posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 04:39 PM
I landscape on the weekends as a secondary job and I mainly weed whack/eat. I always wear my goggles and a few guys that work with me always call me
rec specs or some other juvenile name from the 90's. A few weeks ago while talking political during lunch someone stopped me mid sentence and said
"Dude I cant take you seriously with those glasses on, we're eating take them off for a minute". I laughed obliged and said "I'm just so used to them
you should wear some too." "F those stupid things like I'm afraid of a little twig or rock." No more than a half hour later I see a few people rushing
off behind a house here we were working. Turns out Johnny naysayer took a rock to the eye and had to go to the hospital. He was fine (had to use eye
drops, and a patch I think) but sure as as the sun, the next time I saw him, Johnny and 4 guys of the five remaining crew had some type of goggles on.
Anyways I'm glad that the man in the story is okay. Even more so that he didn't lose an eye. That would be a horrible thing to happen to anyone
especially to an older citizen whos gardening is very important to him in several aspects.
Just remember safety first my friends.
That is all
edit on 30/8/11 by TrowaBarton because: Very bad sentence structure.