posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 11:07 PM
I have, as most of ATS I'm sure, read the many threads and comments about strange noises around over last year or so. I did not find anything quite
like my experience, so I am reaching out for suggestions on how to explain this.
I live about 150-175 miles from Mineral, VA, the epicenter of today's earthquake. As long-time California residents, my adult son and I took the
earthquake today in stride. About 3 minutes after we felt the shaking stop, I briefly got an unusual sharp pain inside my right ear canal - like an
intense vibration but without sound. I wouldn't have even given it a second thought, except that our surround sound subwoofer immediately started
making this most unusual noise. It lasted for about 3 minutes. My son, who is a bit of an audio geek, was perplexed. He had never heard anything
quite like it.
The reason for my post is because the noise started again through the subwoofer a couple hours ago - but this time it hasn't stopped. The noise - and
I know how weird this sounds - is rhythmic in nature and sounds a lot like a heart beat. The volume on the subwoofer has no effect on the volume of
the sound. We never listen to the system up very loud because of the neighbors - no chance it was blown because of normal audio input.
We have done the most common-sense troubleshooting - without luck. I haven't been able to get a decent recording of it yet off of my phone, but will
try getting a better recording app tomorrow if it keeps up.
I realize there very well may be a normal, logical explanation, but I cannot find one that makes sense as of yet.
I would love to figure out if this is anything worth further effort - what do y'all think?