posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by m1991
There already is an abundance of resources and there is not a utopia. A utopia requires individual, willing participation and sense of responsibility
and also an organization of collective priorities to collectively work for those priorities and that's why there is not a utopia.
You don't think there is an abundance of resources? Necessities include food, water, and shelter. Once the necessities are equally distributed in
accordance with one's needs, there will be room for cultivating not so necessary resources.
Food, water, and shelter are all that is needed and they are in abundance. Shelter can be made from mostly wood. Food comes from the ground and is
constantly growing and reproducing as wood. And water covers 75% of the Earth in an unfathomable amount.
Considering our progression of technological advancement, there will, in the near future, be resources harvestable from other planets. Regardless of
that, there is at this time, plenty of resources to fulfill our needs, and probably enough to fulfill our foolish desires.
Yet there is no utopia. Why?
Because we operate in accordance with specific government and economic structures that do not allow for such an ideal. There is socialism which is
ideal, but it gets abused because the rules are enforced by military. For socialism to work ideally, there would have to be no need for a military.
Due to the current state of affairs as being highly conflictive, the worldwide military presence is ever-present and is also employed by the same
governments that have the power to enforce their own private agendas. These private agendas are exactly what diminishes the possibility of a
government-economic system such as socialism to work effectively in accordance with the ideal.
The private agendas are just the agenda for power and control, mainly. But power and control are products of the imbalanced desire for material
The Greatest Disease On The Planet. The Autobiography of Mankind.