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Hurricane Irene Conspiracy!?

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posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 06:56 PM
Ok. I've searched and couldn't find anything before I posted this, but mods, feel free to delete/move if it has. Also, i'm not looking to write out a 50 paragraph theory/post because I honestly don't have the mental capacity today.

But has anyone thought that there might be something behind all the misinformation going around about Hurricane Irene!? I've been scouring the internet back and forth for the past two days and have found so many anomalies with the meteorological data going around.

First off, I think the Hurricane has been overhyped by the major media outlets & government to a point where I don't know what to believe anymore. All the headlines i've seen are nothing short of Apocalyptic in nature. Similar to the fiasco that went on several days ago with the tiny earthquake that we experienced here.
And a lot of these news articles that were being headlined and featured for hours weren't being updated. I was reading articles posted on Yahoo's front page with satellite imagery that wasn't updated since late yesterday!
I've even seen several smaller meteorological sites that are showing wind speeds directly under the storm that would barely be considered even a Tropical Storm. Example:

Some interesting wind data:

Some very interesting insight Dr. Simon Atkins, CEO of [AFC] Advanced Forecasting Corporation that, so far, has come true:

And some other interesting articles with some similar speculation:

Now besides the fact that, in my honest opinion, this storm has been hyped to a ridiculous point, there is something that I noticed that's happening in several states.
I've noticed that, besides all the Hurricane, Tornado, & Landslide warnings that have been issued in many of the states along the East Coast, there has also been a considerable amount of Mandatory Evacuations & Curfews imposed on many citizens. I just find it extremely interesting that, with a overhyped Hurricane like Irene which is barely a Category 1 Storm at this point, that so much attention has been focus on removing people and having them clear largely populated areas.
I mean, we've had several hurricanes come up the east coast before, just like this one, & predictably they've resulted in the same outcome as this one has turned out. They usually die out once they get half-way up to the New England area.

Now, i'm no meteorological expert here, but I just feel like between the misinformation going around and all the evacuations that there is alot of BS going on around here. Anyone else here feel the same!?

edit on 8/27/2011 by Andre Neves because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/27/2011 by Andre Neves because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 07:03 PM
I think that it is a general overreaction because no one wants another Katrina like situation to occur.
I also think that the media has become very addicted to the "drama"
In a sense so many things are over hyped and over played....Seems to be the way the world works these days.
edit on 27-8-2011 by Htrowklis82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by Andre Neves

It is definitely something to worry about, Mayor Nutter here in Philly declared a State of Emergency for the first time in 50 years...I'm kinda starting to think that maybe this will be an intense storm, even though I originally thought it was over hyped, only thing to do really is wait and see and chill..

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by Htrowklis82

if the media was so addicted to drama (which i know they are)

then why did they not even peep about all the floods and tornadoes this year...they were virtually silent

IMO if a major "terrorist" attack happens in US soil in a previously evacuated dots...................

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 07:16 PM
I know what you're saying OP, I've been looking around for what they're hiding to.
They HAVE to be hiding something! I've seen worse storms with less coverage than this one (example: Joplin) and whats with all the curfews and mandatory evacuations!?
I mean c'mon, even Obama was apparently "taking charge at a hurricane command centre", This guy hardly ever does any public works and now all of the sudden hes the hero of a small storm that definitely doesn't need the president to be working on.
You would have to be brain-dead not to think that there's something else going on here.

The question still remains though, WHAT are they hiding?
At first I was thinking that it could be something to cover up news stories like Libya or QE3, but that doesn't make much sense now because of all the political people that are involved, If it was something as simple as that then it would just be up to the MSM.

Now I'm going more along the lines of either a cry-wolf scenario where they could use this to more enforce curfews and mandatory evacuations by making this false flag and then letting out a virus or some other disastrous event in the area where the people didn't leave.
Or they could be clearing out the area in order to prepare something for the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

Something is REALLY fishy here..

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 07:29 PM
Im not sure but this little gem of a news report is showing sattelite imagry that I believe isnt even Irene! The width and mass of the cyclone/hurricane they show on that link looks more like Ophelia. Nothing I've seen anywhere on Irene to date ever showed its mass this large. The image is at 57 seconds into the report. I am no meteorologist, might be wrong..but it seemed sus.

Goes 13 and the noaa feed shows its only this size. Unless it vamped UP to a super storm over night?

edit on 27-8-2011 by Rosha because: add link

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 07:31 PM
the news goes crazy over a thunderstorm, and you expect them to ignore a hurricane tracking over NYC ? that would be far more interesting, if they ignored it

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 07:50 PM
You never know if TPTB are pulling a WTC - clear the building 2 weeks prior so "security" can plant explosives for the 9/11 event - type of scam. Who knows what these sickos are up to, maybe planting dirty b's in evacuated cities, etc. for an upcoming day coming soon? Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to false flags.

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 07:54 PM
I have to agree that Hurricane Irene is being played out as if its something really big and monstrous when it barely registers as a tropical storm.

The fact that all the politicians are acting in unison as if they are all on the same sheet of music makes me very suspicious of what they are trying to distract us from.

I had to ask myself what could they be using such a storm to distract us from and well, I think I have an idea that I will share with everyone for the sake of discussion as to why such media and government hype and major evacuations and curfews are being used to sell Irene as if it was the disaster of the century.

To help with other considerations, I am going to discuss two items that have caught my attention that would necessitate a distraction and use of the media to ensure no one covers such an allegation. Here are the two items I wish to share.

1. There is gathering evidence that the recent east coast earthquake in Virgina and in Colorado was actually nuclear bombs or nuclear devices that were detonated on purpose.

This nuclear detonation determination has been made by scientist that studied the seismic data and concluded that typical but yet specific earthquake waves were missing from such an earthquake. They decided to study the data further and came to a startling conclusion.

Apparently after studying the wave patterns it was concluded that it was a nuclear device that shows its own specific wave pattern within the seismic data that was studied. It is this evidence by scientific types using seismic data that could very well undermine the NWO plans and so a major distraction was needed.

This is why Hurricane Irene, appears to have been created and steered into position as the exact answer to having to talk or report on or about nuclear bombs being used to cause earthquakes or perhaps even more secrets of an ongoing war within the CIA and the Military that the public is not aware of.

2. Second item Is an article put out by the Russians in some European media outlet that the Military underground tunnel system was attacked for reasons that still appear to be developing but which the rest of the world is apparently aware of. It is as interesting as the seismic data finding.

Take a look at the links I am going to provide and consider what is going on in the world of conspiracies that seldom gets mentioned, let alone studied for its actual fact of truth.

Take a look and decide for yourself, but for me, I am going to remain open minded and remind myself that while I have seen a lot, this just doesn't surprise me like it use to.

Anyway, enjoy the links and consider the possibility. Only then will Hurricane Irene make sense as to why they hyped it and sold it through politicians, and through government sources.

I am going to provide the link so you can read the articles on your own and decide if perhaps this could be the real reason Hurricane Irene is center stage when it barely registers as a tropical storm.

Here is a video about two nukes in Colorado and W.Virgina meant to destroy military tunnel complex.

Video link to Virginia nuke seismic data discussing nuclear device caused east coast earthquake.

BBS Radio internet link showing seismic data of nuclear explosion in Virginia.

Thanks for considering these conspiratorial thoughts as to why Hurricane Irene is being used as a major distraction. Keep an open mind and consider what this means in the bigger scheme of things because when no real weather damage is experienced ask yourself how could these politicians and government experts not know that Hurricane Irene is barely a tropical storm? I mean really.

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by Rosha
Im not sure but this little gem of a news report is showing sattelite imagry that I believe isnt even Irene! The width and mass of the cyclone/hurricane they show on that link looks more like Ophelia. Nothing I've seen anywhere on Irene to date ever showed its mass this large. The image is at 57 seconds into the report. I am no meteorologist, might be wrong..but it seemed sus.


edit on 27-8-2011 by Rosha because: (no reason given)

Speaking of images....
This article:
Despite it being updated since, around noon today, I first saw it and they had the one image(if you go thru the slideshow) of a woman jogging in front of Manhattan. Funny thing is though, that at the time of it's posting, Manhattan's skyline looked nowhere as dark as it did in person. How would I know? I like about 10 mins away in NJ. Sure it was "slightly" overcast, but nowhere as near as bad as that photo looked.
Now as a photographer, the image does look a bit under exposed, but there should be no excuse for that considering the photographers for Reuters are Professionals....unless that is, they did it on purpose which is what I believe.
Misleading IMO.

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
...clear the building 2 weeks prior so "security" can plant explosives for the 9/11 event - type of scam.

EXACTLY the thought I had before making this thread. Forgot to mention that

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 08:08 PM
No this thing is huge! Its not that strong but so big and massive that it could rain a lot for hours on end i belive ther have already been a few fataletys down south.. If any thing im wonderiing why we had tornados earth quakes and now giant huricans.? Its an awful lota crazy wepons i mean wether heh jk

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by Andre Neves

All I have to say is, we have turned into a nation of pussies, especially New York.
For Christs Sake, the hurricane was just hitting North Carolina and the media was focused
on what the hell New York was doing.
Give me a break man

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Andre Neves

Originally posted by Rosha
Im not sure but this little gem of a news report is showing sattelite imagry that I believe isnt even Irene! The width and mass of the cyclone/hurricane they show on that link looks more like Ophelia. Nothing I've seen anywhere on Irene to date ever showed its mass this large. The image is at 57 seconds into the report. I am no meteorologist, might be wrong..but it seemed sus.


edit on 27-8-2011 by Rosha because: (no reason given)

Speaking of images....
This article:
Despite it being updated since, around noon today, I first saw it and they had the one image(if you go thru the slideshow) of a woman jogging in front of Manhattan. Funny thing is though, that at the time of it's posting, Manhattan's skyline looked nowhere as dark as it did in person. How would I know? I like about 10 mins away in NJ. Sure it was "slightly" overcast, but nowhere as near as bad as that photo looked.
Now as a photographer, the image does look a bit under exposed, but there should be no excuse for that considering the photographers for Reuters are Professionals....unless that is, they did it on purpose which is what I believe.
Misleading IMO.

Good pick up...we get bigger waves than that at Bell's every day.
I have to disagree with your comments about journalistic prefessionalism though. Do you mean the same Reuters currently trying to claim that the Abu Salim Prison Massacre in Tripoli that occured in 1996 only happened last week when G's forces bolted from the city center?


edit on 27-8-2011 by Rosha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 05:18 AM
Prepare for a false flag operation after this....
edit on 28-8-2011 by CasiusIgnoranze because: .

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 07:06 AM
At the moment it doesnt seem too bad, watching CNN it seems a tad over over hyped to be honest. Its like weather in Scotland at the suppose we shall find out how bad its going to get.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by Andre Neves

Do you want to know what they are hiding?

Take the time to listen to this professional about his theory on Fukushima and current and previous ongoings in the Nuclear Power industry. His credentials check out. He is legit. Watch the Vid, Then read.

Fukushima needed to vent. Venting the radioactive steam caused the use of HAARP to intervene to stop the radiation from rising. It caused the EQ and the perfect cover-up for the shutting down of their reactors.

Washington / Virginia EQ. RIGHT NEXT TO A POWER PLANT. I saw this thread. I wondered if the steam being vented was really something that started before the EQ, and again HAARP was used to stop it from rising and igniting the 'Nitrogensphere' (Which I think has been mistranslated for another word) and it caused another EQ. The North Anna Reactor was also shut down.

Now Hurricane Irene is set to shut even more down. Are they evacuating these people because of the Hurricane or maybe potential radiation?

This link confirms more reactors set to shut down due to Hurricane

And finally. Here is an interactive link to see just how many worldwide and in the US are shut down.

The hurricane is man made. The media are making it seem far worse and fear-mongering people to focus on this when the real reason is because of bad Uranium.

And who approved the Uranium. The IEA supposedly. No doubt an NWO/Illuminati subsidiary. Entire Northern Hemisphere. 6.228 Billion people of the Entire worlds 6.92 Billion leaving just 692 Million. Very close to that magical 500 Million.

How well they pull our strings.
edit on 28-8-2011 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 07:55 AM


posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 08:04 AM
the coverage was to strike fear in you, using these words of war by the big news casters, and putting certain doom on the east coast. now once the rain goes awat these people will be saints and obama will use this keeping people safe and secure and blah blah for his second term, you's watch how these evacuations and footage from prior storms show up.. he will be the savior

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 08:05 AM
Get your hands on the collected works entitled "Transmetropolitan", specifically book number 8. Divert money to Fema by destroying the urban landscape and/or scaring the crap out of the populace. Give with one hand and take with the other.
edit: I'm currently displaced from NY, lol.

edit on 28-8-2011 by JustinSee because: (no reason given)

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