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Forrest Gump Actor's Dead Cousin Calls Collect: Help Me! You Know How To Help Me!

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posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:40 PM
A dead man called collect from the great beyond? Yeah, why not.

He's an actor, acting out a written script.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by butcherguy

Originally posted by simone50m
reply to post by getreadyalready

I recall in the Bible somewhere, reference to "the second death" and I often wondered if that was regarding the dissolution of an individual's soul.
I believe that the 'second death' refers to the death of the physical body.

The 'first death' is the death of the ego.

This show is actually somewhat good. I think some of the stories are exaggerated a bit but nontheless interesting. The one that i had a hard time accepting was someone wandering into a small town in the UK and seeing all these "zombies" just walking around, all dressed in black and going about their business.

So according to the Bible, the "first death" is ego? When does this happen, before death of the physical body ?

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:54 PM
Wow, that's a creepy story. Made the hair on my neck stand up! I'd say the guy is taking quite a risk telling this story, the risk is great and the reward small. So I'd say it's probably legit. He didn't specifically say his friend was going to hell, it's for each of us to decide exactly what was going on here.

Originally posted by b3l13v3
Any god who knowingly allows evil is evil himself, any god who ignores the symptoms of evil and allows them to exist is evil.

Evil is all around us, what do each of us do to stop it? Does the fact that we do nothing mean we're all evil simply by some kind of association? Your argument makes no sense. For those of us who believe in God, we also believe that we are in the middle of His plan, not at the end of it. Once you see the entire plan completed, then the middle will make sense even though it doesn't make sense to you now. Think yin-yang, without evil we have no understanding of good and vice versa. If you didn't have exposure to evil and corruption, then you wouldn't know perfection if it slapped you across the face. On the eternal timeline this current life will be brief indeed, but from our current perspective it seems like everything. But it's just a speed bump on a long, long journey.

Originally posted by b3l13v3
Any god who created all and also created evil as well as good is evil. It's a endless loop.

You're narrowing your view of God to a particular Biblical view (IE, that He created everything including evil). You have to go beyond that and understand that something like evil may not have been created, but was a byproduct of His other creations.

Originally posted by b3l13v3
It should be fairly easy for you to understand this, it is not a complex concept.

No, there's nothing simple about it. If it was simple then people wouldn't have been arguing about it for thousands of years.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by simone50m
I could never become fully practicing religious, due to the eternal burning Hell concept. How can a God be merciful to punish that, it wayyyyyy outweighs any temporary human crime.

It isn't God. The system is basically decentralised, in that sense.

One Biblical quote that is relevant here, is where Jesus says that, "In my Father's house, there are many mansions."

There's basically a very large number of what I can only describe as virtual realities; usually relatively small areas, like maps in a first person shooter computer game, except they're made from the akash, or astral space. Which one you get drawn to depends on a combination of sympathetic resonance (both your belief system, and what you believe you deserve) and the karmic principle.

Some of them could be considered Heavens, others would be described as Hells. What Dreams May Come and Bill And Ted's Bogus Journey both offer a reasonable illustration of the concept. James Redfield provides some interesting corroboration in The Tenth Insight, as well.

This is the entire reason why Christians are able to consider their belief system real, even though it actually isn't the only one that is, in universal terms. Yes, Jesus Christ can and does save people, but not quite for the reasons they think. If you believe in Jesus, it's a combination of what you end up believing you deserve, (sympathetic resonance) and karmic protection via compassionate/altruistic behaviour, that actually saves you. Read James; he talks about the necessity of positive works. Paul's doctrine of grace alone is actually incorrect.

There isn't an external God who arbitrarily sends people to Hell. The system is much more dynamic than that, and as I said, much more decentralised. Your destination after death, depends on both your karmic state, and your psychological/belief state at that point.

So yes, Hell is real, and you really can go there; but not usually permanently, (although getting out usually does tend to be extremely difficult, depending on a number of variables) and it's also important to understand how to avoid it.

There's a guy called Bruce Moen who has written a number of books on this subject. I believe in his perspective.
edit on 31-8-2011 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2011 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2011 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by SavedOne

Irrational thought has been with us for thousands of years too.
ed it on 31-8-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 01:06 PM
I don't have any, what you would call, "strong convictions" concerning the afterlife. I have my beliefs, but part of being open minded about something that no living person will never fullly understand is the fact that you can change your beliefs when you hear of an alternate viewpoint that you hadn't yet heard, which makes more sense than what you are believing right now.

My belief about the afterlife, based on my life experiences up to this point, is that reincrnation is what will happen when a person dies. How EXACTLY that happens, I don't know. Are you reincarnated into a better person because you did good things in this life? Are you reincarnated as a bad person because of the bad things you did in this life? Is that, ultimately, what "heaven and hell" is? Do you get reincarnated into a body on a different planet that is either better or worse than this one dependant upon your actions here? Is this what heaven and hell is? Do any or all of these scenrios have anything to do with the fact that we all have certain"electrical currents" running through our bodies? And that both the good and bad actions we partake of dictate which set of currents are the strongest upon our bodily death, more or less "directing" which way or spirit or soul will go?

When I actually have time to sit and ponder the afterlife, these are the types of questions I have. When I tell people I question everything, they don't know the half of it. I believe "Jesus Christ" was from another planet, or at the very least was more in tune to the humans' 6th sense than anyone before him or since, and that "God" was a term assigned to an "entity" ( for the lack of a better one) that the people thousands of years ago thought was in control of everything becasue of certain things that happened that they could not explain rationally.

And what is the difference between the people thousands of years ago and people now? In this context?


There isn't one person alive that can tell you conclusively what happens after we die. For all of the achievements that mankind has orchestrated over the centuries, we still.......don't......know. We all have our opinions and beliefs, but in the end, they mean nothing. Because that's all they are. Opinions and beliefs. Yet we all want to claim that ours is right, that others' are wrong and that we will actually fight and kill each other over something that we ultimately know nothing about.

What people should do is take the video in the OP with an open mind, ask themselves: "what if it is true?" and see where it sits with their own beliefs. See if they they can take something out of it they can learn from. Something that can help answer their own personal questions they have about the afterlife. Actually, this is what people of all faiths and beliefs should do with all others. Learn from each other instead of letting their ego's or inferiority complexes tell them that they're right and everyone alse is either wrong or a crackpot. If that actually happened, people might be surprised, even overwhelmed, at how much of an achievemnet can be made on a spiritual level for ALL people on earth. For the human race as a whole.

And THAT my friends, is an achievement I could really sink my teeth into..
edit on 31-8-2011 by Taupin Desciple because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by blackmetalmist

Originally posted by butcherguy

Originally posted by simone50m
reply to post by getreadyalready

I recall in the Bible somewhere, reference to "the second death" and I often wondered if that was regarding the dissolution of an individual's soul.
I believe that the 'second death' refers to the death of the physical body.

The 'first death' is the death of the ego.

This show is actually somewhat good. I think some of the stories are exaggerated a bit but nontheless interesting. The one that i had a hard time accepting was someone wandering into a small town in the UK and seeing all these "zombies" just walking around, all dressed in black and going about their business.

So according to the Bible, the "first death" is ego? When does this happen, before death of the physical body ?

Ideally. yes. Letting go of your ego, the way I see it at least, is letting go of the assumptions that you know certain things beyond the shadow of a doubt and no one will ever convinve you otherwise. Once you do that, you open the door to all the other possibilites there are, giving yourself access to more knowledge.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by Pocky
I have seen this before,is it possible?I think so,but the first thing that came to mind is he wanted Mike to pray for him.I'm not religious in the typical sense but I do believe in the power of prayer or meditation.We have an idea of what happens right after death but what happens after that?That opens the door to many possibilities,including this one...which is very scary!

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by simone50m

Hell is not the popularized Dante's Inferno place, it is just a spiritual death. A soul gets many, many, many chances to evolve, but eventually the soul is "allowed" to die. There is no eternal torture, that is just a bedtime story.

The soul getting many, many, many chances to evolve is the real bedtime story. No people, no-one gets hurt you can rape, murder, steal, molester kids and not think twice until you die, dont worry you'll get another chance to evolve........... GOD forbid.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by ararisq

My thoughts exactly. When I began watching him, it struck me how honest and sincere he appeared, then I thought 'oh yeah, hes an actor'.

The story still gave me the creeps though.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 02:14 PM
I can't help feeling this is over exagerrated. The guy is an actor, who says he doesnt speak of this often, and then goes on TV to say it !

I wish he wasnt an actor, I may well believe him otherwise

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 02:19 PM
A more Credible, Researched, Scientific, Cross Cultural, Cross Belief System, Cross Socio Economic standing descriptions of what happens when we die and TRUTH are found:



edit on 31-8-2011 by MischeviousElf because: Link

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 02:23 PM
Here's what really likely happened....

Female calls the house asking for "Mikey"........his girlfriend hands him the phone and in a split second he comes up with this story......

Then tells his girlfriend the female was the "Collect Call Operator". Hence why it wasn't on his bill.

When in all reality....the phone call was from a girl he was having "relations" with. Excellent cover story Mike.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by MischeviousElf
A more Credible, Researched, Scientific, Cross Cultural, Cross Belief System, Cross Socio Economic standing descriptions of what happens when we die and TRUTH are found:



edit on 31-8-2011 by MischeviousElf because: Link

Interesting link. They do collect some interesting data but they try way too hard to legitimize bunkum such as 'soulmates' and 'afterlife'.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by SavedOne

Evil is all around us, what do each of us do to stop it? Does the fact that we do nothing mean we're all evil simply by some kind of association? Your argument makes no sense.

I'm at a loss how my argument makes no sense. I never once said that it is our job to do something about what others do, I said it is our responsibility to take action of what we ourselves do. I'd kindly ask that you reread what I have said, as you have a wildly misinterpretated version of my view.

For those of us who believe in God, we also believe that we are in the middle of His plan, not at the end of it.

So, you knowingly believe that someone else has dictation over the way you live and perceive yourself, and how to judge you without your intellectual consent?

Think yin-yang, without evil we have no understanding of good and vice versa. If you didn't have exposure to evil and corruption, then you wouldn't know perfection if it slapped you across the face.

What is perfection? God? I believe perfection is the advancement beyond good and evil, the advancement of taking responsibility of your own actions. Any conscious being knows yin and yang, and if they understand the difference between both, then than they understand ascension and the acceptance of reality in a whole. They understand that they are not perfect, and they are yin and yang. They themselves are good and evil, and they themselves determine what path they follow. When they advance beyond the dualist perspective of good vs evil, they become at peace with themselves. Peace is not good nor evil, peace is something that can be achieved by neither good nor evil. Peace is something that means you are content with yourself. As long as you have the idea of good and evil, you will never be content with yourself.

On the eternal timeline this current life will be brief indeed, but from our current perspective it seems like everything. But it's just a speed bump on a long, long journey.

I don't understand how this all corresponds with the concept of a all knowing god...

The real question is why do you need anyone besides yourself to determine if you're a good or bad person.

Obviously if you're in question about if you're a good or bad person, you already know the answer.


edit on 31-8-2011 by b3l13v3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by CherryV
I can't help feeling this is over exagerrated. The guy is an actor, who says he doesnt speak of this often, and then goes on TV to say it !

I wish he wasnt an actor, I may well believe him otherwise

The story actually does have a fairly high degree of consistency with other such accounts. The possible use of the phone as a communication medium is probably unlikely, particularly given the fact that the girlfriend answered it; but a phone is a device which would have existed in the frame of reference both of the deceased and the subject, and is therefore possible.

It is important to understand that these sorts of accounts usually are not completely original each time. There is generally quite a high degree of collaboration and consistency, which lends weight, in my opinion, to the possibility that they genuinely do occur.

As I have said earlier in this thread, I am familiar both with a theoretical framework supporting these kinds of experiences, as well as having had a couple of them myself; so I do not have a particularly difficult time believing this account. It is not inconsistent.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 09:28 PM

Originally posted by CherryV
I can't help feeling this is over exagerrated. The guy is an actor, who says he doesnt speak of this often, and then goes on TV to say it !

I wish he wasnt an actor, I may well believe him otherwise

The story actually does have a fairly high degree of consistency with other such accounts. The possible use of the phone as a communication medium is probably unlikely, particularly given the fact that the girlfriend answered it; but a phone is a device which would have existed in the frame of reference both of the deceased and the subject, and is therefore possible.

It is important to understand that these sorts of accounts usually are not completely original each time. There is a moderate degree of established literature, and generally quite a high degree of collaboration and consistency, which lends weight, in my opinion, to the possibility that they genuinely do occur.

As I have said earlier in this thread, I am familiar both with a theoretical framework supporting these kinds of experiences, as well as having had a couple of them myself; so I do not have a particularly difficult time believing this account. It is not inconsistent.
edit on 31-8-2011 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by simone50m

Oh man that would suck...every animal? sooo many spiders I crushed and ants I poisoned...wasps hit with bats out of mid air...I am in for a hell of a ride huh?
edit on 8/31/2011 by Alexander the Great because: Spelling

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by simone50m

Hell is not the popularized Dante's Inferno place, it is just a spiritual death. A soul gets many, many, many chances to evolve, but eventually the soul is "allowed" to die. There is no eternal torture, that is just a bedtime story.

Moen interprets the "second death," as an incident which occurs when the individual personality (what you currently think of as yourself, or I think of as myself) first goes to a given Hell (or Heaven, actually) construct, and then becomes sufficiently invested in that reality, to the point where they lose any desire to ever leave.

At that point, the oversoul's connection with the individual personality is removed, (think of "pulling the plug," within the Matrix films) and the personality dies or gradually ceases to exist within that particular Heaven/Hell, because the fundamental animating principle is no longer present.

So in other words, as already mentioned, the Bible is generally accurate. The second death genuinely can occur; and this is the single main reason why Hell constructs truly are dangerous. As this particular account strongly implies, Hells (Heavens can be too, but are usually more visibly consistent with the idea of free will) are "sticky," places.

That is, not only do you have lots of other spirits hanging on to you, which don't want to let you go; but you've also got an environment which is entirely based around a particular theme, where the individual generally has no available examples of positive behaviour that they can emulate. As a result, raising your sphere to the point where you are no longer in resonance with the construct in question, becomes largely (although not necessarily entirely, again depending on variables associated with the individual case) impossible.

Hence, the Biblical implication of Hell being eternal is, again, quite correct and accurate. It very often genuinely can be, for the individual involved.

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 07:02 AM
Interesting story and colourful dramatisation.

I’m on the fence here. I've heard many stories of contact from deceased loved ones, and I would LIKE to believe, because it would give me a sense of comfort (since both my parents have passed on). However, thinking rationally, publicity like this would be good for Mykelti Williamson, as he is viewed in a sincere light and this could prompt potential directors/producers watching that he’d be perfect for their next big blockbuster.

Not discrediting the actor at all, just considering both sides.

But I like that the video inspires you to consider your life in terms of karma. To me, the religious debate can be problematic, as it’s like someone saying, “I like apples the best” and someone else responding “No, oranges are better.” There’s no point enforcing your beliefs onto others. If they prefer apples, then they prefer apples, that’s all there is to it. If everyone believed the same thing - whether it concerns religion, politics, or whether pineapple on pizza is a ridiculous concept (one of my lifelong convictions by which I will stand until my dying day) - then the world would be a boring place.

Getting back to the paranormal aspect, I was fascinated to hear iwan2sk's account of Brandy – has anyone else out there had this happen to them?

The closest thing I’ve come to “contact” with the other side has been in dreams, never involving my mother (who died when I was 5), only with my father (who raised me as a single parent and passed away in 2003). I’ve had some spooky experiences during sleep paralysis but that is probably for another thread

edit on 1-9-2011 by Marrakesh because: I'm too wordy!!

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