reply to post by ShadowLife
First, you must know that you can't turn an xbox into a pc... and for a very simple reason... it IS already a PC...
the differencies with your usual computer are:
- All the hardware is very specific and not easyly replaceable
- The motherboard does not allow any additionnal peripheral, since there is no need to, and would increase costs
- Of course, the operating system is different
- The bios and all the System Hardware interactions are a bit different, probably "to make things harder for hackers" at the mean time, and also
because it can be much simplified compared to a PC bios because of the standard and not-evolution-friendly hardware...
Knowing that, now you have to understand that Microsoft have (in purpose) done several things in a different way... If everything was done as it was
on PC's oses, this console would have been hacked in days... and it took a bit longer (not much btw)... Here are the most concerning of these
- The harddrive is hardware-"Locked" with the motherboard, this means, to get simple, that it has "your motherboard's signature" on it... That
lock is done at detection moment, and can be quite difficult to avoid... This Lock means that basically, you can only use your XBox harddrive with
YOUR xbox. If you try to plug it with ANY other hardware, it will just either not even power on, or just remain completely undetected... The XBOX also
can't boot with an "unlocked" harddrive...
Locking is a very standard feature that is available on virtually all hard drives, but only manufacturers have use for it. Some Computer sellers
companies (compaq/hp) for example sometime uses that "Locking" features on their pc (or at least, used at this time)
- The partitions on the hard drive are in FATX, not in Fat, Fat32, Exfat, ntfs, etc... That mean that if you plug in on a Windows PC, even if the
harddrive is unlocked, you won't be able to see any FatX partitions... In fact, you'll probably see the disk as a brand new harddrive with no
partitions at all on it.
- The XBOX Dashboard will never boot on a standard PC.. It will use the same cpu code at run time, but at boot time, It will probably use some bios
interactions very specific to the xbox and a PC would not know how to handle them... so there is no need to try to boot your xbox hdd on your pc...
(even considering that your hard drive wouldn't be locked)
Knowing all that, you can find several ways to work around these problems and do some interessting stuff with it, but the interessting stuff will be
for the xbox, not for an xbox-pc hybrid (that would never work)...
So basically to hack an xbox, what you need is to work around the Lock problem, and the FatX problem... You can do it by several different ways, my
favourite being having an hacked xbox, and hot-swapping hdds after boot... But you should be carefull with that... If you fail to lock your hdd or
accidentally corrupt it (or if you forget to install something the system need after formatting / partitionning + locking your hdd), you'll turn your
it into an XBrick... Your only way to recover this error would then be to setup a modchip on the motherboard (a temporary solderless one would do the
trick, and it's easy to use, but still annoying)
Well, that was the long story...
You can't turn an xbox into a pc or a pc into an xbox... it's already one, but more limited and restrictive
I tend to agree with others, you should turn your xbox into a media center, that's the best role for this console... I recommand you using XBMC as a
dashboard too... (but don't overwrite MS Dashboard... you'll still need it unless you have a modchip... (and if you delete / overwrite it, you will
probably need a modchip lol))