I felt it in North East Pennsylvania (Lehigh Valley area) at around 2p.m. eastern time. Made my entire apartment building sway and my glasses in the
kitchen rattled!
I'm actually a little excited, as I never thought I'd be able to feel an earthquake on the east coast.
5.8 magnitude. The epicenter was North West of Richmond Va. We had stuff flying off of the shelves. First time I have ever felt that. Could not
imagine living in California.
"Believe it or not, the Northeast US is earthquake country! No it does not have the high frequency of earthquakes of California. However, the
Northeast has experienced damaging earthquakes in the past and they will occur again in the future."
Thanks for the input! We ATS'rs don't get very many chances to experience these things first hand and now we (as a collective) have the ability to
dissect this (these) event(s) and refine earthquake predictions.
Felt in SE PA, i'm in a huge building and the entire place was rocking back and forth. Our fault line has been past due for over 100 years if my
memory serves me right...
Chicagoland here... didn't feel any distinctive shake, however it is thunderstorming and that rattles my house as much so I wouldn't have noticed..
Will be alert to see if I can feel anything peculiar.. Stay safe everyone!! Hope this isn't the beginning....... Going to start my survival
kit today.
enough proof, we need ats to start blaming!!! Haarp? Honda? The GOP? Soro? LHC?
What will ats blame this time?
Who will get the finger?
Find out next time, same ats forum, same ats thread