This video is from the South Carolina Presidential Debate, Ron Paul is asked if the 9-11 truthers should stop the rhetoric of the government
conspiracy of September 11th " Doesn't do me any good and if they care about me they should"
Should 9-11 truthers stop either endorsing Ron Paul or stop the conspiracy to help Ron Paul's elect ability?
I am not a 9-11 truther but what is more important to these people electing Ron Paul or uncovering the 9-11 truth?
I believe that even if they succeeded in uncovering what they believe happened on Sept 11th, it still happened and the country would not change. The
establishment would still be in power that created 9-11, so I don't understand how 9-11 truthers would gain anything.
This is why I believe that the 9-11 truthers that want Ron Paul to win need to halt the 9-11 conspiracy stuff and focus more on the Ron Paul election.
If you disagree with me you should know that Ron Paul does not endorse your conspiracies and he wishes you would stop
Lets get Ron Paul elected, and lets not hurt his chances with this 9-11 stuff......unless you feel that the 9-11 stuff is more important than Ron Paul
Either way you should at least consider what Ron Paul is asking of you, I believe cutting back on the 9-11 truther stuff is for the good of the
This I believe is more important than uncovering 9-11
edit on 27-8-2011 by THEDUDE86 because: help embed the video for me
edit on 27-8-2011 by THEDUDE86 because: (no reason
For Youtube: Only copy the letters and numbers which are after the final equals sign.
As for the topic, it seems like that question was thrown out to place Paul supporters in a 'crazy' light. It makes absolutely no difference to how one
runs a country.
edit on 27-8-2011 by dyllels because: Youtube explanation
As for my thoughts on the matter - many of us try to keep people from bringing up 9-11 in regards to his candidacy. At least for now. It's not among
important issues for the country. Yes it is an important issue but many people are still asleep on the matter. So yes, they should stop asking him to
talk about it. When he's in, I have no doubt he will reopen the investigation. Or at least take care of other matters in relation to it.