shes right lol
we are gullible
how weak we get with the scent of perfume off a womens neck
how we melt with a sexy womens smile
how we think about what positions we would love to put her in
how cute they look with there heels skirts pantyhose make up
yes we are slaves to your beauty ! thats only because sex is our number 1 desire
and for women its fame/royality / security
dave chappelle said it best we would screw anyone in a carboard box if they let us ...
evolution says the sexual desire is so powerful in men to make us reproduce even when we don't want too!!
can you imagine men if reproducing involved something else and sex came with no such "baggage"
men would hardly reprodouce and populations would sink cause all we really want is the yummy goodness
prostitutes are a good example of how we men are exploited
using such a natural process to cash in =*(
the prices we pay !!
how do you women sleep at night !
yes marriage is also prostitution just exclusive and costs more and she doesnt go away after
i know your type lady ... as much as it makes me mad your right i love it and keep coming back lol
i love you women so much thank you god , evolution , or whatever other force it was that made you women so delicate like flowers that you don't wanna
spoil !
but just remember one day science will make us snap out of this spell you have cast on us ! and tables will turn !
edit on 22-8-2011 by seedofchucky because: (no reason given)