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No Labels! - The New Political Movement of the SIlent Majority

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posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:40 PM
Tired of every Pollster immediately pressing you to declare yourself Conservative or Liberal? Republican or Democrat...when you answer that question, isn't their always a voice in your mind that loudly shouts "BUT...." and no one seems interested in what follows?

Tired of instantly being LABELED for poltical purposes?

Still love your country...even if you don't fully buy into the Democrat or Republican platforms?

If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins
-Benjamin Franklin

Tell Congress: No Pledge but the Pledge of Allegiance

Finally a movement that I can believe in!

Their website here:

Interested in opinions......

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

I understand that many here will not feel comfortable with solution focused politics as opposed to Idealogically driven politics, but even so...I think we all agree something needs to change in our politics if we are to survive.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:53 PM
Flag because I agree. I am so tired of the vitriol on the political forum. It seems like both sides are getting their talking points and marching orders and we suddenly have an influx of lies, distortions, hate, and name calling intent on baiting people back in to their cages. These people are just political operatives using their whips to stir people in to fighting with each other instead of focusing on what is happening.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:55 PM
I'm all for this, the media has made it seem like everyone wants to be in bed with the corrupt democrats and republicans...hell no.

I want to put support behind people that actually work for us and will not make decisions that screw the people over and benefit corporations and entities that do not provide jobs to honest people in this country who need them.

Until this current government falls, there will be no chance of something like that happening.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by ararisq
Flag because I agree. I am so tired of the vitriol on the political forum. It seems like both sides are getting their talking points and marching orders and we suddenly have an influx of lies, distortions, hate, and name calling intent on baiting people back in to their cages. These people are just political operatives using their whips to stir people in to fighting with each other instead of focusing on what is happening.

I agree that the discussions on ATS are driven by emotions, fear and intolerance and am not sure that this will resonate with many, but I hold out hope.

From the "No Labels" Charter

We are not labels – we are people.

We care deeply about our country.

We are frustrated and concerned about the tone of politics.

We are passionate about addressing America’s challenges.

We are Democrats, Republicans and Independents.

Most importantly, we are Americans.

We believe hyper-partisanship is destroying our politics and paralyzing our ability to govern.

We may disagree on issues, but we do so with civility and mutual respect.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:11 PM
I think the commercial is well done and probably effective in marketing government to those who recognize that it's not working, which is indeed the majority.

They blame party politics for government not working, and I agree that the left-right arguments are BS, but I can't support them. To me, this looks like a last-ditch effort to get the majority behind government in general. They're saying "we know government isn't working, but it's because people of opposing ideologies won't work together for the greater good".

It's an appeal to our nationalism, to gain support of government. As if to say, "you may not like your government, but if you love your country you must continue to believe in government and have faith that government can solve our problems."

Clever marketing, but I'm not buying it.

(A quick google tells me what I need to know about this statist think-tank.)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by eMachine

It's an appeal to our nationalism, to gain support of government. As if to say, "you may not like your government, but if you love your country you must continue to believe in government and have faith that government can solve our problems."

Clever marketing, but I'm not buying it.

Skepticism is healthy, but it squarely is premised on the idea that Goverment IS NOT solving our problems.

Not with the current state of Partisanship and corruption.

"Govern - But don't Over-Govern"

Did you see that in the video?

They are about government being where it should be - and solving problems.

As opposed to being where it shouldn't be - and creating new problems while solving none.

The first represents a government who puts the people first, the second a government that cares more about elections than governing.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Indigo5
reply to post by Indigo5

I understand that many here will not feel comfortable with solution focused politics as opposed to Idealogically driven politics, but even so...I think we all agree something needs to change in our politics if we are to survive.

Absolutely. It has gotten so polarized that just looking around ATS you see more than enough posters stating as a fact they will never vote for a Democrat because they are all bad.
I am aware there are good and bad politicians on both sides and have and will continue for the candidate I like best, rather than party lines. But I see plenty of people that are just worried about their team, regardless of who is on that team or what they are actually doing.

The labels thing is a pretty convoluted subject on here.
When I label someone a Republican, neocon, GOP shill, etc. it is ALWAYS in response to a post espousing exactly those ideals. While consider myself socially liberal and fiscally conservative there is something quite different when an ATS righty tosses that label at me. Instead of it ever actually applying to what I had written it turns into labeling me a "liberal" or "progressive" then making up what that means and applying it to me. I cannot believe how many times I have been told on here what I think and how I feel by people that have no clue about either. Some labels fit. Some are just tossed around in order to disparage people.

Others still, like "teabagger" for instance are just there as simple reminders. The TEA party started that label and then rejected it when they learned what it meant. That would be fine but instead what they have actually done is try to deny it was ever the case. So when one lies to me about their own history and agenda, I do not mind using the word they used in order to describe them as it reminds them of their dishonesty.

I never called anyone a neocon or GOPer that did not make it clear that is what they were. If I defend a gay person's rights then I am called a liberal and told how much I hate god, want to rape children, and most likely live off the system.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

Yes, I did see the video and (I apologize) I cannot agree. I do not believe a government can keep from over-governing. I cannot trust an inanimate non-living entity that intends to impose authority over actual living people, nor can I trust any living person who wants to represent such an institution and exercise its authority over others.

The argument in question here is one that the creators of the US government spent much time pondering and debating. They knew the risks of government, but they believed they could create a government which would moderate itself. They believed government was a necessary evil.

It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. - James Madison

If Men Were Angels: The Basic Analytics of the State versus Self-government

We may prop up these historical figures as saviors, but they failed. They had high hopes that their government would somehow defy everything that they themselves knew about government. They hoped that for the first time in history power would not be corrupt and become oppressive. Their government failed, because government is fail.

Forgive me for being insensitive, but faith in government is the same to me as faith in any other religion, except that churches don't have armed agents who can make sure their authority is properly imposed on me.

“If human beings are fundamentally good, no government is necessary; if they are fundamentally bad, any government, being composed of human beings, would be bad also.” - Fred Woodworth

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by eMachine

Forgive me for being insensitive, but faith in government is the same to me as faith in any other religion, except that churches don't have armed agents who can make sure their authority is properly imposed on me.

At one point in history, Churches did indeed have "armed agents" to "impose their authority" upon people.

That was what largely led to the formation of America.

Faith in government? It is not a religion. I have faith in the United States of America and "the republic" and it's founding principles. I have faith in the American people and as long as we wrestle with our own government to ensure that it reflects us "the people" as the founding fathers intended, my faith in America will endure.

Statist?..Government as a spiritual faith? I offer my apologies, but you appear to be looking to entrench yourself in an extreme position: All government is bad! No police? No roads? No Fire-department...NOTHING.

While at the same time trying to drive opposing views to an extreme...acknowledging a need for government is the same as worshipping it like a faith in God?

Government where needed and solution focused works for me.

Not interested in that kind of debate.


posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Indigo5
At one point in history, Churches did indeed have "armed agents" to "impose their authority" upon people.

Indeed, they did. I don't see how government having that power today is any more justified than the church having that power in the past.

Faith in government? It is not a religion. I have faith in the United States of America and "the republic" and it's founding principles. I have faith in the American people and as long as we wrestle with our own government to ensure that it reflects us "the people" as the founding fathers intended, my faith in America will endure.
Not interested in that kind of debate.

Forgive me for challenging your belief in a higher power. I recognize your right to believe in whatever authority you choose... I just wish the power you invest in this illusion, collectively, didn't empower you all to impose its authority on the rest of us.



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