Like George W. Bush, John Kerry came from wealth and privilege and got an Ivy League education at Yale. You may not agree with John Kerry�s politics,
and you may not hold his character in high regard. I agree he�s not the perfect candidate. But, unlike George W. Bush, John Kerry did not use his
family�s influence to avoid service on the front lines in Vietnam.
During the Vietnam conflict George W. Bush served in the Texas Air National Guard. Back in 1968 there were long waiting lists of people trying to get
into the National Guard. By some stroke of luck, however, George W. Bush jumped to the front of the line. He endured five weeks of basic training, and
then became a second lieutenant, despite the fact that he met none of the qualifications. He later trained on old fighter planes that were being
mothballed, and finally went on to Florida where he worked for the political campaign of a friend of his father�s.
So far, all I�ve heard from the officers that G.W. Bush served with is that no one seems to recall even seeing him for much of the time. Does anyone
have any pictures of the "officers of his unit"? How many Purple Hearts did G.W. Bush receive? How many Bronze Stars? How about Silver Stars?
Not every veteran is a war monger. Here�s a letter written by the Veterans Against the Iraq War:" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">
The claim that John Kerry is unfit to be President is being made by men who did not even serve with him in Vietnam. And these claims are clearly
contradicted by the crewmen who were in fact there in the Swift boat with him. The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth are seeking anything but the truth.
Their smear campaign is funded by the Texas Republican John O�Neil, who has had an axe to grind with Kerry since the early �70�s. These veterans of
Vietnam have been silent for 35 years as Kerry rose in the ranks of the Democratic Party. Many of them even supported him as recently as a year ago.
It�s odd to me that 35 years later, when Kerry is a candidate for President and John O�Neil is running a smear campaign against him, funded by
hundreds of thousands of Republican dollars, that these folks would suddenly come out of the woodwork and make this an issue. It doesn�t take a rocket
scientist to figure out that the Bush campaign is fully behind this." target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">
Here�s a more objective assessment of John Kerry�s service in Vietnam:" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">
I have a feeling that when the truth is finally revealed, it will backfire on the Bush campaign and show it for what it really is: a dirty,
mudslinging tactic attempted by a lying, deceitful, self-serving administration.
On this issue, Kerry volunteered for service in Vietnam; Bush didn�t. That makes it Kerry �One�, Bush �Zip�. No matter how you slice it �