posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 11:33 PM
There is a relationship between dreams and reality. Its more towards real life affecting the dreams than the other way. However, sometimes very
important real-life decisions can be made using the subconscious (dreams). Try reading on
Dream Incubation.
If a dream is recurring, then usually there is a certain meaning behind it. A recurring "falling" dream is generally associated with insecurities,
anxieties, or instabilities in real life. Click
here for more explanation. Different interpretations are possible, so try searching.
May be you fell off your bed while dreaming and that could be the reason why your body was hurting, or there could be another reason. There isn't any
scientifically provable theory that I know of claiming an event of a dream affecting a person physically in real life, like your story. Well, that
doesn't mean I'm right, there could be.
Try posting more details of your experiences.