posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:17 AM
So I was driving around with a guy friend in my car the other day and apparantly he's a mechanic or something and he asks if I've had my oil changed
latey in just random conversation. I said I had no idea since my dad always does that so he offers to do some maintenance on my car if I drop it off
at his house for a couple days.
I'm like ok sure so i'm currently without a vehicle and with school coming up I need to go buy some supplies. I noticed there's a bus stop about
half a mile away so I go there to take it into town and buy my stuff. Bus pulls up and I go to get on board and the driver stops me and says, "it's
2 dollars." I'm like "when did you start charging to ride the bus? I ride busses all time on Campus and it's free", and she responds with "this
isn't campus sweetie."
First of all I don't like some old shriveled up woman calling me sweetie and second of all it's a stupid city bus. I said to her, "i'll just pay
you double next time ok," and started to get on and she puts her stupid arm out to block me from boarding and i'm like what the hell!!!
"Go get some money and come back" she says and i'm like but my house is half a mile away and she get's this attitude she must think sounds really
tough but actually isn't and tells me "I have a schedule to keep, please get money and come back" so i'm like fine whatever and walk home.
2 wasted hours later i'm back at the stop and it's the same stupid driver again so i walk on and hand her 2 dollars and she says, "put it in the
machine please" to which I replied, "that's your job isn't it?" so she grabbed the money and put it in the machine and I take the seat right
behind her cause the bus is filthy and I want to be as close to fresh air as possible.
Now heres the part that get's me mad. A couple stops later some old bllind guy, (we think he's blind) get's on the bus with his cane and glasses on
the whole nine yard blind guy routine and the driver greets him by name. He just walks righ on and DOESN'T PUT ANY MONEY IN THE FRICKIN
He takes a seat across from me and at this point i'm fuming so I ask the bus driver, "so if I put on a pair of sunglasses you'll quit harrassing
me?" which she then has the gall to just sit there and ignore me. Fine whatever but I'm staring at this guy sitting across from me and I really
can't take it anymore so I ask him a question.
I asked him, "So your really blind huh?" he responds with, "pardon?" So I asked again, "I asked if your really blind" and he's like "Yes I
"Sounds like a neat trick to get out of paying a fare" I replied and the bus driver turns on me like a viper and says "I want you off my bus at the
next stop!!"
Ha "it's not your bus it belongs to the city" I said . She get's even madder which I don't know why cause I"M THE VICTIM HERE,
hello....."either you leave the bus or I will have the police forceably remove you" she says. So now I'm all angry and I can yell just as loud so I
shout, "Fine I'll have you arrested for giving your friends free bus rides then".
Anyways she stops the bus at the next stop and stands up and points to the door with her shriveled up little finger and yells, "GET OFF NOW".
Discrimination at it's finest and I told her that too. So I get off the bus cause frankly she was a B**** anyways and smelled like she hadn't
showered for a week.
Now I know how black people feel....i'm part of the struggle now.