posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 05:15 PM
I did have one incident that happened a long time ago that was quite weird. It happened at a bar (so I guess that explains something). It was fairly
late and not many people in the bar. I encountered a man near the entrance and he stopped me, and started talking to me like he knew me and was very
excited to see me. I had no idea who he was and thought, okay, just some drunk. He seemed really, really convinced I was someone he knew, and I got
from what he was saying to me that he had known me from some military base at "Four Corners".
When he mentioned "Four Corners", I thought he was maybe referring to the "Four Corners" which is by Edwards Air Force Base in California. I knew
this only from seeing the name on a road map as I passed by Edwards, headed north on a highway on a vacation through California. But when I mentioned
Edwards, he shook his head and said he meant the Four Corners area where the four states meet. I told him I didn't know of any base in that area. At
that point, he mentioned Dulce, New Mexico (which is actually quite a ways from Four Corners I figure). He did indicate that he had been involved in
some sort of "Special Ops Force" with I am assuming the US Army (or perhaps Air Force). I think he indicated to me he was Apache Indian (and he
certainly looked Apache or from that area rather than local BC Coastal or interior aboriginal ethnicity). I should state that I have European ancestry
and am not of aboriginal background.
I can't remember all that we talked about, but I did get the feeling he had been involved in some sort of secret military facility from that area.
I'm not sure if he mentioned anything to do with "aliens" but I seem to remember that we may have touched on that topic. After talking for a while,
I think he realized I was not the guy he knew, so he sort of clammed up and got quiet. He seemed really let down that I wasn't this guy he knew, so I
guess this must have been someone who was a friend (so he must have known this guy fairly well). For that reason, I think he was telling me the truth
about this base, and I have to wonder where this base is. I did get the impression it might be an underground base he was referring to.
It was a very weird incident and made me wonder if I might have a "twin" somewhere, even if it is just someone who looks like me.