posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 03:39 AM
this is what i got off of the our local talk radio. a woman was getting beaten up by her husband at a light with her 2 children in the back seat. she
sees 2 constables at the corner talking, so she decides to make a break for it. she jumps out of the car runs over to them screaming." stop that car,
he has my children,..... he's going to kill them" they tell her no!...........
they told her no.....
they did say that they would radio it in and that is what they did..... they find the husband breaking into the house where their 3rd child was fought
off by the child's uncle... a few hours later they found the two children dead..........
The head of the constable department" what ever her position is" defended their actions... said they were following protocol........
since when did protocol become more important than doing the right thing?..... they could have at least followed him.....or something