posted on Feb, 15 2012 @ 06:01 PM
Looks interesting.
The funny thing is they build one of these indoor sky diving places not that far from were I live, Its a pretty tall and big building to and I drive
by the place on my way to the gym, stores, and other things, in my weekly routines. And I never really actually bothered to look up what it was
I remember when they were building the place like half a year or so ago and wondering what was up.
And now that its been finished for some time, In all that time I never bothered to find out what it was about.
Until today, when I was randomly looking trough threads and had I had this subject on the back of my mind and that is how I came to this thread.
Which reminded me to look the place up because It sounded like It had to do something with indoor skydiving, or indoor bungee jumping.
Definitely got to go there and try it out some day. It does look like it would be fun.