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What would the world be like if the Elite weren't hoarding money?

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posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:05 PM
Obviously we would all be better off with more money, but just how much wealth and resources do you think they control? Could our current lifestyles even be sustained if the Elite were suddenly removed from their offices or would we have to start rebuilding the infrastructure from the ground up again to reboot the system?

Honestly, I think there's no excuse for anyone in the world to starve to death. You can't seriously say that, out of the entire world, there aren't enough food resources to feed every living person. People in "the old days" starved to death because they were refined to much smaller local areas than we are today now with the advantage of long-distance transportation. If a drought or disease plagued your area, you had to migrate elsewhere. It could take more than a couple weeks to reach a region unaffected by the harsh conditions and you might even die on the way to discovering sustainable food. Even if you made it to a thriving location, you would probably have to fend off an angry mob protecting that land. But now that we can order a product manufactured on the other side of the world and have it shipped to our door in a matter of days, there really isn't a good reason why people are still dying of starvation. The Elite simply don't want to end hunger and other serious issues.

Just interested in hearing how ridiculously rich you think the Elite/TPTB are. How much wealth do you think they have and how much potential are they wasting? Try to be specific. I'm kinda interested in hearing statistics.

Maybe the concept of competition, itself, is an artificially exaggerated construct of the Illuminati. I do believe in evolution and that competition is a natural human instinct. I just feel like the competition to survive should be outdated by now. We should be competing for other rewards at this point in time.

edit on 8/21/2011 by BirdOfillOmen because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/21/2011 by BirdOfillOmen because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/21/2011 by BirdOfillOmen because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:09 PM
There would always be a status-marker of some sort. People are naturally competitive.

When people compete for money, they are not really interested in physical objects. They want the status that allegedly adheres to various objects.

If it wasn't money, people would be competing over something else...Facebook friends, number of flags on ATS, whatever. And the competition would be just as fierce, soul-sucking, and conflict-causing as the current scamble forr money.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:11 PM
First off tell us who the Elite are and how you know this. Kinda hard to research hard facts when everyone has a different opinion on this.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by kro32

Look to the Vatican for a huge amount of money. The American government controls another large amount of wealth. I'm talking about the world's richest people, in general...

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by BirdOfillOmen

Well we are the American Government so I guess we are considered elite then. If the worlds richest people are also the elite what is the cut off line for you?

10 million, 1 billion maybe?

You need to be more specific so I can research the numbers you want.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by BirdOfillOmen

What would the world be like if the Elite weren't hoarding money?

It works a little like hydraulics, with a finite reservoir of fluid, meaning money, to support the entire population. The more that is routed to the masses, the less that goes to those elite. As the rest of the world gets pressure and rises, the elite lose that pressure and fall, or depress.

The effort is to pump just enough pressure into the line that supports the mass of humanity to keep them buying things... but not enough to allow too much comfort.

Unfortunately, the hydraulic regulator that keeps things in balance is in desperate need of repair... the masses are bottoming out and the elites are losing pressure too.

The system is a mess because it wasn't meant to operate this way.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by kro32

Whatever you care enough to share. I figured somebody would have an article on this subject already bookmarked, lol.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:24 PM
Well the problem is that alot of people have different ideas of what the "elite" are. Some think it's a small group consisting of the Bildenburgs and Rothschilds while others, like you , think it's the super rich. Others say it is the leaders of the corporate world and wall street while even others think it's high ranking political officials and some believe it's a combination of all these.

Your asking for something nobody can really answer.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by kro32

I dunno. I always thought of the Elite as consisting of a combination of those. You have a small group of insanely rich individuals (who own trillions in assets) at the very top. They're obviously forced to fork out some high salaries to the drones working within their corporation They strategically invest a lot of money to various other places that advance their plan. A lot of people become rich while unknowingly serving this Illuminati-like Mafia.

I guess I'm really just looking to point fingers and bitch at the world's absolute richest people

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by BirdOfillOmen

Hahaha I admire your honesty sir..Star and Flag for you.

I wish more people had your courage.

But I don't think the world would change even if they gave all their money away. Just be a few more broke guys living on the street while their money get's sucked into some empty vaccum of space somewhere.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:34 PM
Instead of the "Elite" it would be the government hoarding all the money and we would all be in the same boat that we are in now.

The money always floats to the top and a majority of it will always stay at the top. What people need to realize is that in order to fix what is at the top you have to start at the bottom. The problem is that the majority of people think donating to charity that helps cancer treatment and this and that are the charities that need money.

We need to change this mentality to get people to start donating to local after school centers that teach kids other things like the arts and what the schools don't teach. Make the kids think in other words. I don't mean to sound cold or brash, but a cure for cancer would be great and all, but making the generations that are coming up after us smarter is way better than a cure for cancer.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:37 PM
Orville redenbacher is sitting on trillions,after he invented extra butter popcorn.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:41 PM
Very few people "hoard" money in the sense that they hold it and don't do anything with it.

Most of the filthy rich have their money investing - in stocks, bonds, banks, businesses, loans, etc. IE they use it to make more money by making hte capital available to otehrs to work with, and then take a share of eth earnings.

If they didn't have this probably we would be a lot poorer - no-one would ahve hte money to do the massive amounts of research required to bring new drugs to market - I suspect the innovations of Apple and Microsoft would never have happened (they started small but had to borrow to build).

we tend to forget that the west's "prosperity" is mainly built upon credit - and that credit mainly comes from the wealthy - they need us plebs to be able to borrow & spend & pay back or their stocks & bonds aren't actually worth a lot at all!

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by brindle

I have contributed about half of that to him i'm sure.

Love his popcorn.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:45 PM
What would the world be like if the Elite weren't hoarding money?



Single family home


Middle Class home


Upper Class home


posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:49 PM
The way it should work is like this, those with cash should help out those without, but they must not be forced to do so.

Regarding the question at hand, what would happen if the elite weren't hoarding money?
. the have nots would have spent it on junk the would be expecting more.

Why not go after the student's with 4.0 GPA too?
They seem to be hoarding points and maybe they should be forced to give a few percentage points to others less fortunate.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by Alxandro

I think you've mistaken me for a Communist...

The point I'm trying to make is that the people at the very top are deliberately prolonging war and chaos among us. They are trying to "toughen up" humanity so that we can eventually evolve into more god-like beings. They know that the fight for mere survival is becoming obsolete. The next stage is to establish an Orwellian society very similar to the one in "1984". An extensive profile for each person will be noted and they will ensure everyone's life is a living hell if you don't satisfy their demands. They will know exactly how to encourage you... by surrounding you with your own worst fears.

Sound absurd? Tell me how it isn't plausible.

edit on 8/22/2011 by BirdOfillOmen because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/22/2011 by BirdOfillOmen because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 12:07 AM
Rich people own a lot of money, the elites are players, to be a player you need to own a lot of real estate...The British Monarchy...The Roman Catholic Church...The Rothschild Dynasty. The Rothschild family have an estimated $500 trillion stuffed under their matteresses, I was really disapointed, I was expecting it to be a lot lot more.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 12:11 AM
I see some good points here....But I would like to mention one thing I was thinking about after reading about a good man's contrubution of a cancer cure being shot down by the FDA...

This is one of my views.

Cancer is big buisness! Why have these miraculous potential cures for cancer been shot down repeatedly? Because, with less cancer these foundations and corperations will make less money off the ill. Its sad, Its almost like the FDA wants us to die a slow expensive death...Numerous cancer causing chemicals are willingly put in the feed fed to our meat and poultry, and its sprayed on the vegatables. For GROWTH, MASS, WEIGHT, COST, and last but not lest MONEY! Its to make more money.....A selected few up top (ELITES) make these dicisions for us, and it's kind of obvious income and profit are more important then wholesumness, health, and well being.

This above is an example, There are thousands of issues that jeprodize the human race's well being that are disreguarded by these so called elite for the sake of making a profit.

To get to the point, without the elites I know the world would be a safer, less polluted, more humble world to live in.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 12:19 AM
first off.. the "American Government" itself does not have a lot of wealth. As I'm sure you've heard, we're actually over 14 trillion dollars in debt. Many individuals that work for the government have a lot of wealth, but not the government itself.

And in response to the OP.. to say that the majority of the world's wealth is in the hands of a very few is a vast understatement. I wish I could provide more links, and maybe I will when I have some more time. Here's one for now having to do with the US in particular..

Top 1 Percent Control 42 Percent of US Wealth

Also, certain families have been *rumored* to have certain amounts of wealth. I have read reliable sources estimate the Rockefeller's wealth at up to 10 trillion dollars. The Rothschild family's wealth has been rumored to be into the hundreds of trillions, but who knows..

40% of World's Wealth Owned by 1% of Population

there's another one..

Basically, you're absolutely right to think nobody has to die of starvation in this day and age. These people could easily chip in and provide the relatively meager $30 billion a year that the UN estimates it would cost to completely wipe out world hunger ( LA Times - Cost to End World Hunger)) but of course they won't, you'll find that most of the super-rich are also eugenicists who think the population of the world should be dramatically lower

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