posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 06:21 PM
Riding The Tube
Many moons ago, back when ATS was written on stone tablets, there was actually a huge tagging project that rewarded members for tagging posts. The
tags, in turn, were aggregated into a search feature that offered members a rather handy way of accessing related content.
There were, unsurprisingly, more than a few issues, like "tag spamming for points" and lots of pointless, nonsensical one-off tags, as well as obscene
or otherwise inappropriate tags. I don't remember the exact reason, but somewhere along the way, the tag feature dropped off the map.
Sorry, a bit of a tangent, but how that relates to YouTube videos is that I would imagine a feature for aggregating them would probably be similar to
the old tagging concept, and probably not limited to YouTube content.
Members are always asking for better search features, and I know Bill often experiments with new ideas, but ultimately whatever comes from it is up to
Whether tags or just a simple search for "yvid" tags, it would be a nice option to have, maybe integrated with somehow, but
as for when or if that would happen, only the Overlord knows for sure.
edit on 8/27/2011 by Majic because: (no reason given)