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General Question

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posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 02:47 AM
I like this board dont get me wrong, I mean that is why I read them. But why is everything always given such a wierd reason for being, or happening? Ive been meaning to ask this question, but just havent known how to before. I just read a thread about energy drinks, someone said they dont know whats in them. Ok, the ingredients are on the side of the can. Check them out sometime, if you dont know whats in them, it might be a good idea not to drink them. Someone else says "the government could be feeding us anything..." That is just an example to make you guys better understand my question. Why does everyone on this board jump to assume the government, or whatever the case may be, is behind everything? I know some of it is for the sake of argument, but there is a good chance things are just in those drinks because the manufacturer can get them for cheap, or maybe they add to the flavor, or keep the carbs down, or they could be there to make addicted to them...I dont know. Maybe Im not making a whole lot of sense, but Im sure you guys, or at least some of you, understand what Im asking.

This is a genuine question, Im not trying to bash anyone here.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 02:52 AM
Why are you asking all these questions? Who sent you? Are you from the government?

[edit on 21-8-2004 by Durden]

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 03:40 AM
LMAO B makin me laff HARD!

I actually agree that when in doubt of ingrediants, READ THE LABEL!

maybe the folks mean that they dont understand the meaning of the word CAFFINE?

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 06:10 AM
Your question is too vague here for anyone to give an answer. If a concern comes up people people have a desire to post. Maybe you should be directing your question to the author of the thread with which you find to be incomprehendable.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 08:09 AM
Well it is being known that some of the actual ingredients of some foods had been keep away from the consumer knowledge to later come out into the light as been harmful to your health.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 08:22 AM
Very true marge- things arnt always easy to figure out on the lables- they use long complicated words ( you would have to be some kind of nutrition expert or something to figure them out)- they should deffinatly make lable ingredients more user friendly.

I am unsure of what you are actualy asking cryptosapien- so i dont know how to answer- please make it more specific.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 10:01 AM
Ha ha. That was very cute, Durden.

I think all those long words we can't pronounce on the labels are just preservatives. Haven't we all had a chemistry class? My goodness! Even water's chemical name is hydrogen if we didn't know that already...would it be a government chemical planted to reduce our mental capacity or some garb?

Here's the question that has really always baffled me the most about food and drink fears...aren't govt. officials still human (not evil robot humanoids) and don't they eat and drink the same foods that we do?

PS> I never mean to flame or bash...just stating my thoughts in an as-a-matter-of-fact's the only way I know, and at my age, it's the only way for which I have time, heh.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Cryptosapien
Ok, the ingredients are on the side of the can. Check them out sometime, if you dont know whats in them, it might be a good idea not to drink them.

You wouldn't happen to know exactly what is in Coke would you. Damn, that drink is addictive.

[edit on 21-8-2004 by sanctum]

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 10:21 AM

You wouldn't happen to know exactly what is in Coke would you. Damn, that drink is addictive.

I am glad I have been able to stay away from it, and from burgers too.

posted on Aug, 21 2004 @ 10:47 AM
Lmao. I think Coke was initially a government project involving addition of coc aine to soft drinks in order to see how many people would get off their booties and get a job when it went horribly wrong somehow. The coc aine was removed, and the drink was incorporated into every American fast food restaurant and many across the world, and people began to gain weight. Currently the government has conspired to incorporate a detox program by first reducing the size of the beverage containers and all similar beverages, which should reverse the effect.

Heh, just kidding.

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Cryptosapien
I like this board dont get me wrong, I mean that is why I read them. But why is everything always given such a wierd reason for being, or happening? Ive been meaning to ask this question, but just havent known how to before. I just read a thread about energy drinks, someone said they dont know whats in them. Ok, the ingredients are on the side of the can. Check them out sometime, if you dont know whats in them, it might be a good idea not to drink them. Someone else says "the government could be feeding us anything..." That is just an example to make you guys better understand my question. Why does everyone on this board jump to assume the government, or whatever the case may be, is behind everything? I know some of it is for the sake of argument, but there is a good chance things are just in those drinks because the manufacturer can get them for cheap, or maybe they add to the flavor, or keep the carbs down, or they could be there to make addicted to them...I dont know. Maybe Im not making a whole lot of sense, but Im sure you guys, or at least some of you, understand what Im asking.

This is a genuine question, Im not trying to bash anyone here.

Great post.. I also noticed that there are many many strange Icon photo's on this site............... Just a passing thought.


posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 01:47 PM
Hmmmmmmmmmmm...if we didn't question and post all our unusual thoughts....this site wouldn't be quite the site it is would it? Though I personally enjoy sticking more to actual good debate material, isn't it nice to have a site to voice all the unusual things you may think about?

posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Cryptosapien
Why does everyone on this board jump to assume the government, or whatever the case may be, is behind everything?

I totally agree....I just take it as comic relief - sometimes they have a point and sometimes they don't. I'd imagine it's the same people who post the same thing in response to every question.

There are plenty of trash threads out there that either have simple answers or are useless to even think can either choose to ignore them or step in and respectfully tell them they're a bunch of idiots

I've actually been spending most of my time recently in BTS....there's a lot more variety there and you get a lot less bashing and trash talking...not that I can't handle it, but it's like they say, it's a bordem fighter and relief zone - especially good for those at work who need something to do besides stare into space

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 09:53 AM
I also totally agree that everyone should feel free to voice his/her opinion, and I love reading all of them. Sometimes it just feels like people get a little worked up about things, and I like to add something to possibly help calm the nerves.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 10:24 AM
Just because we're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get us.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 10:31 AM

Basicly, your question is why are there so many paranoid peoples on a conspiracy website?

Maybe because it's the kind of people that it attracts.


posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 02:57 PM
The bit I find funny is that all of these people are so ready to blame the government, aliens, or Catholics for everything, yet they all seem perfectly confident in the fact that this site and its operators are with the good guys... this strikes me as particularly strange given the meticulously maintained shadowy nature of the site's chief administrator.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 04:34 PM
That's funny. I actually wondered how everyone could feel so safe on this site myself. What I find disturbing though, is that there are so many people on here that seem to be devoting a lot of time to this site that would be so productive making the appropriate changes in society that they are saying need to be fixed. Is anyone out there working on making changes?

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by Strianissa
Is anyone out there working on making changes?

Are you?

If you are - don't answer'll make me look like a fool!

I brush my teeth every day....I go to work and make money to pay my bills.....I invest my money into the economy....I don't have the extra time , money, or energy to do anything else, but nonetheless I'm happy being a "couch politician"

I'll throw my opinions down on ATS and hope it inspires or changes someone's beliefs - To make just one person change their opinion on something is more beneficial and producdtive than you may think

I know Amuk is a public official and the leader of his local libertarian party - he's been trying to get Mike Badnarik to post on ATS with some success - so there are a few of us out there who "do" and most of us just play the role of the "support"

I hope that didn't come off as arrogant....just replying to your question with what I know....

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 05:07 PM
lock your doors
close the blinds
never say your real name
trust no one
they are watching


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