posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 10:38 AM
Hello World!
I finally created an account because something was bothering me. Lately I've been seeing ALOT of information regarding Time Travel and the paradoxes
associated with it. What's been bothering me about this is something that I don't understand.
First off, one theory of time travel is travelling faster than light. Well from my uneducated understanding and please correct me if I'm wrong. The
only reason people think they're travelling back in time is because if you move faster then light wherever you go the light has either already been
there, or has not been there yet (forward in time and backward in time). Maybe I just don't understand that but that means there will never be a
situation where you would run into two of you and you would never be in the same spot twice at the same moment in time ie, if you left earth in 2008
and traveled faster then light around the nearest galaxy and back you would never be in 2008 in the same month / day again.
Secondly wormholes, They say if you bend space/time you go through one and you've time traveled. Again, I don't understand how it's time travelling
if the whole theory is the same light in one place hasn't reached another yet, this leaves no room for paradoxes as you would never make a "clone"
of yourself for lack of better terms you could never find yourself.
Any thoughts?