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We The People: Ron Paul 2012

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posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 12:38 PM
This is a great video with dozens of Ron Paul supporters saying why they plan to vote for him, why he is the best candidate, why he looks out for the people, why the country needs him, talking about his honesty, integrity, voting record, and so on. Also, lots of Ron Paul quotes are sprinkled throughout the video.


posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:04 PM
Tupac, nice video. Thanks for posting. Cool to see it played out from everyone BUT RP. Shows that someone, somewhere, is getting it.

I wish I could, at a minimum, get my family on board. Mom and Bro-in-law are die-hard GOP's yet have little clue at all about RP. Kills me. Of course I'm the idjit black sheep of the family who knows nothing so they don't listen to me.

I just went and picked up a voter registration form so I can re-register as a GOP, which galls me but if I want to vote for RP in the primary in this state it's gotta be done. Let's hope others who aren't registered GOP do the same.

I won't do the hero worship thing with RP. He's just a man but with better ideas than most, not so totally full of spit that he smells from miles away like most politicians. I don't expect miracles but a end to some of the ridiculousness that comes out of Washington would make all of our lives easier. I just saw a thing on new regulations for immigrant goat herders, implemented by our lovely federal government. Seriously, this is what they spend their time and our money on? People scoff when RP talks about limiting the government but really, who's the fool?

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:28 PM
I saw the video on
It is quite an inspirational piece of footage and there are lots more grassroots videos posted there almost on a daily basis. I think the R3volution movement in the States right now is admirable and is all lead by the honorable Paul. The whole world is looking (well the ones aware of how bad situations are) to the movement to win and create a movement that will eventually apply worldwide! I know so many people around the world really support the message Ron Paul has, and I do too! Greeting from Finland. Thankfully I have American citizenship to go with my Finnish one, so I get to vote as well

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by TheLoony

I feel ya dude, when I asked someone who watches MSM for at least a few hours a day what they think about Ron Paul, they said he was unelectable. Then when I asked what actual issues do they disagree with him on, the only one they could come up with was how he wants to back the Federal Reserve with gold.

People are either brainwashed, or they just love war, tyranny, private bankers owning this country, the Drug War, and all of the other things that Ron Paul is against.
edit on 26-8-2011 by TupacShakur because: to edit my post

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by TupacShakur

This needs to happen, we need Ron Paul as president.

You can say what ever you want about him, that hes un electable, or that hes crazy, etc...

Im still voting for him and donotating to his campaign because at this point I have to try something, anything to in act change, real change not obama BS, in our country.

Im tired of not being proud of the actions of my country, and to me Ron Paul represents the hope that we can be a great nation once again. One that saved the world once, one that other countries do not fear but instead look to as the beacon of hope we once where.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:38 PM
You guys are aware that Ron Paul serves his corporate masters as much as any of the others. I like some of his views as well but he is not a messiah by any means.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by damwel

No one is saying he is, but unlike others he has a clear voting record, his record backs up his talk.

Ron Paul is not going to save this country, but IM willing to believe he would try.

More than I can say for any of the others running.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by damwel

Why are people on this forum so quick to point out whats wrong with government, yet when someone comes along with what could be a plausible solution or even attempt to fix the problem that if its not 2012, Elinin, Armed revolt, SHTF, or what ever crazy bs people can come up with, the response is an excuse as to why we shouldn't even try...

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by damwel

You guys are aware that Ron Paul serves his corporate masters as much as any of the others. I like some of his views as well but he is not a messiah by any means.
Yeah his 30 year long consistent Congressional voting record, as well as his clear-cut stance on following the Constitution and protecting American citizens rights really screams "Corporate puppet!"

edit on 26-8-2011 by TupacShakur because: To edit my post

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by TupacShakur

A 30 year long voting record smacks of career politician to me. Anyone that survives that long in DC has to be playing the game.

My opinion is that Ron Paul is way too old and too entrenched in Washington politics to be trusted. We need to retire him and all those other career politicians and establish term limits.

The other thing that irks me off about Paul and other candidates that already are in elected positions is that while they are campaigning, they aren't doing their jobs they were elected to do. Obama is a good example of this. He was elected as a senator, and spent a good portion of his term as senator on the campaign trail, not doing the job he was elected by the people of Illinois to do.

I think along with a congressional term limit amendment, there should be an amendment that states you cannot run for office while you are serving a term in a different elected office.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by HauntWok


exactly the same way i feel about all the long term politico's.

we also should change some rules on funding campaigns.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

Sounds to me like your not listening to him but rather just focusing on his age. As for his "career" in politics, He hasn't changed his position in 30 years. What other politician can you say that about?

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by fooks

we also should change some rules on funding campaigns.

Oh absolutely, I think that corporations and special interest groups shouldn't be allowed to fund a politician.

reply to post by cal71919

Sounds to me like your not listening to him but rather just focusing on his age. As for his "career" in politics, He hasn't changed his position in 30 years. What other politician can you say that about?

Hasn't changed his position in 30 years? That tells me that he is stubborn, and won't compromise for the betterment of his country. Life is about give and take, and if you are too stubborn and can't compromise on anything, that's just ignorant.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

A 30 year long voting record smacks of career politician to me. Anyone that survives that long in DC has to be playing the game.

My opinion is that Ron Paul is way too old and too entrenched in Washington politics to be trusted. We need to retire him and all those other career politicians and establish term limits.
But he can be trusted, because for those 30 years he has stood for the Constitution and our rights. What is not to trust about that? I trust a guy that has stuck with his views for decades over some shady politician who flip-flops on issues every couple months.

And he's too old? Are you kidding? What ever happened to respecting your elders and the widsom that comes with old age? But I guess you're right, he's too old, he might die soon, we should just elect a smokin' hot 18 year old model to be president.

The other thing that irks me off about Paul and other candidates that already are in elected positions is that while they are campaigning, they aren't doing their jobs they were elected to do. Obama is a good example of this. He was elected as a senator, and spent a good portion of his term as senator on the campaign trail, not doing the job he was elected by the people of Illinois to do.
He seems to be handling it just fine.

Hasn't changed his position in 30 years? That tells me that he is stubborn, and won't compromise for the betterment of his country. Life is about give and take, and if you are too stubborn and can't compromise on anything, that's just ignorant.
No way dude, politics should not be about changing your mind on issues left and right to fit in with the group and conform with those around you. If Ron Paul stood for the Constitution for his entire political career, does not changing his mind on the Patriot Act and voting for it make him stubborn? No!

It seems to me like Ron Paul is one of the few honest and trustworthy politicians left in DC, many of the other ones change their stance on issues to gain support from voters or fit in with their party.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by damwel

Proof of Ron Paul 'serving' his corporate masters or give it up altogether.

This is getting so old.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

Compromise is what got us into this mess in the first place, you do realize that right? I don't know what realm you live in where a consistent politician is worse than a flip flopper?

Why do we have to compromise when it comes to the Constitution? do you actually care about this nation or are you trolling?
edit on 26-8-2011 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by TupacShakur

But he can be trusted, because for those 30 years he has stood for the Constitution and our rights. What is not to trust about that? I trust a guy that has stuck with his views for decades over some shady politician who flip-flops on issues every couple months.

One can compromise and yet not flip flop.

And he's too old? Are you kidding? What ever happened to respecting your elders and the widsom that comes with old age? But I guess you're right, he's too old, he might die soon, we should just elect a smokin' hot 18 year old model to be president.

For someone who apparently cares so much about the US Constitution, it appears that you don't know this document very well. Here, let me link you to it so that you can have the benefit of actually reading it for yourself. (it might surprise you what's in it)

And if you're not aware, the constitution does not start out with (When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another...) It's a common mistake I seem to find a lot on political boards.

He seems to be handling it just fine.

When he's campaigning he's not responding to his constituent's issues, he's not doing the job he was elected by the people for.

No way dude, politics should not be about changing your mind on issues left and right to fit in with the group and conform with those around you. If Ron Paul stood for the Constitution for his entire political career, does not changing his mind on the Patriot Act and voting for it make him stubborn? No!

What makes a person a good statesman is listening to the concerns of his constituents and voting their will, not his own. After all, he is elected by his district to represent THEM, not himself. He isn't the only person in his district is he? I don't think so. So, by not compromising, and holding to his own prejudices (not in a racial way, but in the strict definition of the term) he is not voicing the opinion of the people he is elected to represent.

It seems to me like Ron Paul is one of the few honest and trustworthy politicians left in DC, many of the other ones change their stance on issues to gain support from voters or fit in with their party.

Sounds to me like you are a paid representative of the Elect Ron Paul Campaign, how much do you get paid to endorse your boss on sites like this?

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by HauntWok

For someone who apparently cares so much about the US Constitution, it appears that you don't know this document very well. Here, let me link you to it so that you can have the benefit of actually reading it for yourself. (it might surprise you what's in it)
Yes I know there's an age requirement to be president, I was just baffled at your claim that he's too old to get elected.

When he's campaigning he's not responding to his constituent's issues, he's not doing the job he was elected by the people for.
I haven't heard any complaints.

What makes a person a good statesman is listening to the concerns of his constituents and voting their will, not his own. After all, he is elected by his district to represent THEM, not himself. He isn't the only person in his district is he? I don't think so. So, by not compromising, and holding to his own prejudices (not in a racial way, but in the strict definition of the term) he is not voicing the opinion of the people he is elected to represent.
But he is looking out for the people though. How is a person who preaches smaller goverment, the protection of our rights, and the revival of the Constitution selfish?

Why don't you read through Ron Pauls position on issues, and tell me how he doesn't look out for the people.
edit on 27-8-2011 by TupacShakur because: To edit my post

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 11:42 AM


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