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Who Controls the THEM!

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posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 05:09 PM
This is just MY idea of what really going on so far.
I have been thinking. bad idea I know!
there is a lot of evidence that there was other civilisation before us.
what if the so called powers that be, THEM.
are the clever dictators from the first time humans(?) became very intelligent?
and like now. the slaves are starting to See that they are slaves.
people are starting to wake and see that we are Not a part of ever thing.
that we are just sheep being used.
and They may not be as human as us!
they have been breeding us over tens of thousands of years.
so the things we call Aliens. are the true humans.
and we are just some thing they bred.
the humans at the top know this or think they are aliens.
and they take there orders from them.
but Them! the aliens play us all. like a game of civilisation.
and when they lose control of us. they just reset the game! boom!
and we go back to the dark ages.
in witch times they alter the history.
so we will be useable to Them.
so there is a THEM (Alien Them or A/T?) that controls the THEM.
I would like to know if any one agrees this could be possible.
and can the crazies just sprout gibberish and Rant.
Thank you.

A link to keep some of you happy!
and a pictore.

edit on 31-8-2011 by buddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 05:14 PM
I mentioned this before, but Pink Floyd already did a song about US and THEM. I don't know who THEM is, but maybe they are just ordinary people like US who think they are powerful. They are wrong. Dead Wrong.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 05:19 PM
I believe you have the basics

but I think Corporate Central is off planet

that is why we can't influence them by any amount of rebellion or complaint

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by buddha


You say this is just your idea. But don't you know that this idea has been around for a while now?
By changing just a few words, names and specifics, it sounds very much like the Christian idea of this world being controlled by the devil. Just the names and faces have been changed.

Do I think the scenario as you describe it might be true? Well, ah, sure. But so might many others if we give them as much room to bounce around in our minds as does this one.

Besides, if you go find a good sci/fi fantasy bookstore you will find bookoo stories that are very similar.

Prove it? I can't. Disprove it? Can't again. Believe it if you wish.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by buddha

I have often pondered the very same thing. Glad to see I'm not the only one. This has the potential to be the biggest conspiracy ever, the problem is that it is so far outside the box that 99.9% of people will not even consider it possible. Do they periodically hit the "reset" button?

Ahhh yes. Us and Them. Great song that implies something along these lines. Here is another one that is in the same vein.

Nice post, buddha. S+F

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 05:33 PM
The controlling intelligence is currently focused in the ELENIN tetrahedron craft. It's name is Sorat or Hor-at, it's name literally means "death" or "power of time and perfection of individual existence"

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 05:39 PM
May I just make a speculation from the way I've been brought up and say the best answer I have so far is a villiage/small city some little way east of the Tigris/Euphratis delta. That would only explain modern politics not necassarily the total origins of humanity itself.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 06:18 PM
Bits and pieces bouncing around my subconscious.
lets me see some of whats going on.
what others say and what I read.
all go to make it up.
some of us see the whole picture.
slowly me and many others are finding the truth.

there is No Devil or God. they are just some thing to make us do what They wont us to. or to make us feel good.
most people do good because they should.
I do good things because that is they way I am.
I dont fear god or the devil.
its just some thing to control you.
thousands of years of God and Devil.
have make you a robot.

Alien Them? that's the ones who tell the world leaders what to do.
but the A/T are the true humans. we are animals.
or the powers that be.
I have a new them. an very very old race.
they are immortal. I dont know where they live.
they let the human race grow and build technology.
but when the human race gets aware that they are sheep/slaves.
they will become uncontrollable.
so the best thing for them to do is kill off 95% of us!
and start it over with modifications.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 10:47 PM
I found a post that goes well with my post.
please have a look at it.
"Those We Call Cavemen Were Just What Was Left Of
Humanity After The Last Time We Destroyed Ourselves"
and have a look at OOparts on a google search.
out of place artifices. and Utube OOparts.
like things found in rock in deep mines.
edit on 31-8-2011 by buddha because: why not?

posted on Sep, 9 2011 @ 02:01 PM
Whatever you do just don't say they are 4th dimension prison warders....

I just don't get that... I'm pretty sure them is just them and they are the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, carnagies, morgans, etc

posted on Sep, 12 2011 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by RainDog

nice vid

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by TerryMcGuire
reply to post by buddha


You say this is just your idea. But don't you know that this idea has been around for a while now?
By changing just a few words, names and specifics, it sounds very much like the Christian idea of this world being controlled by the devil. Just the names and faces have been changed.

Do I think the scenario as you describe it might be true? Well, ah, sure. But so might many others if we give them as much room to bounce around in our minds as does this one.

Besides, if you go find a good sci/fi fantasy bookstore you will find bookoo stories that are very similar.

Prove it? I can't. Disprove it? Can't again. Believe it if you wish.

Interesting how some of the most ancient texts read like science fiction. Ever read the book of Enoch? That in conjunction with the Genesis 6 account is really as sci fi as it gets. I know you probably don't buy into the biblical christian viewpoint to this whole conspiracy and NWO thing, but it does make a lot of sense.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 06:30 PM
"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay"

This is prophecy, but isn't it interesting that "they" shall mingle themselves with the seed of men. Who is they? Interesting.

posted on Sep, 18 2011 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by FaceLikeTheSun

Originally posted by TerryMcGuire
reply to post by buddha


You say this is just your idea. But don't you know that this idea has been around for a while now?
By changing just a few words, names and specifics, it sounds very much like the Christian idea of this world being controlled by the devil. Just the names and faces have been changed.

Do I think the scenario as you describe it might be true? Well, ah, sure. But so might many others if we give them as much room to bounce around in our minds as does this one.

Besides, if you go find a good sci/fi fantasy bookstore you will find bookoo stories that are very similar.

Prove it? I can't. Disprove it? Can't again. Believe it if you wish.

Interesting how some of the most ancient texts read like science fiction. Ever read the book of Enoch? That in conjunction with the Genesis 6 account is really as sci fi as it gets. I know you probably don't buy into the biblical christian viewpoint to this whole conspiracy and NWO thing, but it does make a lot of sense.
I try to "buy" into as many things as I can until I find the add on prices. Once something begins demanding that I swallow whole hog what it is presenting then I back away. This is my relationship with the Christian belief system as well as all others which rely on "ancient texts".

I have found many things in the Bible to be of value. Other things in it are interesting. For instance in 1969 there was a massive oil spill in the Santa Barbara Channel. At that time I was reading Revelations. There it said that in the last days, the sea would be as the blood of a dead man, or something to that extent. Well, I quickly drew a relationship between the blood of a dead man and the oil in the sea. A dead mans blood turns from red to dark due to lack of oxygen. The oil might appear as the blood of a dead man.

Well is this what the Bible was getting at? Oil spills? Maybe, maybe not. For me it is interesting.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 08:31 AM
My money is on an Alien influence, but this isn't because I believe in extraterrestrials or ultradimensional demons or have witnessed UFOs, but because there is definitely an ANTI HUMAN character behind what has consistently governed our world throughout all its known human history, that of the past 3 millenia, because we are kept in the dark of anything much earlier than that... I would prefer to think it is human, because we have a better chance changing people than in defeating other worldly beings most of us cannot even know exist tangibly at the present time!



posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 08:49 AM
ALL are energies from the CREATOR FIRST* So them are just more aware energies then YOU. Them may be part of the kingdom of NATAS 1/3 who fell and are ordered to CONTROLL or contain until further notice.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by MrsBlonde

I think Corporate Central is off planet

that is why we can't influence them by any amount of rebellion or complaint

I hear that corporate central is like a palace, the aliens within live like kings and queens and they have little regard for the welfare of the peasants.

I hear they force thier slaves to perform in huge orgies for the enjoyment of the king and queen

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by buddha

....If EBE, (scientific term: Extraterrestrial Biological Entities) have taken over now or 100's, even thousands/millions of years ago, I would like to know if they really know what they are doing! I mean, if their new to this world, then how do they know in what they are doing now to us is right, even if they are far in advance than us, I still need to know if things are working out correctly in their planning. Consider this scenario, if we truly did evolve without any interference from an advanced alien race, would we have made it this far on our own, or would we still be swinging from the trees as apes? Did we ever evolve from apes in the first place! I for one, would like to meet these alien rulers, have a chat, try to understand what they want from us, or evolving us into! I'm ready!! It's been far too long overdue is our meeting!

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by buddha

You can find out what is happening now by pasting this heading into 'youtube', ..."If You Dont Believe Watch This- Recent Mass UFO Sightings 2011" ,....
as you have said in your post about 'us' being started over again, this is probably the most important video clip you have/will EVER: seen/heard, see/hear!!

posted on Nov, 18 2011 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by buddha
I have to agree with you completely. And I must agree that no matter the level or amount of resistance or stomping our feet at OWS will influence these "THEM"s.

The "THEMS" already know the game is rigged in their favor because of outside influences, guidance, knowledge. For instance would our scientists have known the full ramifications of fluoridating the water supplies? I suggest they were given this info and later they saw how well it worked. Same thing with the monetary system. Who knew back in the 1700s you could rule the world one day just by giving out pieces of paper for gold. No, I say the knowledge base of all these control institutions is far more extensive, and far more older that we could imagine.

As far as Where the "THEM" owners reside, its defiantly not with the slaves. We find ourselves in a very well thought out non-"Reality" with built in smoke and mirrors. Secret Fraternal institutions who's only real reason for being is to control everyone's mind. And to control it in what fashion? By spreading fairy tales and misdirect the inquisitive mind.

The outcome of any effort to counter their plans is, or should say has been by way of "Controlled Resistance". They create the group of freedom seekers, only to thwart the effort before it gains steam. This is to identify who might be able to see the truth and spread it, and lean how to control it more effectively in the future. This may be the case in the most recent effort of the "Thrive" documentary. I do not judge a documentary by what is in it, but rather, what is not!!! Yes, the Rothschild's are now going to be sacrificed for the cause, but more covert and powerful "Owners" will be inserted into our reality.

It is in my opinion that "THEY" reside in a location that you have been taught just doesn't exist. Why? Because you can not attack an enemy in a location you can not get to.

At this point the ones in the know will argue we have no right to stand up and demand our freedom from our creators, our owners, but when those creators and owners treat their possessions worse than tortured animals, I say every dog that has ever been kicked by its master, shall surely have its day!

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