posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 11:40 AM
It cannot be argued that Ron Paul has highly motivated supporters, mostly young, who have a great deal of time to spend running up the figures on
non-scientific polls, clogging the lines of call-in shows, etc. I am not anti-Ron Paul. I hope many of his ideas are picked up by candidates who can
actually win. But I am a realist, something that very few people under 30 can say about themselves. Ron Paul is ahead in a "Ron Paul Bubble"
environment, as well he should be. But he will never have the money-machine of the GOP behind him, and he will never get the "average uncommitted
voter" behind him. In my suburban, upper-middle class Atlanta county, which is about 78% GOP, all I hear is "He's crazy"; "That guy is weird";
"He's okay about ______, but otherwise he's just nuts". In the county I work in, which is about 70% rural and probably 50/50 GOP/Dem, the white
people say "He's un-American" and the minorities say "Who?"
Ron Paul, somewhat like Newt Gingrich, is a great political thinker who will never win national office.