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I DEMAND Utopia!

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posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 02:52 PM
Ok, people are obviously starting to notice some weird changes within themselves all over the globe. But, has it always been like this for a human being to feel such feelings that many people are writing about on ats? Perspectives are different, but to me it looks like the vague conclusion is in the end the same. Same same but different.


Surreal feeling

Do you feel like having to work is un-natural?

Do you feel something is changing/different?

How do you cope?

Do you feel it?

A strange feeling as of late

There are a bunch of several other threads like this, I just found some random ones for you.

I pretty much feel that the way these lives that we are living, is not supposed to be lived that way. I want Utopia, not this ugly dystopian barfcorner we have managed to create in this Universe. I want pure love. I want good health. I want TRUE knowledge. I want a society that can function in a completely natural and healthy way. We are evolving into our own destruction in pretty much every aspect there is to find out there. We are failing so much, I feel obligated to try to fix things. But I don’t know how to. Except for writing stuff and affect people in that way at least. Don’t feel its enough tho. I want immediate changes! Food source is contaminated, goes for every animal, plant on earth. We are modifying and tweaking on nature constantly. It is not difficult to see that cancer comes from us. We did it to ourselves, and we even deny it.

We are also giving wild animals cancer and what not, because of the industry. (oil, steel, aluminumproduction etc) When I have to read in a science magazine that sea turtles are swimming around in their own home, with tumors on their backs and sea lions that have gotten cancer in THEIR GENITALS because of us, I get pretty upset. And this is just a small fragment of the contamination and pollution that is destroying Mother Nature and her creation. And of course, you have all the wars going on, poverty etc. Oh, and by the way – Nuclear technology is the WORST idea ever..My god.

I can’t say I hate this either, because I don’t want to feed the world with more hate. God knows where hate might end up when you produce it
But I am grieving for this world, and I demand Utopia!

How do we get it? I don't know. But I take it as a good sign that people are ''waking up''. And I really hope it means something big and wonderful, and that this is not just an empty void within us that is screaming for help as a result of the way we live..


(Oh, and mods, pls move thread if in the wrong forum?)

edit on 28-8-2011 by creatureme because: linkmess

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 03:12 PM
step 1, clean energy, step 2, free clean energy, step 3, huge peace treaty and regulations on military personnel numbers and technology, step 4. destroy monetary system step 5. free land. step 6, take care of yourself.

I also long for utopia. we have been on the wrong path for far too long. were trying to make our species into something were not meant to be.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by creatureme

Have You considered The Ethical Planetarian Party?

It is a way to accommodate the change. [smile]

The End of Entropy - the foundation - read first

The Ethical Planetarian Party Platform - the structure

Here's a simple schematic for drawing on the plenum ("dark"/Zero Point/"vacuum"/Radiant/Orgone/...) energy:

The Abundance Paradigm:

I think these speak directly to Your concerns. [smile]

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by OUNjahhryn
step 1, clean energy, step 2, free clean energy, step 3, huge peace treaty and regulations on military personnel numbers and technology, step 4. destroy monetary system step 5. free land. step 6, take care of yourself.

Yup. Pretty much, but "huge peace treaty and regulations on military personnel numbers and technology" can be handled if We agree to obey the three Laws.

Do not willfully hurt or kill another Being*

Do not willfully take or damage another Being*'s property

Do not willfully defraud another Being*

* where "Being" is defined as any One who can ask, or by proxy another of the species can ask, for One's rights.

I also long for utopia. we have been on the wrong path for far too long. were trying to make our species into something were not meant to be.

We have been STEERED down the wrong path by sociopaths, money-lovers, and a statistically non-existant number Humans have actually had control. With the Interweb to bring Us who care together (and that's care about anything), plenum energy, robots, the three Laws, and We all can choose to live richly and better choices will be made by Humans as a whole.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by creatureme

Star and flag. I never understood why we settle for less.
People have always said "its complicated."

No. I think it is simple and we make it complicated.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 07:13 AM
Are you willing to murder the disbelievers?

If not, you'll never get utopia, as people will disagree with you.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by 547000
Are you willing to murder the disbelievers?

If not, you'll never get utopia, as people will disagree with you.

Murder them? Wow, you believe we have to kill them to get utopia? That's just harsh cynicism man..

Well, it would be more effective to ''kill'' them with love instead. It's called ''groupism''. If, lets say, a large united group within the world population started to spread love and front peace - and the media gave them proper attention - it would start to effect other people as well. It's that simple.. But obviously too complicated for the mainstream...

Hmm, I recommend a book for you ''Dimensions of Evil - contemporary perspectives'' by Terry B. Cooper, I think you would like that one, due to your harsh problem-solving methods
But, seriously, the book describes how evil humanity actually is and why..

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by creatureme

Originally posted by 547000
Are you willing to murder the disbelievers?

If not, you'll never get utopia, as people will disagree with you.

Murder them? Wow, you believe we have to kill them to get utopia? That's just harsh cynicism man..

Well, it would be more effective to ''kill'' them with love instead. It's called ''groupism''. If, lets say, a large united group within the world population started to spread love and front peace - and the media gave them proper attention - it would start to effect other people as well. It's that simple.. But obviously too coich is why you should be wry mplicated for the mainstream...

Hmm, I recommend a book for you ''Dimensions of Evil - contemporary perspectives'' by Terry B. Cooper, I think you would like that one, due to your harsh problem-solving methods
But, seriously, the book describes how evil humanity actually is and why..

All utopia on earth movements involve eliminating those who stubbornly refuse to change. That is how it must be; be wary of any political group promising utopia.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by 547000

Originally posted by creatureme

Originally posted by 547000
Are you willing to murder the disbelievers?

If not, you'll never get utopia, as people will disagree with you.

Murder them? Wow, you believe we have to kill them to get utopia? That's just harsh cynicism man..

Well, it would be more effective to ''kill'' them with love instead. It's called ''groupism''. If, lets say, a large united group within the world population started to spread love and front peace - and the media gave them proper attention - it would start to effect other people as well. It's that simple.. But obviously too complicated for the mainstream...( Uhm corrected a huge spellwrong also here

Hmm, I recommend a book for you ''Dimensions of Evil - contemporary perspectives'' by Terry B. Cooper, I think you would like that one, due to your harsh problem-solving methods
But, seriously, the book describes how evil humanity actually is and why..

All utopia on earth movements involve eliminating those who stubbornly refuse to change. That is how it must be; be wary of any political group promising utopia.

I would never join a utopia-movement that involved ''eliminating'' other people. Maybe leave them behind and of course welcome them again if they changed their minds. I don't involve with any kind of politics anyway, no matter how promising they might sound..

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by creatureme

If you want utopia, then create your own. No one's gonna do it for you.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by newcovenant

Indeed! We are all complicating things.. Way too easily..

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by creatureme

x2....I totally agree. We need to start focusing on actually creating the world of our dreams instead of posting about it. The time is now, not 5 years from now, or 2012 after no doomsday occurs, but years ago should have been the time to wake up, now I believe we are in dire need to live the way mother nature intended us to be, with all of our advancements in technology and fossil fuels as a bonus to life instead of a crutch.

Thats what my opinion is on the first step at a Utopia.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by JAGx1981

One day, not so far away into the future, I am going to live in a house similar to this Woodland

It looks amazing..

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:15 PM
Don't know how we can get out of this mess, but one thing is for sure, this is dystopia. Detract all you want, keep telling yourself this is right, whatever it takes to accept the crap that is the status quo. Fk the status quo, and I don't mean that in a hatefully interprted anarchist way.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:26 PM
I am all for it as long as you can promise I will have no headaches while in Utopia.
jugutiy gress tonibita

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by creatureme

Originally posted by 547000

Originally posted by creatureme

Originally posted by 547000
Are you willing to murder the disbelievers?

If not, you'll never get utopia, as people will disagree with you.

Murder them? Wow, you believe we have to kill them to get utopia? That's just harsh cynicism man..

Well, it would be more effective to ''kill'' them with love instead. It's called ''groupism''. If, lets say, a large united group within the world population started to spread love and front peace - and the media gave them proper attention - it would start to effect other people as well. It's that simple.. But obviously too complicated for the mainstream...( Uhm corrected a huge spellwrong also here

Hmm, I recommend a book for you ''Dimensions of Evil - contemporary perspectives'' by Terry B. Cooper, I think you would like that one, due to your harsh problem-solving methods
But, seriously, the book describes how evil humanity actually is and why..

All utopia on earth movements involve eliminating those who stubbornly refuse to change. That is how it must be; be wary of any political group promising utopia.

I would never join a utopia-movement that involved ''eliminating'' other people. Maybe leave them behind and of course welcome them again if they changed their minds. I don't involve with any kind of politics anyway, no matter how promising they might sound..

For me it is a catch 22 situation with the comments above!
First of all you would have to remove all the brainwashing that goes on which keeps society in this little box that fails or simply does not care make a better world, many who I talk to about the worries of the world, just joke and make me feel like a nutter to brush it off and start talking about material things, TV, What Mcdonalds lunch they are having ect ect.
Nothing ever changes, you cannot change the mind of the many.

To change society, you would have to take the manipulators and controllers out of the equation that shapes and brain washes society in this way of thinking of little boxes, the whole population , needs to care for the bigger picture and not just care about any selfish or materialistic needs.

How do you do that?

Ask the controllers in a polite manner to stop? Do we take the streets and demonstrate?, nearly not enough people who are thinking on the same level, many divided communities and different beliefs? Well here in Britain, they are even taking steps to ban all demonstrations for one month at the moment.

We are well and trully Divided and Conquered.

Do we take steps by force? this could mean a huge amount of deaths, plus they would just get the army on us.

I hope in a collective manner, the free thinkers can come up with a solution.

The only hope really is the controllers take a step to far and get exposed for the evil they do which would get the all of the armed forces on side aswell as the whole population.
edit on 30-8-2011 by Bluenose76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 01:00 PM
This will happen a lot of people are going to die though

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 01:05 PM
It's a manifestation of desires.. nothing new OP. The difference is, we have the internet now and are able to communicate with a larger range of people. I don't find any of this to be new.

I think it is also a case of a little "me too".. people wanting to be accepted and/or just wanting to feel a part of what they see as happening.. a chain reaction of sorts.

This all, of course, is just my opinion.

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by broahes

Yeah but most of those people are idiots

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Molimo
reply to post by broahes

Yeah but most of those people are idiots

Oh, really? Guess you're not a very spiritual being..? Pls don't bring negativity into this thread, be more specific and open instead of lashing out on people you don't know..

edit on 30-8-2011 by creatureme because: bhamseyes

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