It seems that lately the divisiveness and nasty rhetoric in American politics keeps hitting new lows. Since the housing market crash and the election
of Barrack Obama, it has gotten worse and worse as each month goes by. While both sides are quite guilty of finger pointing, it seems that the
downright nasty rhetoric is coming mostly, but not entirely, from the right. They have blamed and accused the Democrats of pretty much everything
except the kidnapping and murder of the Lindbergh baby... The media champion of this cause is Fox News, which is owned by News Corp., and company ran
by an Australian and has a Saudi Prince as a major investor. This alone calls their intent into question, since both of these individuals are
profiting from the American system of business through investments. Also given that this rhetoric seems to favor Big Business and the wealthy, it
deserves a great deal of scrutiny. So let's look at the numbers:
First we'll look at the National Debt, which has gotten alot of press lately. The Repulicans, and more specifically the Tea Party have accused the
Left of being responsible for the majority of our National Debt. But the numbers point out something very different:
(Republican Administrations highlighted in red)
Reagan, Bush 41 and Bush 43 are responsible for $10 trillion of the $14 trillion we are currently endebted for. Are the Republicans taking any sort
of responsibility for this? Nope, they would rather just spin some revisionist history on the American people and count on the fact that we are all
so lazy and stupid that we will just accept it as fact and move on... and in a lot of cases it's working like a charm. Seems the Tea Party
membership is snookered.
Now let's move on to the myth that the current Administration is going to continue to increase the budget deficit year after year:
Federal Receipts and Outlays
The average of the last two years is the same as George Bush's last year in office, and then it begins to decrease in the next two years to a level
could be offset by the expiration of the Bush Era tax cuts. Mind you these figures are from
before the debt ceiling proposed
budget cuts. By these figures, if we were to implement the comprehensive package of budget cuts, entitlement reform and revenue increases that the
President proposed and the vast majority of the American people wanted, we could be in a surplus situation, and able to actually pay
down the
debt in just a few short years!
Next up is the 'Big Government' myth:
Current levels of government employees are lower that at anytime during the Reagan Administration, which recorded the highest levels of government
civilian jobs in the history of our nation. Now granted that there has been an increase in government employees since the Obama Administration has
taken over, but the majority of that was in the military sector which was long overdue being as how the military has been engaged in two wars with
record low numbers in personnel to get the job done. One must also consider that the size of the nation's population has grown at a rate that far
exceeds the growth of government jobs. The government has had to learn to do more with less. I see this everyday in my job at the local VA Medical
Center. The staff takes care of an ever increasing amount of Veterans with too few doctors and nurses, and THEY GET THE JOB DONE! Due to their
increasing commitment to preventative care, the number of inpatients has decreased while the number of Veterans served in the outpatient clinics keeps
Next myth on the chopping block is the accusation that the current Administration, and the Left in general are responsible for tremendous job losses
in this country:
While it is far from enough to even cover the increasing number of people entering the job market, this chart shows that the assertion that the
current Administration is costing America jobs is false. Now would be a good time for our 'job creators' to show us why we shouldn't let the Bush
Era tax cuts expire on them.
Which brings us to our last little 'fallacy'. The 'job creator'/class warfare argument:
The only tax increases that this Administration has asked for is to roll back the tax structure on the highest tax bracket to that of the Clinton Era.
We are only talking 4.6% increase on those making more that $250,000. The irony, and perhaps the most glaring example of the spin being put out on
those of us who fall below that mark is that the same politicians who
REFUSE to consider letting the Bush Era tax cuts expire on the wealthy
are perfectly content to let the payroll tax cut expire on the rest of us...
I am totally convinced that this entire circus has been cooked up by the wealthy and the corporations that they own and run to convince those who are
below them that it is in their best interest to protect Daddy Warbucks and his trillions. They are conspiring to keep their money and their control
over the masses no matter what the cost to the nation as a whole. I recently read a facebook post by a conservative former high school classmate
stating that the recent east coast earthquake was the result of our Founding Fathers rolling in their graves... I have to agree, but it's because of
the snow job that the power elite is perpetrating on the citizenry that is causing them to do so... Food for thought, my friends, food for thought...