posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 02:25 PM
Originally posted by srsen
My theory is your image from Dendara is depicting the vessel on the left being 'filled' with the protective 'essence'/motherly instinct/
protection of Hathor...? Thoughts
Almost missed this. It's not a vessel -- it's a necklace (you can tell by the stylized strings on the right.) This is a formal rendering of the
word, "gold" or "golden" in Egyptian hieroglyphs (as in the ruler's "Golden Horus Name." if that is Wadjet to the right (misidentified her as
Nekhbet in my hurry) this is part of a grand display of a ruler's name. Wadjet, patron deity of Lower Egypt, is shown as either a vulture or a
goddess wearing a crown that resembles a vulture with lowered wings.
So in Royal titles at the time, the "golden Horus" name followed by the deities of the two Egypts would make sense. I'm not sure that this is
what's going on (again, we aren't seeing the whole panel.) The whole temple is covered with reliefs and this is only one small section of them.