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Why the Youth Seem to Have Zero Concern About Privacy/Erosion of Freedoms?

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posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 12:31 AM
On Sept. 11th, 2001, today's twenty-year-old would have only been 10 years old.

I swear, the delta between growing up in the 90s vs. the 00s probably isn't even fathomable by older (30+ vs. 20'ish or under, I mean) adults like myself (we probably can't imagine the mindset from maturing in the 00s vs. the 90s).

My point is that we shouldn't blame the youth entirely (or arguably even at all) for their apparent lack of concern regarding these issues. It's all they know. Some serious re-education should be in order, and the responsibility falls on older people who can see how things have changed/understand that there are dangers when privacy/misc. freedoms here and there start to fly out the window.

Some things that kill more Americans per year than domestic terrorism since after Sept. 11th, 2001.

Americans Dead Per Year from Heart Disease: ~630,000
Americans Dead Per Year from Cancer: ~560,000
Americans Dead Per Year from Unintentional Injuries: ~112,000
Americans Dead Per Year from Car Crashes: ~40,000
Americans Dead Per Year from Suicide: ~25,500
Americans Dead Per Year from Bee/Wasp Attacks: ~53

I realize that a major terrorist attack could result in unimaginable deaths, and I do believe we need counter-terrorism teams (which are as transparent post-operations as possible for those who want to know details). I also realize a lot of the people who die from many of the things above are old, and that everyone dies eventually (however, many aren't in any hurry to go and would love more time). Even if you adjusted the numbers for only people under the age of 45, you would still draw the same conclusions.

Based on said numbers, I think our priorities are horribly wrong. Terrorism should not be such a public affair/ever-present topic. It's obvious that fear mongering is the goal, and that those people/groups that do it feel they will benefit from it as time passes, otherwise terrorism would not be such an ever-present topic in our media/national education.

Agree? This isn't a new thought -- I just needed to talk about it.
edit on 8/23/2011 by AkumaStreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 01:16 AM
I don't think you should worry about your young'ns being brainwashed by the terrorism culture...
I don't think the youth of today care about their freedoms, OR terrorism..
I don't think they care about politics.
I think they care when facebook is playing up, or there's a new series of MTV cribs.
It's not just an American thing.. It's over here in the UK too.

Trouble is, we've allowed that to happen. And now we have the youth of today already producing the youth of tomorrow too.. (after all, get pregnant early enough and you could be on TV!!!) and on and on it goes.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by AkumaStreak

Our youth are too concerned with being a 'player', getting good grades and attempting to fit in.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by Warpthal

Some of ours aren't even bothered about getting good grades..
Being expelled is worn as a badge of distinction..

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by AkumaStreak

Where does this belief come from?

Most of the people asking the questions and protesting seem to be young people.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 01:30 AM
While I like you post and will give you a star for it, I disagree!

From my own experience the youth are the ones driving the change the most, they are the ones who have had enough, some of them are mad and they dont know the reason, some know very well what is going on, a large grouyp care but dont understand enough or know where to begin and a small group dont care at all.
I think the youth question the government more than anyone because it is human nature to ask why as we attempt to discover our world and the systems within it - but as we age, we tend to stop asking questions because we are too lazy, think we know it all or have grown tired the answers, or lack of them in some cases.

I think youth have more reasons than anyone to want change after all they are inheriting massive amounts of debt that previous generation have enjoyed the benefit of. But everyone seems to forget this and wonder why the youth seem like 'no hopers'.

While in my experience the youth tend to stand up for their rights in many respects - I would agree with you that privacy does not seem to be high on their priorities.


posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by Miraj
reply to post by AkumaStreak

Where does this belief come from?

Most of the people asking the questions and protesting seem to be young people.

Where does that belief come from?

I'd love some good examples -- it might make me feel better. London/UK riots as an example probably won't make me feel better. The youth involved in that didn't seem to have any real leadership/defined goals or manifesto per-say. I won't argue that actions like that aren't statements in themselves, but still...
edit on 8/23/2011 by AkumaStreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 01:34 AM
As a young man of 30 myself, I tend to find that it's the OLDER generations that don't seem to care/notice whats going on. Most everyone my age is at least partially clued in.

But the generation under me.... clueless. lol

Just personal observations, your mileage may vary.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by byteshertz

Good points. I just fear that the youth might not know "what could be", as they might only know "what is" versus "what once was". I don't think anyone alive has known a perfect world -- it's just that I feel things have gotten worse.
edit on 8/23/2011 by AkumaStreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by AkumaStreak

So, what you are saying since alot of people die the youth doesn't care?

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by DamaSan
As a young man of 30 myself, I tend to find that it's the OLDER generations that don't seem to care/notice whats going on. Most everyone my age is at least partially clued in.

But the generation under me.... clueless. lol

Just personal observations, your mileage may vary.

My dad wouldn't even try iced coffee (an iced latte) this past weekend because "I've got this far without it -- no reason to try it now."

I agree, I would not want to wait around for a majority of our elders to be a major catalyst for change, heh.

edit on 8/23/2011 by AkumaStreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by AkumaStreak

...generalizations are only a partial truth at best...

...i was recently at a gathering where the oldest person was 89yrs old and was having a terrific conversation with a 15yr old... they had never met before but, politically speaking, they were on the same page... just have to listen...

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 05:53 PM
How come old people always complain about the ``erosion of freedoms``, but they never do anything about it?

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by AkumaStreak

Probably because it's young people I see out on the streets being politically active.

Loose Change? College students. (not Lending credibility to it, just noting whos asking.)

It feels like it's usually the older crowd that dismisses theories about the erosion of rights. Let me all ask you, what generations allowed the patriot act to be passed? I'll tell you it wasn't the kids that were 10, 11 years old on 9/11.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by AkumaStreak
On Sept. 11th, 2001, today's twenty-year-old would have only been 10 years old.

I swear, the delta between growing up in the 90s vs. the 00s probably isn't even fathomable by older (30+ vs. 20'ish or under, I mean) adults like myself (we probably can't imagine the mindset from maturing in the 00s vs. the 90s).

My point is that we shouldn't blame the youth entirely (or arguably even at all) for their apparent lack of concern regarding these issues. It's all they know. Some serious re-education should be in order, and the responsibility falls on older people who can see how things have changed/understand that there are dangers when privacy/misc. freedoms here and there start to fly out the window.

- I just needed to talk about it ]

00s vs 90s
you have to be kidding..........
you seem not to know where you are
you are in the NWO
you will need a time machine to get back to reality
before the NWO.........
you are a product of cultural Marxism,
you are transmogrified.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by AkumaStreak

You have to understand that since the 90's the educational system was hijacked by radical feminist's. If you spent most of your life enduring the bs from radical feminist's would you care about any of that stuff? No, you would care more about GTFO of the educational system.

From their perspective the educational system was the soviet union/nazi germany and this fascist hell-hole known as America is still the land of freedom and opportunity(interesting bit of info, spell check doesn't work for soviet union being lower case but the red line appears for nazi germany, makes me wonder about firefox..).

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 12:58 AM
I can tell you that I had a friend who was (and still is) CLUELESS of ANY and ALL worldly issues! Seriously. One of the reasons I had to seperate myself from her. Could not hold any serious conversation with her. I would talk about the privacy issues on Facebook and she would just say "Yeah." and change the subject to gossip about people at work. Same with anything political. If it had nothing to do about So-So at work or some other person she knew, she didn't care. She likes her bubble. I'm guessing a lot of people like their bubble. It is maddning.

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posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by AkumaStreak

Didn't you already post this several days ago?

I could have sworn I posted in an identical thread several days ago..

But anyways, I want to know where all those adults were when the Patriot act was being pushed.

they were all too busy saying "We have nothing to hide"

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:13 AM
Every generation has its bad apples and its good apples.

My mom is as old and crotchety as they come, but she said some pretty flattering things about the younger generation the other day. She said that even though many young people speak broken English, have their faces buried in their Iphones, and dress like cartoonish gangsters- there are young people everywhere she goes that offer her and my sick father help.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 01:15 AM
Everyone is looking for somewhere to point the finger.

What has happened to our society and our youth can be summed up in three statements:

1. We have taught our children to be more concerned with how they look than how they act.

2. We have taught our children to be more aware of what is going on in someone else's back yard and ignore what is happening in our own.

3. We have taught our children that it is more important to care about what others think of them than what they think of themselves.

Place the blame wherever you want, point your finger in whatever direction that you feel is appropriate. The only way that it is going to change is by DOING something about it.

Just my 2¢

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