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Does the time of the "attack" point to a false flag

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posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 04:59 AM
Many things about the attack on the Twin Towers have nagged at me over the years . None more so than the actual time of day the " attacks " took place .....

The first plane hit at 8:52 am. The second was at 9:03 am.
If this really was a terrorist attack why didn't the terrorists attack when the buildings would have contained nearly ten times the amount of people ,ie mid-morning or mid-afternoon and thus maximising their strike?

It seems to me that the least number of people possible were " sacrificed " on that day .....

I guess we will never know the truth behind the attacks , but it seems to me that TPTB have gained more from this event than the "terrorists" ever hoped to .

For many people, the predominant reaction was anger. The attacks were frequently compared with Pearl Harbor, and - as with the original Pearl Harbor - there was a powerful impulse for revenge. For many months to come, this translated into widespread support for the radically more aggressive foreign policy that the administration soon adopted.

Oct 2, 2001: The Patriot Act is introduced in Congress.
Oct 7, 2001: The US began it's invasion of Afghanistan.

Food for thought ?

edit on 29/05/2011 by tpg65 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by tpg65
Many things about the attack on the Twin Towers have nagged at me over the years . None more so than the actual time of day the " attacks " took place .....

The first plane hit at 8:52 am. The second was at 9:03 am.
If this really was a terrorist attack why didn't the terrorists attack when the buildings would have contained nearly ten times the amount of people ,ie mid-morning or mid-afternoon and thus maximising their strike?

It seems to me that the least number of people possible were " sacrificed " on that day .....

I guess we will never know the truth behind the attacks , but it seems to me that TPTB have gained more from this event than the "terrorists" ever hoped to .

For many people, the predominant reaction was anger. The attacks were frequently compared with Pearl Harbor, and - as with the original Pearl Harbor - there was a powerful impulse for revenge. For many months to come, this translated into widespread support for the radically more aggressive foreign policy that the administration soon adopted.

Oct 2, 2001: The Patriot Act is introduced in Congress.
Oct 7, 2001: The US began it's invasion of Afghanistan.

Food for thought ?

I suspect it's because it wasn't about killing people, rather upsetting the status quo... waking us up to a threat, whether it was real or staged.

Just another way to blind us. Make us hate, justify war and further police the world.
We're all expendable in their eyes.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 05:11 AM
If the conspiracies are to be believed then.. These elite types apparently find numbers and dates significant so wouldn't surprise me if they would chose a date significant for occult purposes..

As for the time of attack.. I think an attack of this scale would be a very difficult logistically, Maybe this was the only time they could have coordinated the attacks, to strike at virtually the same time..?

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by tpg65
If this really was a terrorist attack why didn't the terrorists attack when the buildings would have contained nearly ten times the amount of people ,ie mid-morning or mid-afternoon and thus maximising their strike?

The consensus in the "standard" story is that the details of the flights were more important.

1. High fuel loads
2. Low passenger count.
3. All hijackers needed to be in first class.
4. All flights had to be leaving at about the same time.
5. First flight of the day, to avoid traffic delays that always occur later in the day.

So it turned out, tuesday mornings with 767's and 757's set to fly long distances fit the desired requirements.

edit on 23-8-2011 by alfa1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by alfa1

Nah , I'm not buying that .
They are just coincidences that fit the picture , after the event .

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 07:05 AM
reply to post by tpg65

The first plane hit at 8:52 am. The second was at 9:03 am.
If this really was a terrorist attack why didn't the terrorists attack when the buildings would have contained nearly ten times the amount of people ,ie mid-morning or mid-afternoon and thus maximising their strike?

Actually first plane hit at 8:47am

Reason attacks took place at that time is do to the aitline schedules

To preserve the synchronization of the attack needed to book flights as close together as possible to avoid
counter measures from spoiling attacks. Also needed flights as early in day as possible - this is because
delays build into system as day goes on from weather and mechanical problems which meant flights leaving
from 7AM to 9AM Eastern Standard Time.

Flights destined fo the west coast airports leave east coast airports at around 7 am - goes travelers time
to arrive for early afternoon meetings (flights to weat coast take 5-6 hours, factor in 3 hr time difference
willl arrive 10-11 am local time)

AMERICAN 11 - Boston - Los Angles leaves, 7:59 AM , original departure 7:45am , strikes North Tower WTC

UNITED 175 - Boston - Los Angles, leaves 8:14 Am, original departure 8:00am. strikes South Tower WTC 9:03AM

AMERICAN 77 - Washington (Dulles) - Los Angles, leaves 8:20am, original departure 8:10am, strikes Pentagon
9:37 AM

UNITED 93 - Newark NJ - San Francisco, leaves 8:41 am, original departure 8:00AM crashes Shanksville PA
10:03 AM

Can see this in United 93 which was delayed 41 minutes do to runway congreastion, original departure 8:00 AM
Left 8:41 AM , which gave enough time for passengers to learn of other attacks and storm cockpit to foil attack

Refer to Dr George Friedman, of STRAFOR private inteelence service, in his book "AMERICA'S SECRET WAR"

Goes into consierable detail of the planning

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by thedman

And we are meant to believe that a bunch of "ragheads" planned and ochestrated all this ?
They must have had inside help .

There seems to be widespread conflicting evidence of the exact time of the first strike , But it does seem my initial post was incorrect and that it could have been closer to 08:45 .

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by thedman

A plane didn't hit the pentagon , so I personally would take any of Friedmans findings with a pinch of salt .

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 02:46 PM
According to the Homeland Security Website:

When an event is designated a National Special Security Event, the U.S. Secret Service assumes its mandated role as the lead federal agency for the design and implementation of the operational security plan and Federal resources are deployed to maintain the level of security needed for the event and the area. The goal of such an operation is to prevent terrorist attacks and criminal acts. Once an event is designated a National Special Security Event, the Secret Service relies on existing partnerships with federal, state and local law enforcement and public safety officials with the goal of coordinating participating agencies to provide a safe and secure environment for the event and those in attendance.

In addition, it is well known that the United States Air Defense Protocol (CJCSI 3610.01) created in July 31, 1997, was changed into Air Defense Protocol CJCSI 3610.01A on June 1, 2001, to accommodate a military War Game called “Amalgam Virgo 01;” this game operated for two days between June 1st and July 2nd, 2001, beginning the same day the Air Defense Protocol CJCSI 3610.01A was created; this is detected from the front covers of the exercise manual and the two Air Defense Protocol dates.

According to the changed Protocol (CJCSI 3610.01A, Enclosure A (Section 3 Procedures (a) General), there is a troublesome point, which was not located in the 1997 Protocol but added in the 2001 protocol:

In addition, assistance may not be provided under this enclosure if it could adversely affect national security or military preparedness.

In simple words, should the hijacking be deemed as though it would affect in any harmful way “national security or” military vigilance (“preparedness”) then “assistance may not be provided” to the FAA for the ongoing hijacking.

At this point a question needs to be asked: Which “national security or military preparedness” was ongoing on 9/11 that would be breached if the U.S. military provided assistance to the FAA to intercept the hijacked airlines? We have the answer from ex-Congress Woman Cynthia McKinney. She asked Gen. Myers at the House Armed Services Commission (Hearing of Fiscal Year 2006) the following:

Cynthia McKinney:
Was September 11 declared a national security special event that day?

Gen. Myers:
I don’t know; I’ll have to look back. You mean during the fact, after the fact?

Cynthia McKinney:
No. Because of the activities going on, that had been scheduled at the United Nations that day.

Gen. Myers:
I don’t know.

As seen, Gen. Myers acted ignorant; however, if what Congress Woman McKinney stated did occur, and there is no reason why she would lie at the House Armed Services Commission, but if what she asked did occur, then it would explain ALL the "coincidences" that happened on September 11, 2001.

If that day was a National Security Special Event Day at the United Nations, then this would indeed fit into the Air Defense Protocol CJCSI 3610.01A, Enclosure A (Section 3 Procedures (a) General), that the U.S. military will not assist in a hijacking if “national security or military preparedness” was ongoing. And national security would indeed be at stake if “activities going on, that had been scheduled at the United Nations” had the U.S. military in a state of “preparedness.”

This Protocol command binds the U.S. military from interfering with a hijack crisis and from there on, it is not difficult to understand why no F15s or F16s intercepted four hijacked airliners, until it was deemed necessary by the Department of Defense to bypass the Protocol command at 10:30 a.m., when the Secretary of Defense appeared on the Pentagon lawn helping the injured.

A National Security Special Event Day at the United Nations on September 11, 2001 would explain how so many officials either cancelled their travels on that day, or did not attend meetings in tall industrial complexes as the World Trade Center in this case.

Whatever timeline came from the military after that definitely would need creation; it would need to veil the true nature of why the Air Force did not intercept Flight AA11, Flight AA77, Flight UA175, and Flight UA93, though there are doubts regarding the latter flight. It would also explain the FAA’s persistence that they established open communications with NORAD immediately after the initial attack at 08:46 a.m., on the WTC1 from Flight AA11, whilst NORAD to this day refuse any such open communication came from the FAA.

This very important subject (and motive) was lost in complicated timelines, and labyrinth summations. It was never followed up by the mainstream media, and the least we can do, as citizens still striving for the truth of 9/11, is to find some clear motive regarding many “coincidences” that have never been explained.

To another point, is that according to officials, “held back” luggage found at Boston Logan Airport was the “Rosetta stone” of 9/11; without it, the FBI would have had no clue of those 19 alleged hijackers. But this turns out not to be solid for two reasons:

1. Four of the alleged hijackers on Flight AA11 were misidentified and are still alive.

2. Robert Bonner, the head of Customs and Border Protection, testified how they “ran passenger manifests through the system used by Customs; two were hits on our Watch List of August 2001, and by looking at the Arab names and their seat locations, ticket purchases and other passenger information, it didn’t take a lot to do a rudimentary link analysis. Customs officers were able to ID 19 probable hijackers within 45 minutes. I saw the sheet by 11:00 a.m., and that analysis did indeed correctly identify the terrorists.”

Even from this Watch List of August 2001, the alleged hijackers on Flight AA11 were misidentified and are still alive. The FBI claims they identified all 19 alleged hijackers from left behind luggage (Atta and al-Umari’s) which did not board the flight. Furthermore, the FBI were handed a passport belonging to another alleged hijacker (al-Suqami) which was found by a citizen on the sidewalk near WTC1.

The public is given three possibilities of how law enforcement agents identified the alleged hijackers:

• Customs and Border Protection Watch List of August 2001:
If this is correct, then it unequivocally refutes claims that the FBI and Secret Service had no knowledge of these alleged hijackers prior to the attacks.

• Left behind luggage “Rosetta stone” of 9/11:
This is not forensic science: Four of the alleged hijackers on Flight AA11 were misidentified from this “left behind luggage” and are still alive.

• Passport found on sidewalk:
That a paper passport could fly out of Flight AA11 as it crashed into WTC1 to be found only "soaked in jet fuel" by an unnamed civilian near the crash site defies logic and science.

None of the above three explanations that have come forward are reliable statements of how the alleged hijackers were identified, or in this case, misidentified. If this evidence was put forward in a criminal trial, it would be debunked in minutes. There must be a fourth circumstance of how the misidentification occurred; official and law enforcement agents have not disclosed this.

There is no light ahead into the future of any real evidence surfacing regarding September 11, 2001. There remains too many events that cannot be disclosed by top officials, regardless which President takes office. Let us not forget, that a President is not put in office to change things; he/she are put there to keep things exactly as they are.

I have investigated 9/11 over the past 10 years. I am sorry to say, that there is no way this treasonous attack against America will ever be revealed. It is too high to reach, and whoever does try to reach it, may find themselves 6 feet under.

Beware the false patriots who betray our values and at the same time wrap themselves in our flag.

President George Washington (Farewell Address)

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by 911reference

• Passport found on sidewalk:
That a paper passport could fly out of Flight AA11 as it crashed into WTC1 to be found only "soaked in jet fuel" by an unnamed civilian near the crash site defies logic and science.

And, unfortunately also puts a big dent in your conspiracy fantasy. So, as most true believers do, you have unilaterally declared it impossible. Your job is done.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 03:44 PM
I dont think the time was picked to spare lifes. Doing the attack at 9 AM means a full day of coverage and shock and awe for the American population and 2/3rds of a day of coverage for Europe. At 9 AM its around 2 ish in Europe depending on where you are. If the attacks would have been around 2 PM West Coast time it would have been around 8 PM in Europe. The time window for the media spectacle would have been far more narrow.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 04:13 PM
i think the time and the fact that they were running drills at that exact same time that included handling a situation where planes were flying into buildings........hmmmm coincidence???? even the event on 7/7 happened during a drill that was designed for the very exact thing that happened there at the exact same time and place that day......i guess it's so many coincidences going on with such situations

"It was just an incredible coincidence that this happened to involve an aircraft crashing into our facility," Haubold said. "As soon as the real world events began, we canceled the exercise." Terrorism was to play no role in the exercise, which had been planned for several months, he said. Adding to the coincidence, American Airlines Flight 77 -- the Boeing 767 that was hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon -- took off from Dulles at 8:10 a.m. on Sept. 11, 50 minutes before the exercise was to begin. It struck the Pentagon around 9:40 a.m., killing 64 aboard the plane and 125 on the ground.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by tpg65

Typical answer from conspiracy type....

It doesn't feed my conspiracy fantasy so must be fake

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by tpg65

Typical answer from conspiracy type....

It doesn't feed my conspiracy fantasy so must be fake

why don't you respond to my post?

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by tpg65

And we are meant to believe that a bunch of "ragheads" planned and ochestrated all this ?

The alleged "ragheads" were university graduates (at least the planners and pilots) who spoke several languages

So what are your credentials ?

A degree in video analysis in mommys basement does not count....

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by patternfinder

i think the time and the fact that they were running drills at that exact same time that included handling a situation where planes were flying into buildings........hmmmm coincidence???? even the event on 7/7 happened during a drill that was designed for the very exact thing that happened there at the exact same time and place that day......i guess it's so many coincidences going on with such situations

"It was just an incredible coincidence that this happened to involve an aircraft crashing into our facility," Haubold said. "As soon as the real world events began, we canceled the exercise." Terrorism was to play no role in the exercise, which had been planned for several months, he said. Adding to the coincidence, American Airlines Flight 77 -- the Boeing 767 that was hijacked and crashed into the Pentagon -- took off from Dulles at 8:10 a.m. on Sept. 11, 50 minutes before the exercise was to begin. It struck the Pentagon around 9:40 a.m., killing 64 aboard the plane and 125 on the ground.

this was the cause that was given to the fact that there were no air force jets there to take the situation into hand...

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by patternfinder

There were 14 jets on alert that at 7 airbases, the number of alert fighters had been reduced after end of Cold

Try reading "TOUCHING HISTORY" by Lynn Spencer - goes into detail of struggles by air traffic control and
military to sort out the hijacked aircraft and respond to it

Asked about war ganes that day

here is extensive listing of all the war games scheduled and their objectives

Andrews Ar Force base

Intercept times

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by tpg65

And we are meant to believe that a bunch of "ragheads" planned and ochestrated all this ?

The alleged "ragheads" were university graduates (at least the planners and pilots) who spoke several languages

So what are your credentials ?

A degree in video analysis in mommys basement does not count....

Why don't you enlighten me as to what they graduated in ?

Moi aussi, parlent plusieurs langues. ma mère n'a pas de garage. Je suis diplômé en philosophie, mais cela ne me qualifier pour d'ochestrate un événement comme ce fut témoin le 9 / 11.

You work it out .

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by patternfinder

There were 14 jets on alert that at 7 airbases, the number of alert fighters had been reduced after end of Cold

Try reading "TOUCHING HISTORY" by Lynn Spencer - goes into detail of struggles by air traffic control and
military to sort out the hijacked aircraft and respond to it

Asked about war ganes that day

here is extensive listing of all the war games scheduled and their objectives

Andrews Ar Force base

Intercept times

and you must not have read the whole thing very thoroughly, because it doesn't debunk operation northern vigilance at all.......they just say that if you wanna believe that it was more than coincidence you would have to believe that the russians were in on it...which 1. is not off the table, 2. could also mean that they knew that was when the operation was going to happen and put the operation into effect that day...the same way that they did the 7/7 bombings in london...or maybe you haven't heard about might want to look into it.....

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by tpg65

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by tpg65

And we are meant to believe that a bunch of "ragheads" planned and ochestrated all this ?

The alleged "ragheads" were university graduates (at least the planners and pilots) who spoke several languages

So what are your credentials ?

A degree in video analysis in mommys basement does not count....

Why don't you enlighten me as to what they graduated in ?

Moi aussi, parlent plusieurs langues. ma mère n'a pas de garage. Je suis diplômé en philosophie, mais cela ne me qualifier pour d'ochestrate un événement comme ce fut témoin le 9 / 11.

You work it out .

Star for this post. Im pretty sure the resident thedman will have no response to it. BTW he/she is still learning what the 9/11 Commission as well as NIST claim. He often gets even the stories he fails at defending wrong.

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