posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 03:23 AM
Gladly. Names will have to be omitted for obvious reasons.
About 8 months ago I had a young man (20 years-old) come to me because he wanted help sleeping at night, which is very common among people who have
asked me for help. He said every night he feels like he wakes up 3AM, but is still in a dream-like state. He said the problem started a week before
the first session took place. Before I put him under, I tried to find the root of the problem and from what I gathered he did nothing out of the
ordinary that would cause him to wake up (more caffeine, naps during day, etc.). That typically means its a sub-conscious issue. I hypnotized him and
started digging for the root of the problem. At first, I wasn't having any luck and was about to move on to the solution, but the last question I
asked got an unusual response. I asked him to go back one week and describe his night. He fell asleep regularly but at 3AM he awoke feeling completely
stiff and unable to move. He said he also knew he wasn't alone in his room. I continued to dig for information, asking him to describe who was in the
room with him. He began to become a little restless. He said he didn't know, but it was a kind presence. He felt as if the presence was there to help
him. The presence was not physically communicating, but rather using telepathy. At this point he began to show signs of discomfort, so I had to pull
him out of hypnosis. Once he was completely aware, I asked him if he remembered feeling another presence at 3AM. He had no (conscious) memory at all.
I asked him how his health had been since heThis was very uncommon for me and early in my career, so I sent him to do a sleep study, but told him I
wanted to do a follow up session with him. I haven't been able to contact him since.
I don't know what you all make out of it. He was clearly awake sub-consciously during his 3AM episodes, but consciously he is still asleep. I would
love to get some opinions on this, because it baffles me.