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De-constructing: D4rk Kn1ght; A confession. Guilt makes me post this

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posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by CAPT PROTON

The 41, I believe, refers to GHW Bush, who was in charge of the holographic/audio project that was used in the first Gulf War. The story was that the CIA used this "Blue Beam" technology to project images and audio of a God-like figure over various Iraqi forces who instantaneously surrendered.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by sdp333
Perhaps some older members will remember this......

I recall a thread started by someone who woke up in bed to find a lizard-fishlike creature in his room and he ended up stabbing him with a knife. In his words he "gave him the good news." I recall that vividly since I had never heard that expression before.

Anyway, there was another member who did a comparison of certain lingo/terms/expressions which were also used in the Dark Knight thread. It was starkly similar.

Can't remember too clearly but I thought that was what ended Dark Knights membership here......I could be wrong.

I remember that thread, because today I still laugh at it and use it as a source of ATS flim flam examples. Was that Dark KNight, man that seems like a long time ago. I can't even remember the title of that thread.
I remember the weirdness of that story and the person telling it seemed disturbed as hell.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:03 AM
SnF for later.....

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:09 AM
Regarding this Dark Knight, I read somewhere that the Greys were behind the Miracle of Fatima, as part of a plan to control religion. If so, then it wouldn't be without logic to believe that they will be behind this supernatural event on October 28th 2011.

They could then show up posing as our saviours, and all the while, it was them that sowed the seeds, all those years ago...

Basically, if they create what becomes prophecy, they control the endgame as well...

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:17 AM
Sister Lucia's Third secret was to be revealed upon her death or in 1960. The secret was not released to the public when it was supposed to be and the delay (in my opinion) directly corresponds with the formation of Vatican 2. There is speculation that the 3rd secret that we have is not the original or not its entirety and that the complete secret is very grave. The apostacy that the letter is intended to bring to light has been said to be the prediction of the pedophila and homosexuality in the church and the lack of action by the Church with regards to these atrocities. My opinion is that it is deeper than that and that the formation of V2 was to cover this up. Now I don't believe that the entire Vatican is involved in it and I am a practicing Catholic but I believe that there was a change comming within the Church that Sister Lucia was told about and that this was to be disclosed which would give enough time to irradicate the powers that succombed to the "dark" side and restore the Church. I look between the lines in my faith and follow my gut.

So, to tie this in with D4rk Kn1ghts prediction, The 3 days of darkness (Catholic Prophecy) shares very similar ideas but not so much timelines. The 3 days prophecy says that the signs would come at once with the wind being the indication of taking refuge indoors and never looking outside. DK's prediction was outlined more of a build up to a point but still I believe if both come to be true that they will correspond. During the 3 days one should never go outside or look outside. During this time all of Satans demons would be unleashed upon Earth. According to prophecy we will hear voices of loved ones in anguish and pain begging us to let them in. This will be the work of the demons and many will fail to resist and parish. After the 3 days light will again fall on the Earth and the ensuing days on Earth (for a period) will be bliss.

When I first read DK's thread I immediately related it to this prophecy and with the controversy surrounding the delayed release of the 3rd secret, I believe the original could have contained the outcome of the apostacy which was a cleansing that the 3 days refers to and DK's referrence to it being much worse than World War.
edit on 24-8-2011 by Zippidee because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by moolay
Regarding this Dark Knight, I read somewhere that the Greys were behind the Miracle of Fatima, as part of a plan to control religion. If so, then it wouldn't be without logic to believe that they will be behind this supernatural event on October 28th 2011.

They could then show up posing as our saviours, and all the while, it was them that sowed the seeds, all those years ago...

Basically, if they create what becomes prophecy, they control the endgame as well...

This could play out whether real grey intervention/event or one created by our own kind. Either way, if humanity can be led to believe that we are the property, so to speak, of another race... we suddenly dump thousands of years of religious faith and mass into this glob of alien worshiping creatures that lose their spirit and independence.

Religion has done us no big favors over the years but that's mainly because humans misapplied the faith for the purpose of power and greed. If we chase this rabbit down the hole, it stands to be far worse than even that.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:27 AM
I completely agree with you.

Dark elements in our society, (or OUTSIDE of it), whether alone or jointly with one or a number of nefarious ET races, are conspiring to bring down our perceived existence, and replace it with hell on Earth.

The Catholic Church is subject to this insidious evil. I stress that Most of the Church is undoubtedly unaware of it, but it's there...

I also recall reading that Pope John Paul said that the 3rd Secret concerned millions dying in a matter of seconds, and Earth would suffer a massive calamity, although I do not know if the validity of this is any good.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by CAPT PROTON
I remember D4rk Kn1gt mentioned there was some other insight into his screen name.

The only thing I can sort of determine is maybe a chess move like a gambit or a mate.

Like rook at D4 and Knight at g1. Any chess freaks on here that can resolve this?

If its a mate or gambit, what is the name, there are lots of them.

Im a huge chess fan....and we are looking at infinite with the only hint being dark knight haha.... and D4
edit on 24-8-2011 by cosmicexplorer because: forgot the d4

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:40 PM
My personal belief is that his early stuff was legit and then he got a taste of internet fame and all that good and bad that comes with it and started trying to garner more attention. That is totally my thinking on the whole thing, and really, if we automatically discounted everything said by a crazy person or a fame seeker, there would be no conspiracy theories at all ;-)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:42 PM
Anyboody remember that thread from "The Agency"

according to the plaedians (or whatever you say/spell it) there will also be 3 days of darkness where we are not to go outside for any reason.

then something about vortex's and the thread was closed.

i cant be the only one who remembers those threads.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by RelentlessLurker

I remember this. I can't find it right now, but I do remember the discussion about sky vortices opening up, and how "The Agency" was supposed to help us and protect us.

Problem is, this stuff is so frequent here, that falsified information like that is commonplace, and usually discredited due to the author getting bored when right off the bat people label it as a hoax.

Now...the posts from people "in the bloodlines" are very intriguing, as they are usually written out methodically by someone with an above-average intelligence.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:17 PM
I have read his thread, spent nearly a whole day on it when I found it a couple months ago. If you step back and look at what he said, and take in context, then he was spot on. He said things would get worse the closer it got to 10/28/11. now, think back...hasn't 2011 been at a feverish pace? Historic tornadoes, flooding, drought, countries being overthrown, economic collapse on the brink, new wars, earthquakes in ares not prone to them. I would say 2011 has been a VERY active year so far.

Now, I don't know if what he claims is true or not, but seeing that the original post was nearly 5 years ago, one can't ignore some of what he foretold. It is really kind of freaky to be honest. I'm not bugging out by any stretch, but I am keeping a proverbial ear to the rail as it were.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:24 PM
I was going to post something on this subject a few days ago. Ill get into it more later, but as of now, I can think of ELEnin, and the october date is the debated last day of the Mayan Calendar.

One odd tid bit, D4RK KN1GHT did sign on to his account after his supposal move out date, and said some pretty weird stuff... something about seeing a woman in flames in a parking lot??? creepy.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by Question Fate

11:11 4 1's....nice catch.

Also....4 represents the physical realm and 1 represents the Creator.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by W3RLIED2

From your post, and others, it sounds to me like some kind of plan for mass de-population. We know that is a huge part of NWO Agenda. The buildup is probably to frighten and corner the people enough so they feel they have no other recourse.
I had a dream early in 2009, that I was in a large white plantation resort, and looked out one of the big windows to see a giant alien ship hovering, People started running looking for places to hide, and I went up some stairs. An alien was trying to follow me and I knew I had to find somewhere high up to hide. Then suddenly I was back in the Great Room and people were coming back out. I looked out the window and the big ship was no longer visible but I knew it was hiding still behind the cloud cover.
I interpreted the dream loosely to be related to the economic and political chaos but I have never been really sure.
edit on 24-8-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by RelentlessLurker
Anyboody remember that thread from "The Agency"

according to the plaedians (or whatever you say/spell it) there will also be 3 days of darkness where we are not to go outside for any reason.

then something about vortex's and the thread was closed.

i cant be the only one who remembers those threads.

Yes I remember. It starts with a green fireball in daylight, I think
then you are supposed to remain indoors after it's appearance.

Something like that. Whoever started the thread was a newbie
if memory serves. Not sure why it was closed.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by don rumsfeld

I recall the green fireball element as well.

Poster was definitely a newbie to hoaxing.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by DocEmrick
reply to post by don rumsfeld

I recall the green fireball element as well.

Poster was definitely a newbie to hoaxing.

I lost track after 2 or 3 pages through because per 95%
of the time it deteriorated into childish behavior & bickering.

Great platform for a sci-fi book though!

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:48 PM
I have spent 30+ years in Telcom, troubleshooting problems , most people always seem to over look the obvious solution / answer.,even when the answer is right in front of you 41 = Bush Sr. or April Fools. Take your pick Both choices represent both sides of the issue..

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by moolay
Regarding this Dark Knight, I read somewhere that the Greys were behind the Miracle of Fatima, as part of a plan to control religion. If so, then it wouldn't be without logic to believe that they will be behind this supernatural event on October 28th 2011.

They could then show up posing as our saviours, and all the while, it was them that sowed the seeds, all those years ago...

Basically, if they create what becomes prophecy, they control the endgame as well...

That sounds more like an atheist trying to avoid real spiritual prophecy and replace it with an alternative. Sorry, that's just my take on it. However, it would not surprise me if TPTB did hijack the Fatima Prophecy and use it for Project Bluebeam.

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