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Maybe we are the aliens.

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posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:19 PM
Maybe we are the aliens.

What is up ATS. This will be my first post on the ATS forums. I am currently writing this in notepad because I haven't made enough posts to make my own thread on the forums yet. Man, I do not know where to start, but be prepared, it is probably going to be quite a long read. So grab your reading glasses and pour yourself a cup of coffee and put your thinking cap on, ^.^

I am going to be proposing the idea that we are aliens of earth. Imagine every form of life on earth as a small piece of a huge jigsaw puzzle. Just picture that in your mind. A normal jigsaw puzzle just fits right together right? You don't have to break an existing piece to fit another in, it just fits together. Now imagine our species, imagine us fitting perfectly into that jigsaw puzzle. It doesn't work right? As humans we break other pieces, completely removing some pieces out of the puzzle so that humans can fit in. By removing pieces out of the puzzle, I am of course talking about animals going extinct. Now imagine, perhaps the reason we fit so badly into this jigsaw puzzle, is because we are the piece of another jigsaw puzzle all together!

Just look at how much humans dominate all the other species! Have any of you seen those threads about animals being kept in horrible conditions? The reason these animals are being put through conditions like this is because they can't do anything about it. Humans are too smart and animals too dumb. We can make very complicated machines, where I think the best tool a certain type of monkey can make is a rolled up leaf used as a cup to drink water out of.

If anybody plays any video games around here, just imagine (Modern Warfare 2) that all the species other than human have only a riot shield. No grenades, no knife, no other guns. The humans on the other hand have ump45's with unlimited ammo and no need to reload, unlimited semtex's, secondary is akimbo model 1880's (before they were nerfed) with no need to reload and unlimited ammo.

Now for those who don't have a clue on what I just said, its like an army of ten-thousand trained professionals against six people who have never held a gun in their life. It's ridiculous!

Now the problem with all of the above is all the evidence is pointing to us once being one of them. For some reason, we started off as equals and humans have just risen to complete domination. We don't fit in. There's something different about us.

-----So basically the lesson above is that we don't fit in. We are equal, and then we are not. We seem to be ahead------

I want to talk a little about believing. When people talk about aliens, they tend to say the word "believe". "Do you believe in aliens?" A friendly stranger might say. But me personally, I don't like the word believe.

be·lieve (b-lv)
v. be·lieved, be·liev·ing, be·lieves
1. To accept as true or real: (Do you believe the news stories?)
2. To credit with veracity: (I believe you.)
3. To expect or suppose; think: (I believe they will arrive shortly.)
1. To have firm faith, especially religious faith.
2. To have faith, confidence, or trust: (I believe in your ability to solve the problem.)
3. To have confidence in the truth or value of something: (We believe in free speech.)
4. To have an opinion; think: (They have already left, I believe.)

Even though I'm talking about the possibility of aliens, I don't "accept" them as true or real. Until I personally see an alien up close, I don't think I will.

I "think its possible" that aliens exist. I don't "know".

Also, i've read a lot of stuff on ATS about that "feeling" that you just "know". Or your, "inner sense".

I don't know about you, but I don't know if that is reliable in any sense. If anything, my "inner sense" tells me that using my "inner sense" is unreliable, haha.

All this thread is just "thinking" and "speculation" There isn't a whole lot of facts yet.

------------------Ways that we could have ended up being superier!------------

Aliens could have manipulated our DNA a long, long time ago so that we become better.

Aliens could have taught us things a long, long time ago before written records, and helped us become more knowledgable than animals could have become because they weren't taught things. Far-fetched I know.

Alright! That about sums it up, I want to hear everybodies opinions on this and I want to hear about anybodies ideas that are similar but a bit different or something like that. Thanks for reading if you got this far

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:25 PM
Interesting idea.

I espicially liked the jigsaw puzzle example, although were not the only species who have driven others to extinction.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:42 PM
Partial credit.
Humans aren't native to this planet, we're genetically engineered of the DNA framework from foreign sentient beings, so in a sense we are aliens, i recognize humans as aliens but the general consensus doesn't.

But we are made specifically for this planet, due to being mixed with the original inhabitants.
edit on 29-8-2011 by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by thesearchfortruth

Hmm true that! But as a species we are still pretty unbalanced because we have the capability to blow the whole planet up.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien

"Foreign Sentient Beings?"

Never heard that term before, care to explain

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by StellarPie
reply to post by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien

"Foreign Sentient Beings?"

Never heard that term before, care to explain

Sure take a look at this video, and watch all the way through, it has a lot of good info on human origins, not all of it, but a tiny fraction of our true origins.
It explains slightly who the sentient beings are, a lot of people refer to them as the Annunaki, but no one really knows for sure, so i just say sentient beings, since we humans are sentient, and modeled after those who engineered us, master geneticists.
It why some humans are disabled, some are smart, most are dumb, due to gene splicing when we were being made, obviously they dont care about us, so when a mistake was made, it wasn't corrected.

edit on 29-8-2011 by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:08 AM
We could be aliens, but that hardly discounts that we could be visited by different aliens. I mean honestly.. we are ALL aliens, when you come to think about it. If our theory of evolution is correct, and we originated from asteroids with water with the building blocks of life.. we are alien, no two ways about it. Which may well be true for many alien species out there.

It doesn't matter imo. The issue is if we are being visited by OTHER aliens. I think we are.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:14 AM
Of course we are the aliens. at least a part of them...Half alien, half primate. There is no missing link.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by StellarPie

Good first thread StellarPie. It is very fun to imagine what-ifs. Science isn't foolproof, and neither is history. They are works in progress (which is funny when you consider the word history!)

A lot of what you mentioned are thoughts already on this site. Give the terra papers a try and go from there. It may be a story, it may not. Either way, it has definitely influenced a lot of thoughts/threads here.

I hope you are enjoying the site. Try to have some fun while you are at it too

edit on 30-8-2011 by adraves because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:39 AM
Our DNA is almost identical to other species here on this planet. That fact argues we are from here. However life on this planet may have originated from out in space somewhere. If you've studied dinosaurs, you know that humans haven't dominated this planet for very long. Without our massive numbers and technology, or you with club versus a T Rex, I don't think humans would dominate. Supposedly humans have only been around less than a million years so it's a good question to ask where did we come from?

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 03:18 AM
reply to post by StellarPie

Nice post.

A long time ago my favourite greek author in one of his public speeches said that humans are not from this planet.And he explained why.
Mother nature is taking care of her children.Every species on this planet has the capability of protecting itself by the gifts given to it by nature.(claws,fur,speed,wings etc).When an animal is born it only needs a little time before is capable of surviving on its own.
That is a rule for every species on this planet exept humans.
Humans are born naked,without any physical protection and when a child is born he/she needs many years until he/she learn how to survive on their own.

He said a lot more and he concluded that mother nature is not OUR mother.

Maybe this is the price of our evolution.We are not aliens,but we alienated ourselves from the nature.I don't consider humans smart.We learn to be smart.We learn to survive.The animals have this knowledge from the day they are born.Maybe we are not completley alien,just evolved-genetically engineered apes(as another poster mentioned we do share the same DNA with other species).

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 03:52 AM
One of the thoughts I have had along those lines is, to me it seems like everything on earth adapts to its environment to survive. Ex. fur to stay warm, ect. People are the only thing I can think of that adapts the environment itself to stay alive. It seems to me that we do everything backwards from what naturally occurs. Hence, we don't belong.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by StellarPie
reply to post by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien

"Foreign Sentient Beings?"

Never heard that term before, care to explain
how about Non local sentinent beings, in other words Earth is not their base but rather a time space zone that is entered in accordance to a particular mission.

this movie will give you a great idea of what it means.NOT ONLY THAT its really funny also.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 06:26 AM
Nobody is really an alien or ET, as we are all one, created from the same mass.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 06:35 AM
Good theory's, I like the jigsaw puzzle idea and I always thought that we are the aliens... I'll explain in greater detail, well having a nose,eyes,mouth,two arms,two legs, we call that normal right? But if aliens landed here and they had 2 noses,4 eyes, 5 mouths, 6 arms, seven legs, we would call that alien and the aliens would think that we look weird or possibly alien?

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 07:35 AM
Well if you want to go that way... you could even go as far as saying that we might have manipulated our own genes so that we could adapt to the Earth. That's why we have "mistakes" in our DNA and why we aren't really adapted like other creatures (Skin burns in the sun, slow, not muscular, poor hearing, poor smell etc). Maybe we came from another (inhabited and destroyed) planet to the earth so that our species could survive... maybe even Mars. We manipulated our genes, and the technology and evidence got lost when Atlantis sunk.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 07:55 AM
I have to agree with you we are the aliens of earth my theory for those who believe in reincarnation,
5000 (I use the 5000 year timeline due to the mayan calender and the fact that every modern religion/faith was birthed within that time) years ago the population was what maybe 1-2 billion. Now we are over 7 billion people if reincarnation is possible (and I do believe certain souls reincarnate) here is the million dollar question .....................
where are all the new souls coming from?
so yes to a certain extent we are the aliens of earth

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 09:27 AM
the story of how ANDREW CROSSE got labelled FRANKENSTIEN is a good one a scientist creates life from nothing in the late 1700s . its as if we were magicked up by something or other when you read paraclesus description of a humunculus . tptb are quick to say we are 90+ monkey but dont finish the story about what else we are fish. pig .reptile plant .yip animal vegetable . mineral we are about as natural as the moon overhead

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by halfmanhalfamazing

Pigs skin burn in the sun for one, Rhinos have awful eyesight, Sloths are extremely slow, etc

All animals have some sort of weakness or another

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 09:39 AM
I don't have much to add to the topic...our DNA is incredibly close to everything else on this planet right? So we must have something in common with this world...but how much so?
I know that pigs get sunburnt, and various other animals have problems with eyesight etc (amongst other things) so maybe we're not that different...

I like the example of the jigsaw.

Originally posted by adraves
A lot of what you mentioned are thoughts already on this site. Give the terra papers a try and go from there. It may be a story, it may not. Either way, it has definitely influenced a lot of thoughts/threads here.

Thanks for pointing this out, I just looked it up, and had a quick flick I'm grabbing it for a complete read through.
edit on 30/8/11 by lapzod because: (no reason given)

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