posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 04:54 PM
I agree with Jude 11. Let them take you to court.
Clearly, this is extortion.
However, if this is AWS, American Water Supply that's bullying you, then I'm not sure about going to court.
AWS is tied in with corrupt politicians in a quid pro quo type of set-up ... kick-back$.
AWS is slowly trying to take over the country's water supply, little by little if one is in Florida, the water bill says FL American Water
Supply and for customers in California then the water bill says, CA American Water Supply, and so on. They fluoridate their (crappy) water on purpose
to make people sick. They are also money grubbing extortionists, as are all 'alphabet agencies'.
Their disturbingly, twisted plans ... a population that's sick and broke can't fight back.
edit on 27-8-2011 by Jana12 because: typo