford to save up for situations like yours, and pay their own way out of trouble, but no. All of our tax money goes to war in foreign countries and layabout dole jockeys who have never worked a day in their life. Those are the people who take advantage and those are the people that we feed with our hard earned work. There's nothing wrong with wanting a little help yourself when you find yourself in need. At least you're contributing.

Good luck.
edit on 1-9-2011 by RMFX1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

I no it sucks mate but thats life sometimes. My sisters husband doesn't even get to spend xmas with her and their two twin boys and works all bank holidays and most weekends. He knows that in the long run it will be worth while and give them a more stable future. He may not get to spend enough time with them now, but he knows it better they have a roof over their head and grow up knowing he didn't want to work so much, but did it because he loves them.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by Stovokor

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by Stovokor

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
reply to post by Stovokor

Seriously, who does think about this things but that is neither here nor there. The fact of the matter is, I was under the notion that I work and pay my taxes so that I could recieve help from the state if needed.


Why is it the responsibility of your neighbors and fellow tax payers to take care of you when you make bad decisions? That is not the governments job. This is partly the reason western governments are in the financial trouble they are in.

When businesses make bad choices, governments (i.e. Taxpayers have to bail them out), when governments make bad decisions like stupid payers have to suffer, and when people start families they can't afford they want tax payers to support them...there's a huge flaw in this logic.

You made the decision to have sex, you are making the decision to have the baby and now you want tax payers to float the bill?? That's a problem. At what point do individuals become responsible for their decisions?

The guy only wants a house so his child can have its own room and you sound like your ready to make him dig his own grave and shoot him. Jesus christ, tighter then a ducks backside some people.

Millions of them sucking the taxpayers teet dry.

He needs to get a second or third job, use family to supplement childcare, and live cheap..not put both hands out demanding people that make wise family planning decisions to help support the unwise choice he has made.

I suppose being a father would be his second job because in reality, one person should only need ONE JOB. What makes you think his family should act as a childcare service? Maybe they're all out working to - You know, like people are expected to do.
Your making him out to be a scrounger yet this man clearly works, clearly pays his taxes and what not and when it comes to the system making arrangements so that he can raise the next generation that will become the workforce and pay taxes and most likely work until death (If retirement age keeps being put up) Why shouldn't he be able to live in a measly 2 bedroomed shoddy throw up flat/house?

If they had sat on his ass all his life i could understand your view here.

Did he make the decision to work and put himself through school to get a better paying job so he can start a family?

Listen, I'm not heartless but if you make e decision to kill someone the results are you go to jail.

If you make the decision to start a family before you are financially ready you have to pay the price and work a couple jobs to support yourself and your new family.

The UK and US are not socialist countries, we have the liberty to make decisions and must pay the price and reap the benefits of our decisions.

My partner and I both put ourselves through school and did without all through our twenties, now we are reaping the benefits of think and planning through our lives. We came from nothing to live pretty why should we and people like us have to pay for other people's bad decisions through higher taxes?

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

I understand your pain, but that's life, and you'll be a better man for it, plus you'll be teaching your child about personal responsibility.
Best of luck to you, and I wish you well. I know what it's like to be poorer than poor, but you can make it if you want it bad enough.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by Stovokor

I take offence to your comments. For one I am the taxpayer and I deserve YES deserve help over those who do not want to work or are newcomers to the country.

My child although unplanned is not a problem. I will do all I can to house, feed and cloth my family but is help for the state I fund to much to ask?


posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
reply to post by Stovokor

I take offence to your comments. For one I am the taxpayer and I deserve YES deserve help over those who do not want to work or are newcomers to the country.

My child although unplanned is not a problem. I will do all I can to house, feed and cloth my family but is help for the state I fund to much to ask?


So housing is a RIGHT in the UK? What makes you think you deserve government subsidized housing? where is that in your constitution?

It's good you will do all you can to support your family...but you do not DESERVE free or discounted housing paid for by the government. That's silly and the part of the problem.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:02 PM

I take offence to your comments

I bet you do, the truth is usually a hard pill to swallow.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:03 PM
Okay, I can see what's happening here.

Blame the immigrants, blame the unemployed, blame the single parents.

Who you should be blaming is Thatcher. She encouraged council tenants to purchase their council homes, when she introduced the right to buy scheme. They had to enslave us to the banks somehow, and what better way than have a Mortgage hanging around your neck.

People bought their houses in the early 80's, many at a big discount due to the number of years they had been tenants. Remember this was before the property boom in the mid 80's. In addition to this, council's were not allowed to build any additional houses or indeed spend any of the money that they received for the purchases of the housing stock.This was now the responsibility of Housing Associations, who would rent these new houses to people who would have been entitled to council houses.

Anyway, over the years, many of the people who had bought their council houses either died and left the houses to their families or decided to sell up in the Boom. What actually happened in a lot of cases was that the houses were sold to people looking to buy to rent.If you look at many council estates a good percentage are privately owned, but rented out through the council for social housing.

The rents private Landlords can charge are a lot more than what the council charges, and many people have been able to have these costs covered through Housing Benefit, even if they were working. However, the Coalition Government have reviewed these costs and they are to be dramatically cut in January 2012. This will put people in even more hardship, but then again, they got us into the financial mess in the first place.

So essentially, the reason you can't get a council house is the fact that the stock has reduced over the last 30 years without being replaced. Immigrants do not have priority, the Unemployed do not have priority, neither do single parents.

Many immigrants, unemployed and single parents are either in Housing Association accommodation or rent privately.

I do sympathise with your predicament, but hey, let;s deny ignorance and not blame all this country's ills on the above demographics

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Stovokor

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by Stovokor

Originally posted by SearchLightsInc

Originally posted by Stovokor

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
reply to post by Stovokor

Seriously, who does think about this things but that is neither here nor there. The fact of the matter is, I was under the notion that I work and pay my taxes so that I could recieve help from the state if needed.


Why is it the responsibility of your neighbors and fellow tax payers to take care of you when you make bad decisions? That is not the governments job. This is partly the reason western governments are in the financial trouble they are in.

When businesses make bad choices, governments (i.e. Taxpayers have to bail them out), when governments make bad decisions like stupid payers have to suffer, and when people start families they can't afford they want tax payers to support them...there's a huge flaw in this logic.

You made the decision to have sex, you are making the decision to have the baby and now you want tax payers to float the bill?? That's a problem. At what point do individuals become responsible for their decisions?

The guy only wants a house so his child can have its own room and you sound like your ready to make him dig his own grave and shoot him. Jesus christ, tighter then a ducks backside some people.

Millions of them sucking the taxpayers teet dry.

He needs to get a second or third job, use family to supplement childcare, and live cheap..not put both hands out demanding people that make wise family planning decisions to help support the unwise choice he has made.

I suppose being a father would be his second job because in reality, one person should only need ONE JOB. What makes you think his family should act as a childcare service? Maybe they're all out working to - You know, like people are expected to do.
Your making him out to be a scrounger yet this man clearly works, clearly pays his taxes and what not and when it comes to the system making arrangements so that he can raise the next generation that will become the workforce and pay taxes and most likely work until death (If retirement age keeps being put up) Why shouldn't he be able to live in a measly 2 bedroomed shoddy throw up flat/house?

If they had sat on his ass all his life i could understand your view here.

Did he make the decision to work and put himself through school to get a better paying job so he can start a family?

Listen, I'm not heartless but if you make e decision to kill someone the results are you go to jail.

If you make the decision to start a family before you are financially ready you have to pay the price and work a couple jobs to support yourself and your new family.

The UK and US are not socialist countries, we have the liberty to make decisions and must pay the price and reap the benefits of our decisions.

My partner and I both put ourselves through school and did without all through our twenties, now we are reaping the benefits of think and planning through our lives. We came from nothing to live pretty why should we and people like us have to pay for other people's bad decisions through higher taxes?

University places have been cut, there is currently a long waiting list to even take A-levels and the best bit? There are no jobs for graduates.
I dislike people who paint the world up as this wonderful place where if you work hard you receive rewards such as a higher then average wage - That is not the case.
This country has trained a #load of nurses and then at the end turned around (after getting them a fair few grand in debt) and told them there are no jobs. At the same time they're cutting essential services such as police, fire, ambulance and coastguards. And now even cutting the size of the army - Putting people on the dole and then you get the ignorant (Usually employed and sat firmly on their high horse's dictating that "You should have done better" Young people, born into the working class atleast - dont have a future.

BS. Tax payers have footed the bill for MP's, Banksters and foreigners - Both legal and illegal. We have paid for wars, we have paid for weapons programmes. We have paid for peoples healthcare and education when they dont even belong to this country.

You talk about social mobility like its totally possible for EVERYONE to go from rags to riches. Good for you that you put yourself through school, when was that by the way? If your american i suggest you take a deeper look into whats going on in this country before you start making "informed" opinions of this mans situation.

Im starting to see a clear pattern here, anyone who lives legitimately gets shafted. No one cares.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by Stovokor

Well well done to you and your wife. It sounds as if you're living the American dream. Everyone should look up to you and aspire to live a mistake free existence like you have. Pshhh!

Get off of the guys back and your platinum plated pedistool while you're at it. Sometimes things just happen in life. Things that you don't plan for. Sometimes people just make the wrong choices in life. Those people can still be hard working, ambitious people but unfortunately life gets in the way and they find themselves in hard times. But those people are worth helping. Those are the people who can and will contribute to society given the chance. This sounds like the bracket that the OP is in to me.

I agree that we shouldn't have to support the spongers of the world, and there are plenty of them who haven't paid a single penny towards the lifestyles they live in their government supplied accomodation, but in the OP's case he has paid his taxes like every other working adult in the UK. He should be entitled to get some of that back if he needs it.

Otherwise, what the hell are we paying for? Better roads? Better schools? Better healthcare? If you believe that it's any of those things then you've clearly never been to the UK.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Stovokor

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
reply to post by Stovokor

I take offence to your comments. For one I am the taxpayer and I deserve YES deserve help over those who do not want to work or are newcomers to the country.

My child although unplanned is not a problem. I will do all I can to house, feed and cloth my family but is help for the state I fund to much to ask?


So housing is a RIGHT in the UK? What makes you think you deserve government subsidized housing? where is that in your constitution?

It's good you will do all you can to support your family...but you do not DESERVE free or discounted housing paid for by the government. That's silly and the part of the problem.

Exactly why does the government deserve tax then?

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
reply to post by Stovokor

I take offence to your comments. For one I am the taxpayer and I deserve YES deserve help over those who do not want to work or are newcomers to the country.

My child although unplanned is not a problem. I will do all I can to house, feed and cloth my family but is help for the state I fund to much to ask?


I'm sorry but why are you so special?, I've been a tax payer since I was 13 but I'm not under the impression that I deserve help so are you?

Again, without being disrespectful, maybe you or your girlfriend should have been using contraceptive protection?
edit on 1/9/11 by Death_Kron because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Death_Kron

Originally posted by ALOSTSOUL
reply to post by Stovokor

I take offence to your comments. For one I am the taxpayer and I deserve YES deserve help over those who do not want to work or are newcomers to the country.

My child although unplanned is not a problem. I will do all I can to house, feed and cloth my family but is help for the state I fund to much to ask?



Again, without being disrespectful, maybe you or your girlfriend should have been using contraceptive protection?
edit on 1/9/11 by Death_Kron because: (no reason given)

How do you know they weren't? That's don't.

Oh and BTW, you sound like a perfect little tax payer. The government just love people like you. People who think they're too good or they're too proud to ask for anything back when times get hard.

They just love the likes of you. Pay your taxes, and expect nothing for it.

edit on 1-9-2011 by RMFX1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by SearchLightsInc

Historically we have paid taxes to ensure the ruling classes stay richer and to ensure we are their bitches!!

It pays for their lifestyles, their wars and the upkeep of their houses.

Rents from Council Houses used to pay for additional housing and the manitenance and upkeep of the housing stock.

There are less and less Council Houses now, ergo less rental income. Additionally Coucils are not allowed to build new homes. Housing Associations can and indeed on many new housing estates there are a nuber of Social Houses within the plan, but these are paid by and owned by Housing Associations
edit on 1/9/11 by Cobaltic1978 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by RMFX1
How do you know they weren't? That's don't.

Oh and BTW, you sound like a perfect little tax payer. The government just love people like you. People who think they're too good or they're too proud to ask for anything back when times get hard.

They just love the likes of you. Pay your taxes, and expect nothing for it.

edit on 1-9-2011 by RMFX1 because: (no reason given)

Wow, another member who expects everything to be given to them.

Ever heard of working hard?

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

whats wrong with private renting

On your wage you'll get not only child benefit (everyone gets) you'll also get working tax credit and probably a good deal of housing benefit to go towards the rent.... Go to the local council office and talk to them about what benefits your entitled to.
edit on 1/9/11 by Versa because: (no reason given)

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