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When the Looters Come: A Discussion About Proper Responses

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posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 10:54 PM

Being in the path of Hurricane Irene has me wondering what I should/could do if looting follows the storm.

I remember stories about citizens showing displays of community force during Katrina, but I don't remember much detail being reported, or any analysis of potential good/harm coming as a result of it.

Is it better to mind your own business and protect only yourself, or organize a community show of force? Are firearms a deterrent or an invitation for trouble, if faced with an imminent threat? Does anyone have any experience in the matter?

I doubt there will be a widespread need for such concern, and my first instinct is to lay low and stay out of trouble, but I wonder if there is precedent where a peaceful, community organized response stopped something before it started.

I also wonder if the pack mentality of a few vigilant citizens can turn bad, quickly.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 10:59 PM
Unless it's your stuff, let em have it, no use taking unnessecarry risks in a post-disaster situation.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 10:59 PM
I wouldn't comfortable telling you wether or not it would be smarter to organize a community watch, or just protect yourself and your family, as I am not sure about that myself. However, I can definately vouch for firearms as a deterrant.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by theshepherd2
I wouldn't comfortable telling you wether or not it would be smarter to organize a community watch, or just protect yourself and your family, as I am not sure about that myself. However, I can definately vouch for firearms as a deterrant.

Agreed. Get to know your neighbors & watch out for each other!

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by don rumsfeld

That right there is an epic picture
id personally stick to myself. in disaster situations the worst comes out of people. and unfortunately for us alot of people go bad

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 11:13 PM
IMO In a situation like that your first responsibility is the safety of your family, period. Then worry about your "stuff". If it were me I would sit on my front porch with my rifle w/ my family the whole time. That being said, I live in Texas and have been through more than one pretty bad hurricanes. The last one knocked out electricity and water for 3 weeks and the opposite of the crap that happened during Katrina happened. There was no looting or idiots running crazy, my whole community came together and made sure everyone had food to eat and helped clean up and repair houses. I never once felt anything but love from my community. It's kind of strange too because 99 percent of the time I cant stand my neighbors and think their arrogant asses lol

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 11:14 PM
don't loot houses, loot walmart, loot homedepot, loot citybank, loot bank of america, loot the apple store, loot mcdonalds, and especially loot shell, exxon and gulf.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 11:24 PM
They come for your stuff, give them a warning shot near their feet.

If they keep coming at you, blow out a knee, throw em some peroxide and gauze, and wish em good luck.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 11:24 PM
Do what Betty White did in the flick Hard Rain and set bear traps. Great way to get them pesky looters.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by NightShift

NightShift, if you're in an area that has some mean streets like Camden or Newark NJ and you really feel threatened by the upcoming storm leading to looting, I'd advise you to get out of town before it all goes down. Things, objects just aren't worth it. Items aren't worth getting hurt or killed for.

In all fairness, I'm writing this as a homeowner who spends a bundle every month on insurance policies. I'd rather put my Chow & supplies in the car and head out early than try to defend our little home. We are not gun owners. I'm no tough guy that can Chuck Norris his way out of doom & gloom. I'd rather come back later, pick up the pieces and drop a dime to the suit at the insurance company.

Just my two cents. I wish you the best and hope all pans out well for you & yours. God bless.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by DankKing420
reply to post by don rumsfeld

That right there is an epic picture
id personally stick to myself. in disaster situations the worst comes out of people. and unfortunately for us alot of people go bad

i'm a little surprised by your statement "in disaster situations the worst comes out of people." over the years the few times i've seen things get tough from flooding, really bad storms and incredible snow, i've always seen neighbors that i've almost not seen before at all coming out of their houses to speak to each other, check up on each other, and make sure everyone is okay.

i guess it's different in different neighborhoods. where i've lived it's working folks with crowded neighborhoods, houses on top of houses, every window you look out of you see someones house. most folks keep to themselves, i think it's a defense mechanism from living in an overcrowded state. but like i wrote, i'm used to seeing folks come out and check up on each other during and after emergencies.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by LargeFries

This guy is absolutely right... until the suit at the insurance company decides to screw him....

How likely is that???

You decide.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 06:02 PM
From the what it's worth department:

As of 2pm EDT on Friday, the Aviation Digital Data Service prognosis charts were indicating Irene would actually sit out the weekend off the coast of NC/VA....actually sliding south on Sunday.

I just checked now and they are again showing Irene rapidly moving up into NJ from VA between 36 and 48 hours from now.

I called Flight Service and the Aviation Weather Service to see if they knew what changed the forecast four hours ago, and why it went back again. They don't know, but they said they will look into it.

Wishful thinking on my part, I guess....too good to be true.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 06:09 PM
From another thread: r
reply posted on 26-8-2011 @ 03:20 PM by davidgrouchy

I was two blocks from the coast
in Biloxi Mississippi for Katrina.

I don't know if that means anything to the reader,
so here is a picture of the coast.

[photo of devastation]

I didn't see any police or guardsmen for about 4 days,
and even then they were mostly only out at night.

Being the only person who didn't speak spanish in my appartment complex,
(let's hear it for second story appartments)
I gotta say, it was very relaxed and groovy.

The Mama citas would make a little fire next to
large chunk of cement, slap out some tortillas
and brown them on it.
In the evenings, one of the guys would fire up his truck
and play salsa music.

But mostly we all just moved very slow and cautiously.
By coincidence I was reading Steinbeck, "Tortilla flats"
so I had entertainment.

It wasn't until a week afterwards when people who had
evactuated returned that we started having any trouble.

They showed up angry, and just ragging at the world.
Later I found out what they had been showing on TV
that week, and man. TV was a serious threat to our
cool calm and collected little group.

People showed up peeved at the world and looking for a fight.
Behind them were the exploiters and professional looters.

In fact the biggest threat was the millitary guard
who were not from there.
The local cops knew us as the Mexican workers and that other guy.
But I had to carry a copy of my lease agreement to show the guard,
or they wouldn't let me back into the devistated area.

David Grouchy


posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 06:15 PM
stay calm and send them on their way,violence as a last resort,Ive been through several hurricanes and people (good people) tend to draw together.Good luck and prayers are with you.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 06:16 PM
Same thread:

The Katrina examples used are more the exception to the rule. I think that some out of state Guard units and/or state police were pulling that in a few isolated instances. There were several examples of people grouping up in their own neighborhoods and arming themselves and acting as "police" of their own neighborhood.

In 1 case, the neighborhood "militia" might have gotten too overzealous in Algiers and started shooting at anyone who "didn't belong". The problem is that in Katrina, you had people walking around looking for family and friends in neighborhoods they might not otherwise have gone to very often. Also people passing through en route to a pick up point to get the h out of there in a gov't bus. So there are 2 sides.

My position on it, though, is that gun rights should be protected. But If you are walking down the street packing, you have to be understanding of the cops/Guardsmen position on it. Always be respectful, if you have a permit, let them know immediately. If NC is an open carry state, be aware that cops/Guardsmen are endangering their lives and that they have to assume you are at least a potential threat until you prove otherwise.
ALso, due to EMAC agreements b/n states, you will likely have out of state Guardsmen who are less familair with local ways, laws, and manners. Just be aware of this an you'll likely be ok.

If not evacuating, best bet is to stay home and avoid trouble. Keep your guns there for protection but don't bring any unneccesary heat on yourself just because you want to assert your rights. Maintain a low profile. Leave others alone unless they need help.

Be careful. Be respectful. Be vigilante. Empathize with the other people in the predicament, authorities included.


posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

I strongly disagree. I assume that you were being humorous with your comment, but some may take it as valid advice. Never, ever, fire a warning shot. You are not attempting to board and search a ship.

That bears repeating. Never, ever, under any circumstances, fire a warning shot. If the bad guys are armed, you will be dead before you get another round chambered. If you have made the decision to protect your stuff and your family with deadly force, when you pull the trigger, it is to kill.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by Doc Gator

I was making the assumption that the looters in question looked like stupid clueless kids who can't wield a grapefruit, let alone a gun.

Nonetheless, you're correct. If people are that stupid, then shoot to kill.

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