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Moderate Quakes Striking Odd Places in USA...Coincidence Or Not? Let's Find Out.

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posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by westcoast
reply to post by followingpythagoras

I personally don't think that was an aftershock. USGS keeps taking it off the list, modifying it and adding it again. They still haven't provided the normal info given for every other quake listed.

It is normal for their to be many aftershocks of various sized...they typically will trend down...but that doesn't mean there won't be an occasional one that is bigger than one before it.

However, in this case...I really don't think it was an aftershock. I'm speculating they are all foreshocks. Nothing is adding up right here and I don't think it's over.

As to the drilling and shale....yes and yes. I think that may very well have something to do with this. Bad news if you look at our country as a whole, where they are actively drilling and where the shale is.

So much is unknown that no one can accurately predict seismology. I just really wonder right now why info is being withheld...and I think the true nature of the 5.8 is being withheld/manipulated. WHY?

WC... would you mind expanding on your theories and thoughts regarding what you said above? I absolutely agree that things are not adding up. I also agree that they are not telling us everything. I'm just at a loss as to what.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Allred5923

"As the Polar caps become more subjected to the melting currently visible by scientists, it creates a massive amount of displaced pressures and displacement of such pressures in possible vital and unknown areas of our planet infrastructure which may be creating a "Heat too Thaw" similar to what happens to an ice cube when dropped into a warmer temperature change, it cracks and pops."

Thank you so much for bringing this up - I woke up this morning thinking about what you are talking about and I just got the chance to log in and see if anyone else had thought about this. I'm in Richmond, Virginia and I still can't get over yesterday. Last night when I was trying to get to sleep, my mind kept going to the polar caps melting for some reason, and I didn't know why.

I will have to read up on this when I get a minute, but the more I think about it, the more it seems to make perfect sense, unfortunately. If the massive weight of the ice in our polar regions melts, then of course its going to affect the entire earth. Especially considering that we are constantly spinning, and any weight displacement is going to affect and stress the fault lines, and God knows what else. Not to mention the warmer water temperature and the affect it has on the fish and wildlife.

By the way, my family line is full of fishermen. My mom's side was from Tangier Island, and my father's side wound up on Tilghman Island, where all the men fished, and all the women picked crab for a living. If it were 100 years ago, I'd be picking crab right now instead of typing on a keyboard, and worrying about earthquakes in Virginia caused by melting ice caps!

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by observe50
I am going to write this again because I feel it is important:

I believe what is extremely important about this quake on the Eastern Seaboard is:

1.) We usually DO NOT have quakes here....... the last one I experienced was 40 years ago and it was very small.

2.) Most of the Nuclear Power Plants are on the East Coast because we are known NOT to have quakes.

3.) The GENIUSES that built these Nuclear Power Plants built them to only withstand twice the strength that is known for said area. which at the highest is about a 6 which we came very close to.

You should be able to see from the news what happened to quite a few reactor's so imagine if a larger one about the chem and bio material along the Eastern Coast.

Doesn't it surprise you that they aren't taking about this and they are on about Libya and Obama on vacation.

I would think Obama would go back to Washington but instead he is on a phone on a golf course!

For myself we are in the process of change on this Planet and these new areas of quakes and fissures opening should be of great concern and I can't write enough about keeping your eyes on the magnetic anomalies etc. on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It's going to happen where you least expect it as I've said before

To me this 5.8 is a big deal

Shhh. you are not allowed to talk about all this. instead, you are only allowed to mock the strength of this earthquake with jokes and Facebook jests. and act like our nuke plants are strong enuff!

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:34 AM
Lots of responses over the night!

First...I know the thread is getting long so people are not going to be reading it all, so let me explain that when I first started it, I was leaning towards conincidence. But as things came up (why I started the thread in the first place) it has become evident to at least me that there is a bit to this...too many coincidences for my liking. Lots of good theories put out there, hopefully we'll get some answers. We may not.

As to the one poster saying this thread is bringing down the quality of ATS, or some such thing; I don't normally bring up the number of posts someone has, or length of time on ATS but seriously. You have like one flag and are a new member. You have NO idea what kind of threads I author. I put SO much time and research/thought into what I present that for a new member to attack content is a bit frustrating. I invite you to spend some time reading through the pages of threads up right now. Go into my profile and read some of my threads. I'm not proud of them all, but there are several that represent a whole lotta work and incredible discussion between members.

Okay...back on topic!

I hadn't heard of the Dakota quake....looking into that.

The California quakes (on the 37th latitude) have my interest but ofcourse, California is normally so active that it will be hard to tell what is and isn't off.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by UtahRosebud

Hey Utah!!

Well, I don't have a whole lot more to say about it at this point....just that there are definate oddities (size of quake on seismos vs listed mag; That these and some other notable quakses around the world are on the same line of latitude; that both of these quakes, rare for recorded history, happened whithin hours of each other, USGS is leaving off key information.

You know how I like to look at the big picture. Something is naging at me here. I'm thinking they are foreshocks becuase of how the quakes are behaving and for reasons I just can't explain. It's due to everything I am taking in but am not conciously aware of. I think you will get what I mean. I am sure I will get some ridicule for saying this, but there it is.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:45 AM
I hate to be a "Debbie Downer"here but it is very likely this is the extent of it and it wont shake for another 100yrs. You all might think about it before you build it into a mass hysteria event to include WMD's and precursors to the end of the world

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:03 PM
There have been some strange things happening here in the last 16 hours, i'm on the east coast in NB Canada, At work out systems went down for nearly two hours from 10 pm est, i was off at 1:30 am and on my way home the lights in my car where surging light bright then dim for about 20-30 seconds, i suddenly was getting a head ache, this noise, humming, buzzing, almost electric sounding, my head ache stop later in the morning, then just recently while out side this hum starts again, i'm thinking its the power lines wires behind my house but it sounds so strange, and this is why i'm suddenly posting cause its now amplified thought my speakers, this is nuts.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by hp1229

Thanks for your reply! Very interesting. I had heard of this before, years ago, but I didn't even think about it as it was happening or even right away. I've also heard that some people may get dizzy before a quake, but I did not experience that personally. Good to know i'm not alone

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:17 PM
I have GEE open for upstate newyork....they just had a moderate sized quake!

At least a 4.0 magnetude, perhaps a 4.3-4.5

Will update with USGS info

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by brigand
Lets not forget about the Russian Speaker of the House who had the following things to say in regards to a new WMD:

I think given the locations we've seen (CO, VA) that this could potentially be an attack on the country..

OMG! This guy means business! Heck, he's willing to silently kill millions of people over the export of wines? Geez, what would he do over, say, fresh water?

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by palote

11-MARCH-2011 FUKUSHIMA, JAPAN (9) 37º59'
11-MAY-2011 --LORCA,MURCIA,SPAIN (5.1) 37º40' ( it is only 1km deep also, seven people dead )
23-AUGUST-2011 VIRGINIA (5.9) 37º97'
23-AUGUST-2011 COLORADO (5.3) 37º07'

what a coincidence!

Lorca earthquake:

This post deserves to be quoted again. Did you guys/gals see this? Those events are all 2011, significant, and on the same line of latitude.

How can that be?

The odds involved in this are astronomical.

What else is on the 37th? Maybe we can find places that are at the highest risk for quakes and narrow it down?

Hmm...Athens Greece...North Afghanistan...alot of China...San Francisco...Wichita Kansas. They are on the 37th.

All of those locations except Kansas are due for a 'big one' any time as they are all quite active areas, Greece and Turkey are known historically as having very devastating quakes or volcanic eruptions. Afghanistan has a lot of large quakes, as well as China and the SF bay area.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:23 PM
There was another 3.6 in San Leandro, CA followed by a smaller one but I keep getting an error message from the USGS website. Considering 3.6 is the same magnitude as the earlier quake, would that be an aftershock or a separate quake?

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:26 PM
Nothing on USGS for this New York quake yet.....but here is a screenshot from GEE for proof:

(scroll right)

edit on 24-8-2011 by westcoast because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by windword

do you know for sure he is the russian speaker of the house?

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:35 PM
why is the general population so eager to believe anything? Come on people get a grip

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:49 PM
Still nothing listed on USGS for the quake in New York. I'm pretty sure that at 200mc it was over a 2.5

Only place I can find a seismo showing it is here. (go to NPNY and select short period) Obviously, it's a ways away. Most of NewYorks stations close to it are out of date and their website says the one I am watching live right now is deactivated. Sure.

seismo webiste
edit on 24-8-2011 by westcoast because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Nifron

Nifron, would NB = New Brunswick ?? Canada
i only ask because i truly fear for those near the St Lawrence region ... can't be any more specific than that but from what you describe, please beware and be aware more than anything.

you may be experiencing a reaction to the excess energy from the CO/VA trade offs today but i do fear the pattern of release is headed your direction ... others strongly disagree and that's fine by me ... but after reading your post, i was immediately prompted to reply.
please be safe and keep us posted, eh ?

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by followingpythagoras
reply to post by Allred5923

"As the Polar caps become more subjected to the melting currently visible by scientists, it creates a massive amount of displaced pressures and displacement of such pressures in possible vital and unknown areas of our planet infrastructure which may be creating a "Heat too Thaw" similar to what happens to an ice cube when dropped into a warmer temperature change, it cracks and pops."

Thank you so much for bringing this up - I woke up this morning thinking about what you are talking about and I just got the chance to log in and see if anyone else had thought about this. I'm in Richmond, Virginia and I still can't get over yesterday. Last night when I was trying to get to sleep, my mind kept going to the polar caps melting for some reason, and I didn't know why.

I will have to read up on this when I get a minute, but the more I think about it, the more it seems to make perfect sense, unfortunately. If the massive weight of the ice in our polar regions melts, then of course its going to affect the entire earth. Especially considering that we are constantly spinning, and any weight displacement is going to affect and stress the fault lines, and God knows what else. Not to mention the warmer water temperature and the affect it has on the fish and wildlife.

By the way, my family line is full of fishermen. My mom's side was from Tangier Island, and my father's side wound up on Tilghman Island, where all the men fished, and all the women picked crab for a living. If it were 100 years ago, I'd be picking crab right now instead of typing on a keyboard, and worrying about earthquakes in Virginia caused by melting ice caps!

I have read about the melting of the ice caps. Thing is it comes from a "spiritual" source Kryon:

Regards and Nameste,


posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by westcoast

hey WC is it remotely possible it was a truck slamming into a loading dock in nearest proximity to the seismo somewhere in NY

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by mikeybiznaz
why is the general population so eager to believe anything? Come on people get a grip

Believe in what? That earthquakes happen a lot and follow strange or complex patterns due to the physical shape of the crust and internal Earth pressures?

I don't really see what part of that is unfeasible or nonsensical.

Perhaps you should explain what it is you think people believe, rather than just merely throwing a vague insult which doesn't even apply to the context very well.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with people discussing recent quakes and looking for clues that may help us assess the risk values of various locations globally and work with a better set of odds, etc. It is a natural human process to investigate things that we do not understand yet.

If only more people thought that way, the world would be a far safer place. Building codes would be up to par, rather than the consistent reminder that people cut corners and do not build things strong enough to withstand historically known hazards. Then disasters wouldn't be so devastating.

What if everyone remained vigilant and had backup supplies of canned foods, batteries, water, first aid kits, etc?? Then things wouldn't be such a tragedy the weeks after the disaster struck now wouldn't it?

You know who the real fear monger is? It's those who go around trying to pressure people into not talking about the real dangers that exist on Earth and creating new ways to mitigate the damages they may cause. Simply because they are afraid of discussing the unknown, and don't think we should discuss it either. It's too scary!

Don't fear the unknown. Embrace it and make it into the known. Conquer your fears, do not let them conquer you.

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