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New Creepy 10/28/11 Website Mystery

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posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by Fraam
reply to post by favouriteslave

And how exactly understanding these numbers helps you in a meaningful way? I'm missing this point.

I was an atheist before learning about quantum physic. After I learned it started to see a "creator" Building upon that science I've figured there is an afterlife or a transference of energy. Law of thermodynamics. Energy cannot be stopped but tranferred into another "form" upon death. That is my ephiphany that led me back to experience the 'SCIENCE" behind the touch feely stuff.

You should not be offended by this, it's strictly how I interpret and deal with everyday life. Some people need religions, some people need drugs, I need answers

Since then I've been learning meditating, about the chakras and healing frequencies etc... because I know the science behind them is REAL. All my life I've denied myself the right to feel these thing because I was born with a gift as all my family was. I locked it up in a closet because I denied the existence of Christianities definition of god and I didn't want anything to do with paranormal, ghost esoteric stuff because I felt I would have to recognize a god...........UNTIL I figured out what was really going on in our world, life, dimension etc.... It all made sense. Mind you I had an massive OBE to experience this that made me ill for months.
edit on 10-9-2011 by favouriteslave because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by Fraam

Which Yuga are we in again?

Seems to me that the count is meaningless. No one agrees on what a date is, what it means, or even what the date is.
edit on 10-9-2011 by adraves because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:25 PM
I've been playing catch up again. Too much to comment on but I had to log back in to star grower for finding that yahoo post about the moratorium thing (after I googled the word as I thought it sounded a little too close to mortuary LOL).

Good work people! Its weird what a small group can do. Just imagine what a large group of focus could achieve.

My vote is against the colour purple. It is worn by royalty, popes and suchlike. Green rings my bell better.

Sheeba2011 I think it was Toy Story 3...if you are playing the Barbie then I will play the Ken. He was way dummer and vainer than Barbie.

This seemed appropriate. From way back in the day.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by favouriteslave

I'm not at all offended. Just wanted to understand your point as those numbers mean absolutely nothing to me (spiritually that is). I appreciate the background diversity of the posters on this thread (which is the main reason I'm still around).

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Fraam
reply to post by favouriteslave

I'm not at all offended. Just wanted to understand your point as those numbers mean absolutely nothing to me (spiritually that is). I appreciate the background diversity of the posters on this thread (which is the main reason I'm still around).

Ok I see.

Because what I know about ancient culture, how their structures were built and the signifigance of Pi throughout creation, the number means alot. Pi IS creation itself.

WIth Pi I associate the Merkaba, Tetragrammaton, Yhvh, tetradedron, sacred geometry, the human atom, sound, light, and everything in creation including our universe. Pi is not a coincidence it is everything.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:32 PM
Wheels, yugas, and pi-oh my!

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by adraves

Maybe it's not. Like I said before those numbers could be the key to all existence as far as I'm concerned, it's just the approach that doesn't resonate with me.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:34 PM
Was the source modified again?

in green 3.14../10282011*now

edit on 10-9-2011 by favouriteslave because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by adraves
reply to post by Fraam

Which Yuga are we in again?

Seems to me that the count is meaningless. No one agrees on what a date is, what it means, or even what the date is.
edit on 10-9-2011 by adraves because: (no reason given)

Right. Then we get back to the whole idea that time is only a construct of the 3rd dimension. So who cares what the date is? It could be tomorrow. It could be 100 years from now or 32560 years from now. If it doesn't exist. If it is instead not a counter of milliseconds or dates or calendars but of consciousness ... or complexity... or fill in the blank....

(more philosopher than mathematician)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by adraves
Wheels, yugas, and pi-oh my!

What's a yuga? Did I miss yuga?

I read that earlier and thought you mistyped and meant yoga... lol...

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by Fraam

Oh, then golden ratios, harmony, pi oh my!

Why doesn't anyone ever mention other constants like 2.718281828459?

432 seems to ring some bells too.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by adraves
Wheels, yugas, and pi-oh my!

You almost made me spit beer over my monitor screen with laughter! Thank you
(I do like a good Wizard of Oz reference) Are we filling you with slightly more positive vibes?

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by sheba2011

Strange coincidence with yugas. Source code variables seem to mention epochs.


posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:40 PM
The count isn't meaningless.

It's tell you to get your house in order. Choose fear or love by 10 28 2011 because the circle is closing. The countdown is merely a visual tactic to put it into perspective.

If indeed it's counting to 10 28 as the source says then maybe open believes something WILL happen on that day. None of us know for sure I guess it's better to be prepared.

Once the circle closes it creates a dot....a point ... a singularity

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by adraves

Epochs are also used in computing to set a date all clocks use as a start time. I think the current one in use is 1 Jan, 1970.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by LightSpeedDriver

I think that was a Thursday...

It may have something to do with computers too....hrm
edit on 10-9-2011 by adraves because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by adraves
reply to post by sheba2011

Strange coincidence with yugas. Source code variables seem to mention epochs.


Great information

is he using Yugas here aysLeft = Math.floor(((targetEpoch - todayEpoch) / (60*60*24)) / 1000);
minLeft = Math.floor(((targetEpoch - todayEpoch) / (60*60)) / 1000)

And when does this Yuga end that we are in now?

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:46 PM
Okay, open has now posted the countdown script in decrypted form. It is the same script that was there from the starting, but it used to be in encrypted form. todayEpoch is current time in milliseconds and targetEpoch is time in ms from 1970.

First number is the difference between the two i.e. countdown to October 28th.

Second number is pi/todayEpoch. Since todayEpoch is very large number, result is very small. e-12 is scientific notation that denotes something*10^-12. Here it denotes the result of pi/today's time i.e. 2.3877517769747447 * 10^-12(The number I see while writing this post). E.g.- 0.2 can be written as 2/10 = 2 * 10^-1 = 2e-1.

Third number is pi/target*today = pi*(today/target). pi and target are constant, but today is increasing. So the third number is increasing in value. But since today is less than target so today/target is less than 1 so pi*(today/target) is less than pi. So number will keep increasing upto pi. And on 28th October, today will become equal to target(both 28 oct). Then today/target will become equal to 1. So, third number will become pi.

Just some mathematical insight.

edit on 10-9-2011 by check_himu because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:47 PM
I am Posix-tivly confused.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by favouriteslave

Originally posted by Fraam
reply to post by favouriteslave

I'm not at all offended. Just wanted to understand your point as those numbers mean absolutely nothing to me (spiritually that is). I appreciate the background diversity of the posters on this thread (which is the main reason I'm still around).

Ok I see.

Because what I know about ancient culture, how their structures were built and the signifigance of Pi throughout creation, the number means alot. Pi IS creation itself.

WIth Pi I associate the Merkaba, Tetragrammaton, Yhvh, tetradedron, sacred geometry, the human atom, sound, light, and everything in creation including our universe. Pi is not a coincidence it is everything.

Okay if time does not exist... can you accept that idea? Think about it.

If past-present-future are all going on at once..........................

As we here right now understand Pi and are reaching technological and social complexity... who's to say that our present consciousness isn't rewriting the past? So that all the ancients and their knowledge only poofed into existence (like the cat) because of what we discovered in this present?

Have you ever seen those conspiracy photos with images of what looks like to be UFOs in ancient etchings or whatever? How do we know those didn't manifest when enough people in this present post-50s eras started buying into the whole idea of UFOs?

How do we know the dollar bill in our pocket didn't manifest a pyramid with an eye because we started obsessing about Illuminatis?

This is my objection to Open's whole "eye" test. It sends people to the idea "what I see exists -- is real" and it misses the whole quantum point.

ALL TIME is going on at once. What we do & think & believe right now is re-writing the past. I can type until I'm blue in the face. Yes you have to experience it. This is what all the syncs and patterns are already telling you. If you see a "conspiracy" and seek truth... you are already on the hunt for this.

Deja Vu? It's because time doesn't exist. You are experiencing present and future in here/now ... THAT is what is real.

Syncs? It's because you are experiencing past and present in here/now... THAT is what is real.

Blurry wave forms.

Pi is awesome and it does point to something but don't allow yourself to get tooooo... mechanistic too Newtonian... like the workings of a clock. Reality is not like that. We think it's what we can grasp and hold on to with our 5 senses + gravity + time. But your brain is constantly coordinating all the inputs and playing it back to you... you are not living in the present if you are grasping a newtonian reality. Nope. You are on delayed replay. You are living in the past.

Probably rambling now. Curfew approaches...

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