I actually welcome threads like this.
Every time you post, it creates yet another chance to expose the corruption of the status quo.
When it becomes too dangerous to use facts to support your own candidate, you're left with a pretty feeble attempt to slander those you oppose in Ron
Paul's case.
Letters taken out of context that he didn't write, and wasn't aware of for 10 years, twisting of his stance on issues to give them a completely
different meaning, and parroting of slogans like "unelectable".
I mean, if he's so unelectable, explain to me how the 12 term congressman from Texas got re-elected 11 times.
It's pretty obvious why the MSM tries so hard to distort the facts and silence him every chance they get. He's become a threat to their corporate
leash holders, and every day they're becoming more and more exposed.
Do you really think substituting video footage from the 2011 CPAC winner announcement with the previous one was an honest mistake?
See for yourself
Notice how they also take the opportunity to ask him who he thought was booing.
In 2008, if you asked me who I thought was unelectable, I might have said ol' Rudy. Yet there he is, participating in a scripted debate putting words
in Ron Paul's mouth with help of the moderators.
Just the image of his face must have pulled on the patriotic heart-strings of the viewers.
How Media Spins a Story
They'll do anything to paint him as a nut-case.
Well, why didn't the republicans win the office with that kind of thinking then? If you saw who was on that ticket, I won't insult you by explaining
People are waking up every day.
Again, back in 2008 I wasn't a big Ron Paul supporter, and may have considered some of his ideas fringe. Like myself, though, millions of Americans
didn't have a clue that the Federal Reserve wasn't actually part of our government.
With all the bailouts and the economy in free-fall, you can bet your ass that many of those people have asked questions, and know things that they
didn't just three short years ago.
I don't think anyone supporting him is naive enough to think he isn't up against a powerful entity, and when I say powerful, I mean rich. The truth
is, the American people are the ones who hold the power, the status quo are just rich.
It does make one wonder why, though, the "top tier" type candidates have to create
PACs to circumvent the $2500 limit an individual can donate. They're all corrupt, and our bought and paid for congress is all in on it.
A recent study of, I think, 39 republicans and 41 democratic congressmen have had their net worth increase 675% to the tune of almost a half a BILLION
dollars between 2008-2010. That's only 2 years. All while the average citizen is struggling to pay bills and many are unemployed. The whole thing
So you keep coming in these forums and parroting your slogans, and we'll keep pointing out the difference between isolation and non-intervention.
Pretty soon more and more people will start asking why we have to have an embassy in Iraq the size of the Vatican which congress has approved 17,000
employees to staff.
Hell, I spent 24 years pounding nails for a living, so if a dumb ol' carpenter like myself can put two and two together since the last election, you
can rest assured a whole lot of others have too.
Have a wonderful day.