posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 01:35 AM
There is alot of complaining about how America is corrupt and the people's rights are being taken away yet these same people who are so passionate
about this fail to act to make a change. It makes one wonder why they are even bringing it up.
Are they hoping someone else makes the changes for them or do they just like to complain. This thread is not about Civil Rights but rather to bring
attention to how the people can actively change they system and not just complain about it. I feel that society today is not brave enough to endure
the things many of the people supporting Civil Rights did and that is a shame to me.
Woolworth sit-in, Jackson, MS. May 28, 1963
"This was the most violently attacked sit-in during the 1960s and is the most publicized. A huge mob gathered, with open police support while the
three of us sat there for three hours. I was attacked with fists, brass knuckles and the broken portions of glass sugar containers, and was burned
with cigarettes. I'm covered with blood and we were all covered by salt, sugar, mustard, and various other things.
Organized by CORE, two integrated groups of Freedom Riders enter Alabama on May 14, 1961. One bus is ambushed and burned by a racist mob outside
of Anniston.
When the buses pull into Montgomery the riders are viciously attacked by yet another waiting mob. Reporters and photographers are also brutally
assaulted and their cameras smashed to prevent the rest of America from seeing pictures of the Klan assault on nonviolent young men and women. After
the attack, Freedom Rider Jim Zwerg waits for transportation to a hospital (segregation laws prohibit Black taxi drivers from giving rides to whites,
and white cabbies refuse to transport Freedom Riders of any race).
In this photo, a young white man who had joined the black students in sympathy is dragged from the counter and beaten by other white
All of this non-violent protest eventually led to change at the highest level of government with Johnson signing into law legislation that would
drastically alter the system.
My question to those that are the most upset and worried about the current government is this. What are you doing to cause change at the highest
level. Do you have the courage to stand up for what you believe in or are you going to pull out your fancy gun and shoot the first person that touches
you while you protest?
Do you believe a certain presidential candidate is America's only hope to save this country and if so what are you doing about it? Are you going door
to door and holding rally's to make sure he or she get's into office or is just saying, "America is doomed unless......" sufficient for you?
Do you have the Courage To Stand Up For What You Believe or are they just hollow words you spew out hoping others take up the mantle? Next time you
complain vigorously about something remember to ask yourself this.