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Why The American Government Is Way Ahead Of The Currency Game Every1 Thinks They Are Losing....

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posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:04 PM
Earlier today I was thinking why would the Government knowingly put the worlds largest economy on a FIAT system that has proven throughout History to Ruin Empires?? After reading what a currency war and several other related topics consisted of, I realized it was a plan from the start. Not so much as a Illuminati Conspiracy (not counting it out) but more of a long term planned destruction of Foreign Economy's by very very intelligent individuals.

What I believe happened is they realized the world had blind Faith in the might and wealth of the American Dollar so they started printing tremendous amounts of Fake Money or essentially I.O.U.'s knowing that other countries would gobble up the money and try to stock pile it as wealth. China Especially did this and were Duped by The False Promise of The Dollars Worth. Did you know that the U.S. Government will not Honor the Return of the American Dollar in mass amounts by a Country unless it's in form of purchase of the Federal Debt Bond?? They can't buy corporations or anything, except give the Government it's money back in the form of it being able to borrow more money for military build up. This is a devious way of building a Mass Fortune of Materials For War - All Without Spending A Single True Ounce of Gold Because The Dollar Is Not Redeemable as Gold Anymore..I think the Government think tanks thought all this through maybe 70 years ago an it's finally being figured out by other Country's and is Scaring the Crap outta Their Leaders.

If a person is to look at it as, The American Government figured out the world has limited resources and they want ALL of the rest of the worlds resources without being able to pay for it or polluting and destroying their own first. Then they would see why they would create the illusion of the paper dollar being worth more than it is, which in actuality the paper is worth more than the Value Printed On It. China has figured out it has at least 2trillion in U.S. money that it can't spend in the U.S. and it is coming to the conclusion that Maybe the U.S. has purchased a vast amount of Labor and Materials with I.O.U's that they may have no intention of honoring when the resources run out. Kinda makes sense as to why they would wanna print as much paper money as possible if people are still taking it as trade for priceless resources. The Government has known forever that a Major Resource War was coming and he who has the most is likely going to win provided total Annihilation doesn't happen. The media has done a superb job making sure we view the rest of the world as the problem with our Economy thus making it easier for the general American Sheeple to accept the coming war as "Not Our Fault"...

I am an American and Naturally want my Country to be one of the last 1's standing if a Global war did kick off but it makes me really sad to consider that the coming War is possibly premeditated and avoidable but is endorsed by some....This is just where my thoughts and research has lead me an I can in no way say this is Factual but it makes sense to me..Here is a link easily describing what a Currency War is for those that do not know.. (sorry about the Wiki reference but it has some good Historical currency information)

Now for some questions that I have for ATS'ers...1st: Does this make sense to anybody else that the U.S. is attempting to hoard resources without actually paying for them? 2nd: Is it foreseeable for the U.S. Government to print all the Fiat money to pay its bills until the worlds resources run out, then not honoring the dollar causing the war they've been preparing for??? 3rd: Is that why they De-Industrialized America, to save our Ecosystems/Resources as much as possible while making other countries poorer and poorer??? 4th: Is this why China is calling for a 1 World Currency that Doesn't have to be their own Yuan but it can't be the U.S. Dollar anymore? Because they are scared we won't honor our Debt/Money they've stockpiled??? Has anybody else came to these conclusions and has there ever been any articles/confessions pertaining to what I've put forth in this thread??

Like I said these are just ideas I've come up with on how we got where we are today and are not Factual, they are just my ideas at the moment. So please don't bash an call me a FearMonger or whatever the term would be. I'm just asking for other input on if this makes sense and if it has ever been discussed? If these ideas are true, I believe the U.S. has played the world for fools and is about to reap either the rewards or the consequences depending on the how the rest of the world views it's actions. Thanks for reading my thoughts for today and helping me better understand anything I might have misconstrued.
edit on 21-8-2011 by NewsWorthy because: paragraph editing

edit on 21-8-2011 by NewsWorthy because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-8-2011 by NewsWorthy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:07 PM
Whoa. Can you paragraph that please??

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by metaldemon2000

Sorry I'll read back through and edit it 4 paragraphs now

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by metaldemon2000
Whoa. Can you paragraph that please??

Here here.. that makes my head hurt just looking at it.. it's one big block of text ...

Please use paragraphs OP!

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:12 PM
You see its very simple imo. WEAPONS and WAR is the new currency plain and simple.
That being said the us is very very wealthy!
edit on 21-8-2011 by AllUrChips because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:13 PM
Sorry about that guys..My paragraphing obviously needs work..I cant figure out how to make the start of one indented, any suggestions?

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by AllUrChips
You see its very simple imo. WEAPONS and WAR is the new currency plain and simple.
That being said the us is very very wealthy!
edit on 21-8-2011 by AllUrChips because: (no reason given)

yup an in it could all possibly be paid for with fake currency and lies

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by NewsWorthy

I was going to say the TAB button, but it does not work here for some reason, try SPACEBAR about 5 times

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by daikaiju
reply to post by NewsWorthy

I was going to say the TAB button, but it does not work here for some reason, try SPACEBAR about 5 times

yeah I used the space bar after the tab failed an it still didn't indent then I just double spaced the paragraphs in hopes that would make it easier to read..hopefully it worked

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:46 PM
HaHAHA You could not be more right buddy i came to that conclusion earlier this very year while sitting on a toilet realized their was no paper anywhere except the dollars in my pocket You can guess what i did but after I was reading something about how china is the largest holder of US debt and started laughing because their the largest holder of toilet paper if you ask me cause it is not backed by gold

But then I also remembered my favorite President Nixon aka(Tricky Dicky) took America off the Gold Standard in addition to opening up relations with china which more then anything else ended the cold war by taking Russia biggest importer. By turning it into the worlds biggest exporter all paid for in Paper

when you want to get something you have to give up some of what you got unless you deceive everyone into believing some BS like a con-artist you have your wealth and and their all at the price of stupidity which is the only truly unlimited resource on earth

Forget a conspiracy that is just good business

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by IblisLucifer

HAha thats awesome...I didn't realize Nixon did all of that at the same it makes more sense than ever, thanks for responding to my thread

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 07:51 PM
Those that control the U.S. Are definitely using their fiat money system to build up their war machine in order to control key regions of the world without actually having to pay for it. Pay for it, that is, in something valuable, tangible, like gold.

While the U.S. may control some of the resources (I.e. oil), China has gobbled up most of the rare earth minerals. These are indispensable in the production of technological items, like computers. So, China has got the U.S. By the balls in that respect. But I honestly don't know what that overarching plan of the globalists is. We like to speculate, but unless we are on the inside, it is only intelligent speculation

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by timi0000
Those that control the U.S. Are definitely using their fiat money system to build up their war machine in order to control key regions of the world without actually having to pay for it. Pay for it, that is, in something valuable, tangible, like gold.

While the U.S. may control some of the resources (I.e. oil), China has gobbled up most of the rare earth minerals. These are indispensable in the production of technological items, like computers. So, China has got the U.S. By the balls in that respect. But I honestly don't know what that overarching plan of the globalists is. We like to speculate, but unless we are on the inside, it is only intelligent speculation

True very true in my opinion, at least until that Vast deposit of Rare Earth Minerals was recently found off the coast of Japan in international waters if I remember correctly...In essence when that gets harnessed, that will greatly reduce the amount China can charge the rest of the world because the supply might have just caught up with the demand. Which in the future could tremendously undercut the Chinese bargaining chips, making their stockpiled American Dollars all the more worthless. Seems to me that we are buying their supply of Rare Earth Minerals with money the U.S. Gov might not honor when it comes time for China to collect.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 12:26 AM
Absolutely correct the US Government probably figured out in the 1970s that rare earth resources would have the same importance to US Defense and US business growth as oil was at the beginning of the 20th century.

Knowing this information plans must been laid out to ensure that no matter what happened over the next decades the results would always be within a range of acceptable outcomes. In school you are trained to write about you're point by finding all the facts that support it and ignoring those that don't. This effectively limits how most choose to perceive reality. Great quote "No plan survives first contact with the enemy” the smartest people never allow anything to limit their way of thinking or ability to adapt to new information. Always keeping option open by and putting their adversaries to a decision thus never letting anything go unplanned or unaccounted for, giving them the advantage

I may loath the Global Elite, Illuminate or whatever you want to call the wealthy powerful group of people, who for generations now have manipulated events, by giving other predefine choices that no matter what way anyone person, group or nation decides do there it must either choose between the lesser of two evils or take a opposing positions that work against a solution by polarizing the other side. Essentially using soft power to play the rest of world’s population for fools without most being aware of it,

That being said I respect them for being incredibly smart and intelligent Human Beings that they are. Through using the established divisions and subdivisions so prevalent throughout history in all human cultures like race, religion, class in addition to any other idea or belief they can influence or corrupt (i.e. , nationalism to divide up and maintain power over the world, without being known or held accountable, similar to corporate structure where CEOs can be vilified and replaced so to can a nation states leaders or government take the fall to appease discontent. To achieve this is amazing because if you understanding that those with wealth are the most invested in society and its continuation because wealth seeks power in order to protect itself, you know anyone would choose to protect what they have, But to do it in a way that where the majority of people never know you have it is a stroke genius

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