“British person here saying Ron Paul 2012!
MrCrowbarFace 19 hours ago 43 likes”
“New Zealanders Love you Ron Paul!
There’s an old saying: COMETH THE HOUR, COMETH THE MAN'
Ron Paul the Great 2012!
TheJayEffkay 2 hours ago 3 likes“
“Canadian here - supporting Ron Paul!!
korboismywaifu 3 hours ago 2 likes”
“Polish people support Dr. Ron Paul last hope America to return a normal value! They feed you in McDonalds, burger kings an other #ty place and
food. They debt you as a society. They manipulated you in media-press. They low your education system. They give you false religions.
Did you have a enough inside power to fight for your freedom and brings to your homes?
We believe. YES YOU CAN!
chemik87PL 7 hours ago 2 likes”
milhuisen 17 hours ago 2 likes”
The rest of the world has woken up, have you?
Ron Paul is scaring The Establishment silly, because he speaks the truth. It has been made clear to me that almost always, the people who do not like
Ron Paul are the ones who do not understand him and what he supports. There are a number of people trying to spread hate, fear, and lies regarding
Ron Paul, and I always hear the same exact things coming from their mouths. “He’s too old,” “He’s Racist,” “He can’t win,” are some
of the favorites among such people. I am here to explain why these, and some of their other lines, are ignorant statements that can be easily
debunked if you know your facts. Let’s begin. (All of this is information is verifiable by simple Google searches).
1. Ron Paul is against gay marriage, supports polygamy, etc.
A. These are half-truths. Although Ron Paul personally does not support gay marriage, he realizes that the Constitution supersedes his individual
religious beliefs. He believes that each state has its own right to determine the definition of marriage, in whatever way they choose to do so. This
is constitutional.
2. Ron Paul wants to legalize [heroine, meth, coc aine].
A. This is twisting the truth. Ron Paul believes that the federal “drug war” has failed, and it is wasting our money as it imprisons otherwise
innocent, nonviolent people. He also knows that the people fighting the drug war tend to target minorities, which completely goes against our
countries values. Ron Paul believes that the issue of the legalization of any drug is an issue to be left up to each individual state, as per the
constitution. Yes, this too is constitutional.
3. Ron Paul is a racist.
A. One of the most ignorant statements that could be made. Minority groups actually support Ron Paul, largely because of his stance on the drug war.
The reason some people believe Ron Paul is a racist, is because he does not support the affirmative action laws we have here in the United States.
Not only are the laws clearly unconstitutional, they actually foster discrimination, by forcing people to look at an individual’s skin color. As
long as we recognize skin color as even a factor in determining something, our discrimination will not go away. Ron Paul wants to remove those laws
so that people can be chosen for work or school based on who they are as an individual, not by the color of their skin.
4. Ron Paul is not “electable,” he is “not a good enough speaker,” he is “too fanatic,” etc.
A. Last I checked, we were voting for President here, not Homecoming Queen. Electable is a made up word, used to say that Presidential candidates
have a good stage presence and can maintain their calm, “intelligent” composure even when speaking on issues that should get everybody as fired up
as Ron Paul. This goes for being too “fanatic” and “loony” as well. Since when is a passion for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
a mental disorder? Puh-lease.
By the way, if you want to talk “un-electable,” how about Mrs. Michelle – reeducate gays – Bachmann? That’s constitutional, right there.
5. Ron Paul is “too old” to be President.
A. Ronald Reagan, an American favorite, was elected at sixty-nine and ended his presidency at seventy-seven. Now I understand, Ron Paul is
seventy-six, but that is beside the point. Older does not equal Worse, though society might have you think otherwise. Older actually implies more
experience, in every area of life. The longer you live, the more you learn. In this sense, Ron Paul would actually be better than the other
candidates because of his age and experience (which includes being a Doctor, being in the military, being an author, and having a seat in congress for
over thirty years).
6. Ron Paul is just another Elite “Puppet,” Ron Paul is “just like Obama; promising things he never plans to do as president.”
A. Let’s take a look at some things Ron Paul has said and done.
- As a doctor, he lowered his prices or worked for free in order to not have to accept Medicare and Medicaid benefits. He also “refuses to sign up
for the government pension he would be entitled to, in order to avoid receiving government money,” as he thinks it would be hypocritical.
- He believed the monetary crisis of the 70’s was caused by excessive government spending on the Vietnam War and Welfare (the same view he has on
wars and welfare now).
- He has proposed legislation to decrease the Congressional Pay according to rates of inflation.
- He has voted consistently in congress for years, and he never changes his views to cater to a specific audience. His one true view is the
Constitution, and that has not and will not change.
- A great number of his political views lean towards being “anti-establishment,” and he consistently speaks of reducing Federal Government
intrusion in our lives. Yep, sounds like an Elite Puppet to me.
7. Ron Paul’s supporters are all “internet” supporters, “too young to vote,” “unwilling to get up and campaign for him,” etc.
A. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being popular on the internet, and as far as I’m concerned, that is actually a good thing. The internet
is the fastest method of communication that we have, and it is also the best method to reach people outside of your own community. As for his
supporters all being too young to vote, it is clear that that is not true. Let’s look at some statistics.
- Ron Paul placed second in the Iowa Ames Straw poll, taking 27.6% of the roughly 16,000 votes cast. He fell behind only Michelle Bachmann, who - in
her own state - got 28.5% of the votes.
- Ron Paul holds the record for the largest amount of money raised in one day by any presidential candidate.
- Although Time Magazine never followed through with telling us the results of its Bracketology poll where voters picked who they thought we become
the GOP Nominee, plenty of people saved pictures of the results, where Ron Paul won over half of the votes cast. (If anyone has seen where they
officially announced the results, please let me know.)
- Today, on Ron Paul’s birthday (August 20th) his supporters have organized a money-bomb. Half-way through the day, he has almost cleared the
two-million-dollar mark. Although this is only a third of the amount that allowed him to set the record for fundraising in one day, the day is not
over, and it is telling nonetheless. His supporters are giving him the best birthday present he could ask for, and I guarantee you that they are not
I would like to add, that just because “Ron Paul’s supporters have a zeal for [voting in online polls],” does not invalidate any results that
come of those polls. What it means is that the people really do like Ron Paul, and are dedicated enough to his message to actually vote in such
polls. Maybe the reason none of the other candidates receive such online support is because they don’t have it? Anyone consider that? I believe
if anyone else had such support, the media would glamorize the heck out of it. We the people are doing our job in supporting Ron Paul, and will
continue to do so until the Election is Over.
8. Ron Paul can not win.
A. This one is quite simple. The more people believe this, the less they will do to put Paul in a position to win, and the more they will fulfill
their own prophecy. If you support Ron Paul, do what you would want anyone to do for you if you were running for president, and get the word out
about what he believes. Know your facts, so that you can easily debunk the lies of all the Trolls out there. This is key. Nobody has ever
accomplished anything by truly believing that they could not do it. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy; don’t fall into that trap.
Ron Paul will win in 2012, but he can’t do it alone. We the People need to help him. Here are some suggestions for those that are unsure of how to
- Register Republican, so that you can vote in the primary of your state. (If your state has an open primary, you do not need to do this.
Here is a site listing every primary, Open and Closed.
- Make a campaign contribution. In today’s world, money is necessary for everything, especially Media Time. (The media is not only powerful, it is
everywhere. A very useful tool.)
- Tell your friends, family, and acquaintances about Ron Paul. Most people who don’t like him don’t know their facts. Know yours.
- Get Ron Paul’s name out there. A great way to do this (while monetarily supporting Ron Paul) is to use the RonPaul2012 website to buy things like
t-shirts, ball caps, buttons, bumper stickers, yard signs, bracelets, and more. Window chalk for your car windows is great visibility, too.
- Social networking sites such as Facebook, Youtube, and internet forums are extremely useful places to get the word out to many people at once.
That should at least get you started, any comments, criticisms, or ideas are welcome. (:
Ron Paul 2012!
edit on 8/21/2011 by nihonjindesu08 because: Link For Primaries