Interesting day today.
Small one woke up full of beans, and I just let her chatter away while she was brushing Rapunzels hair.
Firstly it was SO difficult, not asking too many questions.
I have recorded some of this, though I'm really wary about posting it, I will post the bits I got when my PC recognises my usb lead...
(Her dad
is going to have a look tonight)
So here is what I wrote down, and a transcript of the bits I recorded;
Her; "Is there another message?"
Me; Who from?
Her; "The people who make the noises?"
Me; Well, people have put some more videos on the internet.
Her; "Can I listen to them?"
Me; Later on, when you've had breakfast.
Her; "Okay.. (Long pause, I made myself look busy) Can you hear it's like a song?"
Me; What kind of song?
Her; "It's a song, in a different voice. They normally speak different languages, On the circle one (?) as well as the one on your computer that goes
'da da da'"
(The sample I posted is the one she heard, and she calls the 'da da da' noise)
Me; "What does it say?"
Her; "I don't know, (Then she looked sad) ..I don't know. it's not my language."
She carried on playing for a few minutes, then she said
Her; "I will be friends with them, because they're nice"
Me; "How do you know they that?"
Her; "It's in the song silly!!! Not the 'da da da' one the 'eee' ones" (Long laughter)
Then I said to her; "There's some people in the world who think that children can understand things better, than adults can, Some people think that
sometimes the adults are so busy with their lives, paying bills, and running cars that they sometimes forget to listen, So I like hearing what you
think about things"
Her; "Mummy shall I tell you how many I can know?"
Me; OK then.
Her; "I think I can only know five"
Me; Five? Have you heard some somewhere else then? Not on the internet?
(Remember she's only heard the one sample online, also this is the bit I got my phone for and started recording)
Her; "In our back garden. There's was that ''eee'' noise."
Me' "And ''eee'' noise?
Her; (She squeaked loudly for a second or two, a high-pitched 'eeeeee' noise just like she said) "Like that! It was far away"
Me; "But you heard it.."
(She got distracted and started singing again, so I stopped recording.. fail.. then when she stopped, she laughed, and said )
Her; "The aliens are snoring, it's night time where they are"
Then more laughter, and was obvious to me that she was ready to move onto the next thing completely.
1) She's only heard one sample online... yet she says she ''can know five''
2) She believes the message that she likens to a song is in the high pitched part, not the low rumbling part that we have been studying for whatever.
Which means, that our investigation into the noise, whether she gathered what we were doing or not, is, by her own account wrong. She corrected US.
3) She doesn't understand the language being spoken, but believes that it IS being spoken (hence her description of different languages) and that it's
a kind message.
4)I don't know how she can understand the 'message', even if she doesn't understand the language, so to speak.. and neither does she, which confuses
and frustrates her a little bit, also a bit of sadness that she can't speak that language, this doesn't concern or surprise me in the slightest, she
always wants to be able to communicate with people, and even tried to learn spanish when we went on holiday so she could understand everything people
were saying
5) I think that last sentence is the first time I've ever heard her refer to them as aliens. It's alway ''those other people''
6) I've obviously failed to get anything recorded other than her impression of the noise, which I promise I will upload a bit later on when the USB
cable is recognised!
We've been out all day, to an indoor play centre, and she's shattered now, so it's bedtime.
Tomorrow she goes away for a bit, so I'll see if she has anything to say tomorrow, and let you know.
Thanks for all the replies.
I don't know what this means, but I do believe her sincerity, and I do believe that her total lack of concern speaks volumes. It really is an adult
symptom.. attaching fear and worry to everything.
Even if she never mentioned it again, that's still a lesson I'm happy to take on board.
edit on 24-8-2011 by Deplume because: (no reason given)