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Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
reply to post by ziggyproductions05d
Unfortunately it cannot be proven 100%...
Originally posted by ziggyproductions05
reply to post by litterbaux
Did you even read my post above?
Yes, its from Mac and Me.
Originally posted by Versa
Im a bit puzzled why the video quality seems to change from this at 1:06
to this once the 'nightcrawlers' appear....
Originally posted by Versa
ok I have also posted this in the other thread that was linked here..... link to that post
but I'll post again here too 'just for jolly'....
'other than them being some sort of bizarre unknown entity that can shift in and out of reality it has to be a hoax.... Here is why........ They go missing, very very briefly and it was pure accident that I caught the frame, but they do go missing....' So can we agree on CGI now?
[atsimg][/atsimg]edit on 22/8/11 by Versa because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by Versa
reply to post by kn0wh0w
If you look my screen shot was taken at 0.55 when the night crawlers should be visible but for one brief moment they vanish.
there at 0.52.......
not there at 0.55
there is also a clear difference in video quality between the shots that contain the night crawlers and the shots that dont, the shots that dont contain them are of a higher quality which again points to a CGI overlay.edit on 22/8/11 by Versa because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by Wheelindiehl
reply to post by Versa
They're behind the tree
Originally posted by Wheelindiehl
reply to post by Versa
They're behind the tree