posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by TheThirdAdam
They wont get paid for 8 hrs, they will only receive basic income. Anyone who is longterm unemployed will get only basic income (contribution bonus) +
he must work for 4 hours of public works. And since the CB decreases only by 20% of your own income, its not all taken away when you start to work,
you always have higher net income (CB + wage) if you work than if you dont, for any low wage. The incentive to work is greatly increased income,
compared to current system.
See the example: If you have a choice between working for 4 hours a day and receiving 180 e, or working for 8 hours for for example 300 e wage and
receiving in net 420 e, what would you choose? Your workhours increased by a factor of 2, but total income increased by 2,33.
Lets say you find a part time job that pays half of it - 150 e. Now your workhours stay the same (4 hours, now working for employer instead of public
works), but your total income increases to 260 e (by a factor of 1,44). You see that incentive to work even for small wages is greatly increased.