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What would happen if we where invaded?

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posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by The_Squid
You all seem INSISTANT that our weapons would not work, Sure the may have more advanced weaponary... But it doesnt mean that our weapons wont be effective against them. Also they may have only advanced in travel lots and advanced in weaponary very little.

They make it sound like if we shot an alien, the bullet would just bounce off.
How are they so sure?

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by who
The concept that our guns would do anything blows me away. Although we may have enhanced our weapons, they are still the same they were during the civil war. Yes, there are bigger bombs and we have planes and tanks, but pretty much all we do is fire a piece of metal with extreme velocity at our target. Pretty sad when you look at 200 years and all we have done is enhanced the same concept. Its a big "if" in my opinion, but if aliens attacked us we would be in more trouble than I think any of us could ever imagine. My guess it that it would be more like Battlefield Earth, where our entire military force was defeated in like 10 minutes.

piece of metal or not - it will still kill the aliens

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 09:37 AM
If aliens were to invade whose to say why? Alot of points made in this thread were good, but I think, for good reasons, they are all form a human standpoint- resources, food, etc. But what if they view themselves as the only sentient race in the universe? Maybe the earth is in a stategic location to somewhere, an invader usually has someone else to deal with, other than the invadees. Aliens will probably be soooo different from us that we may never know why a war like that would start.

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 09:59 AM
Perhaps the gov't agencies who are hiding the evidence of aliens know of a simplistic way to defeat the invading aliens. Something as simple as water, or one of the earth's natural elements that would have a chemical reaction that would kill an alien. Something in extreme abundance that any human can use to thier advantage. They could have demonstrated this on a captured alien and then relayed the warning back to them. This could explain why, with all thier technology, they haven't invade yet. The best defense is a strong offense. This would explain why they have been observing us from such a distance, avoiding actual human contact as much as possible.

[edit on 23-8-2004 by mpeake]

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 02:10 PM
I would like to see them get attacked by wild animals like bears and dogs and stuff while trying to invade it would add comedy. that was pretty stupid i guess.

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 06:32 PM
The newground video was, er, interesting, but it was just some flash video fiction that someone made up. I had gotten the impression from people on the board that it was an actual evidence type video.

Anyway, why would the US even bother to go thru the charade of staging an alien invasion, just to get some weapons platforms into space. If the US wanted to do that, it'd've done so already, no need to stage an invasion.

I especially like how that narrator said people were volunteering to build a satellite defense system (because untrained volunteers would do such a good job at that) and that the 'UN recommends everyone participate'. Darn that UN, with its black helicopters.

posted on Aug, 23 2004 @ 11:26 PM
Maybe they are Us. But the us from the future. Refusing to make main stream contact kind of sounds like the first law of time travel. Then again maybe they are Evolution in motion. As for the gun debate, sure a shotgun or a SAM or AAM would do the damage to their puny little bodies, but remember the little fact of complete control over the mind the creepy little buggers supposedly have? They aren't just a few moves ahead of us, they are playing an entirely different game......Plus the way they can manipulate time/space, as in the Matrix where whatshishandle slows down time to dodge the bullets. That is if they exist, I'm still to be convinced....but thinking up scenarios for them is funn-ish.

[edit on 23-8-2004 by Zero Point]

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 12:28 AM
OK. intelligent race as our self would never do something like that invading destroying, but what if there where some other creaturs not technologically advanced but an animal like you know what i mean, that travel trough space and "invading" live able planets and take over it consume it. that could be possible and also not. but there would never be a invasion of intelligent species, but if, they are not intelligent. remember there are limits science, control.

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