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Monsanto GM Corn In Peril: Beetle Develops BT Resistance

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posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by chasingbrahman

Beetle Develops BT Resistance


Maybe they should find out exactly how it did it and then inject it into Bats, Bees and whatever else that have been dropping like flys

Pun intended

Monsanto - Bayer Engineering Death: Bees, Bats and You?

edit on 26-8-2011 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Yeap, it was Bayer the one that did the deed and cause the death of the bees, they make people think that they are American base but they are not.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by SLAYER69

Yeap, it was Bayer the one that did the deed and cause the death of the bees, they make people think that they are American base but they are not.

Why drag any nationality in it? Large companies all over the world are into the same things, it is all about money, money, money, without even contemplating the consequences of their own actions.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Hellhound604

I think Marg may be referring to Bayer's more nefarious roots in Nazi Germany. I'm not sure if nationality was the point as much as the demonstrated tendency toward genocide.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by chasingbrahman

Yes, that is what I meant is just that I didn't want to get into any issue from the country they originated, is just that Bayer is one of the main causes of bee deaths in the US and all over the world even when in the country of origin is banned.

Since 1991 Bayer has been producing the insecticide Imidacloprid, which is one of the best selling insecticides in the world, often used as seed-dressing for maize, sunflower, and rape. Bayer exports Imidacloprid to more than 120 countries and the substance is Bayer´s best-selling pesticide. Since patent protection for Imidacloprid expired in most countries, Bayer in 2003 brought a similarly functioning successor product, Clothianidin, onto the market. Both substances are systemic chemicals that work their way from the seed through the plant. The substances also get into the pollen and the nectar and can damage beneficial insects such as bees.

Still governments are playing dumb and stupid when it comes to bees deaths, because they get to pocket money from Bayer's pay out to keep playing dumb and stupid.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by Hellhound604

Is not about nationality but the nefarious way they work, still we in the US have enough monsters to deal with, with Mosnpanto and Con Agra among many.

They will help kill humanity with their poison in our food, air and water.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:57 PM
You know if they just let Chickens roam the corn fields they would have eaten the beetles.

Now that the soils poisoned, the corn produces it's own toxin, and beetle eats toxin....

Chickens can't save them now.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Ok, but if we ignore the nationalities, then we finally come to the point that I want to make, that for some companies it is all about money, irrespective of the amount of damage they do to the environment. I view these companies as to be all the same, as to whether they manufacture arms, drugs, pharmaceuticals, GM crops.

I am slightly tipsy on this side, so I might ramble, and please forgive me for that. I am a socialist, so I am biased against capitalism, I am a humanist, and I am an environmentalist, an engineer and a scientist. So, my whole view of life are based on those (very often contradictory fields).

Companies like Monsato need better pure science training, from pure scientists that haven't been tainted by money. They need to study evolutionary science, ecology, and past history. No, they need to "Grok" those fields,
not sure if everybody understands the meaning of "Grok", Wiki it. Only by Grokking a specific field, you can become one with it, understand it fully, and by grokking it, will you realize all the consequences of it.

I have met too many farmers that view GM-foods to be God's answer to their prayers, but if you discuss the possibilities that Nature will adapt to whatever you throw at Her, they just look at you with blank eyes. They would rather trust a company with lots of money behind them, than a couple of university-professors, that try to lecture them on crop rotation, multi-cultures, the importance of keeping weeds between the crops (where the natural enemies of the pests can hide), etc.

They can't understand the concept, that yes, chemical farming works, and it works quickly, because that they can see, even though they don't understand the long-term consequences of it. Spraying their new crops with pesticides works for them right NOW....

When they look at biological control of the pests, they don't see any short-term advantages. They don't want to understand that biological-control, does just that, control the pests, not eliminate them, that biological control is not a quick-fix. To apply biological control, you need to be attuned to Nature, listen to Her, and grok her, that means to understand how pests work, understand the need to keep a place for their natural enemies to hide in when you harvest the land, which goes against anything that the 'pseudo-scientific agricultural companies tells them', and of course, more money in your pocket right now, makes you forget to think in the long term.

They don't see the advantage of crop-rotation, using multi-culture crops. NO, rather believe the chemical companies that tell them to use ever more fertilizers, that poison the soil even more, just use GM-crops, because the effects are immediate.

Too many humans have forgotten to flow with Nature; nope, we have a God-given right to CONTROL her.....

sorry for rambling, I just wanted to share my feelings.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by chasingbrahman

life found a way

clever girl....

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Hellhound604

You and I are not that far from our believes, we actually share more than you think, In the US the corruption is everywhere that has to do with big corporations and private interest, even our laws put profits above anything else.

That means that corrupt money is legal in our nation in the name of lobbyist in Washington. Even our supreme court has open the door for foreign money to flood our already corrupted politicians in power.

So when it comes to Monspanto just like any other corporation in the US they rule government. Anybody that goes against them are ecoterrorist and a treat to national security.

edit on 26-8-2011 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:31 PM
See how Mother Nature takes care of us.....that's why we need to take really good care of her too.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by Pervius
You know if they just let Chickens roam the corn fields they would have eaten the beetles.

Now that the soils poisoned, the corn produces it's own toxin, and beetle eats toxin....

Chickens can't save them now.

No, we can just have the scientists genetically engineer some chickens that can tolerate the toxins from the beetles.

The resulting chickens would probably poop nerve gas or something.....

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by butcherguy

Originally posted by Pervius
You know if they just let Chickens roam the corn fields they would have eaten the beetles.

Now that the soils poisoned, the corn produces it's own toxin, and beetle eats toxin....

Chickens can't save them now.

No, we can just have the scientists genetically engineer some chickens that can tolerate the toxins from the beetles.

The resulting chickens would probably poop nerve gas or something.....

... and after that we will just have to let them re-engineer the humans, so that we can tolerate the toxic chickens, and then re-engineer the fishes, so that they can tolerate the toxins in our urine, and so on, and so on ......

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 06:21 PM
Score another one for Dr Ian Malcolm's 'Chaos Theory'.

"I'm simply saying that life...uh.. finds a way".

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by chasingbrahman

I posted something awhile ago about examples of what an immune system for the earth, this would be a good example, gmo acts like a virus, spreading it's genes throughout the system, this is now a form of immune response

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Timing

What it really seems like to me is that all these schemes this megacorps have come up with are starting to fail. Just like with Globalization. A lot of people feel that we are in the growing pangs of Globalization when in reality we are suffering the failure of Globalization.

This failure of crops is just another check added in the failure column.

I certainly hope so. Sometimes I really want to kick "Humanity" in the rump and tell them to WAKE-UP!!

Given the floods this spring and the droughts, I really hope we have a whopping big crop failure. It will cost me an arm and a leg because I have 60 head of livestock to feed, but if it stops the grab for the food supply and wakes people up to how fragile our food supply really is it will be worth it!

I have made sure most of my plants and animals are "Mongrels" they may not have the "weight gain" but they do have the "survivability"

You would have thought we had learned from the Irish Potato famine and the Dutch Elm disease.
But NO the USDA & FDA have to go with "Globalization"

Check out my thread:
This is a very dangerous move being made by the Ag Cartel/World Trade Organization. WTO is substituting "Traceability" for quarantine, inspection and testing, while at the same time opening our borders to disease ridden food. (The Federal Register need comments NOW to stop the insanity.)

Dr Thornsberry a veterinarian who chairs R-CALF USA’s animal health committee in one paragraph summed up the whole problem with Animal (& veggie) ID.

]".....the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) is being forced on their industry. The U.S. signed a World Trade Organization (WTO) treaty and is now submitting to global rules on animal trade established by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).
The OIE wants the U.S. to accept imports from countries where animal disease problems persist.
For example, while the U.S. eradicated Equine Piroplasmosis – a tick-borne protozoal infection, the OIE wants the U.S. to accept imports from countries that have not eradicated this disease. With NAIS, horse movements could be traced from birth to death, thus eliminating the need to disallow high-risk imports because, according to the OIE, the U.S. could manage contagious diseases within its borders.",%20Op-Ed%20by%20Dr%20Thornsberry%20-%20Handout.pdf

Global Food Outlook:

Approved by the World Agricultural Outlook Board - August 11, 2011

COARSE GRAINS: U.S. feed grain supplies for 2011/12 are projected lower this month with sharp drops in forecast corn and sorghum production. Corn production for 2011/12 is forecast 556 million bushels lower with a reduction in harvested area and lower expected yields.... Projected corn exports for 2011/12 are reduced 150 million bushels with wheat feeding expected to increase. Ending stocks are projected 156 million bushels lower at 714 million..... World corn ending stocks are projected down 1.1 million tons with increases for Brazil and EU-27 mostly offsetting the U.S. reduction....

Other significant 2011/12 feed grain changes include a sharp reduction in the forecast sorghum yield and production with prolonged drought and excessive heat in the central and southern Plains. Sorghum exports are projected 20 million bushels lower.

WHEAT.....U.S. wheat supplies for 2011/12 are lowered 30 million bushels this month... Exports are projected down 50 million bushels with increased competition, particularly from FSU-12 countries, where production prospects are raised. Projected feed and residual use is raised 20 million bushels, reflecting a continuation of competitive prices for feed-quality wheat and lower projected corn supplies. Ending stocks are nearly unchanged.

RICE ...Global ending stocks for 2011/12 are projected at 97.9 million tons, up 1.7 million from last month, largely the result of an upward revision for Thailand....

OILSEEDS: U.S. oilseed production for 2011/12 is projected at 91.7 million tons, down 4.7 million from last month. Soybean, canola, and sunflowerseed production are all projected lower.....
Global oilseed production for 2011/12 is projected at 451.4 million tons, down 4.1 million tons from last month mostly due to a reduction in the U.S. soybean crop. Reductions for soybeans, rapeseed, and cottonseed are only partly offset by increased sunflowerseed and peanut production....

SUGAR: Projected U.S. sugar..... Production is lowered 80,000 tons, mainly due to lower-than-expected forecast yields for U.S. sugarbeets and Louisiana sugarcane.... Beginning stocks, decreased 285,000 tons to reflect changes made to prior year estimates, are partially offset by 80,000 tons of quota imports shifted from 2010/11 to 2011/12....

LIVESTOCK, POULTRY, AND DAIRY:.... fed cattle slaughter is raised to reflect the large number of cattle placed in feedlots during the second quarter due to drought in the Southern Plains....
The egg production forecast is reduced slightly from last month....
Pork production is lowered as tight feed supplies pressure hog weights. Broiler production is forecast lower....

The milk production forecast for 2011 is reduced.,,,

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:01 PM
Haha take THAT Monsanto!!! Nature will always win.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 08:02 PM
Monsanto started out as a chemical company 100 years or so ago. It wasn't until the 1990's that they began with the seeds and are now the world's largest seed company. In 1917 when Bayers' patent expired, Monsanto began making aspirin and became the largest producer worldwide. In 1926 Monsanto founded its' own town in Illinois so that their chemical business could operate more freely without having to worry about the environment. While Monsanto was an up and comer, they were involved with the Manhattan Project creating the atom bomb. They were involved with the production of Agent Orange during Vietnam. Monsanto was one of 15 companies to manufacture DDT. In 1993 Monsanto and NTGargiulo of Goliath produced a genetically altered tomato.

John Francisco Queeney started Monsanto. He married Olga Mendez Monsanto. Queeney was a Knight of Malta. The Knights of Malta swear a blood oath to the death of obedience to the Pope. In the case of an American citizen, this oath comes first and the constitution 2nd. Knights of Malta is an invitation only fraternity. Knight of Malta passports were issued to enable escaping Nazi war criminals to escape prosecution. Bill Donovan and Allen Dulles, fathers of the C.I.A. were Knights of Malta.

Monsanto hired Blackwater (now XE) in 2008 to investigate and spy on anti-GMO activists. Monsanto produces herbicides, prescription drugs and GMO seeds. There are no GMO labelling laws in the U.S.

Read more at 'Monsanto's Dark History: 1901 - 2011'

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Pervius
You know if they just let Chickens roam the corn fields they would have eaten the beetles.

Now that the soils poisoned, the corn produces it's own toxin, and beetle eats toxin....

Chickens can't save them now.

Yeah, but....we can't have the chickens running around pooping all over the corn, now how would that look.

Nature always swings last.

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 12:34 AM
I just hate that stupid company, they not only poison our food, they also damage the lands and that affects the majority of the food that we eat, because more that 50% of the processed food contains some ingredient that comes from corn, from that poisoned corn that Monsanto forces the farmers to plant.

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