posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 09:08 AM
Lets take a snapshot and stand back and look at where we are. We are resident on a world where, although we are becoming quite advanced, we do not
have acknowledged contact with off world life, if at all.
We appear to be having sporadic fleeting glimpses of what appears to be off world technology, although there is NO irrefutable evidence in the public
domain that this so.
Our military are so powerful, paranoid and encapsulated that for all intents and purposes they are a power unto themselves, where they will make
decisions on what is good for us, and them. They will most likely do anything to obtain ET technology, if they so wish. Currently, we as ordinary
people have little influence on the right and wrong, or morality of persuing this line.
So therefore we are currently no threat to other worlds other than our own.
That is where we are, for the moment.
Most people reading this forum is aware that our Sun is a star, one of 100's of billions in our galaxy, which exists among 100's of billions of
other galaxies.
Any planets that exist with sentient life orbiting other stars, do so in complete isolation from each other. This is a very very profound statement,
in that most civilisations up to and including ours from a technological development standpoint, exist while being totally unaware of others,
until some important threshold is crossed.
The tools to cross this theshold are in the hands of advanced off world cultures, who are capable of interstellar travel and communication.
They may have had this ability for 1000's if not 1000000's of years so that we can assume that multi cultural ET contact has produced rules and
treaties on a many great number of things.
Included in these treaties would be a set of rules that could relate to how they deal with our "situation".
Considering our lack of open contact,
it has become abundantly clear that we do not fit some of the criteria required to join the club so to speak.
So we are where we are, and while the more enlightened peaceful members among us might find this incredibally frustrating, even heart breaking that we
can't immediately progress beyond this point, our planet has to be treated as a whole unit in compliance with an alleged interstellar treaty.
So unless some profound changes take place in our near future, our elusive ET visitors will reamain at a distance, indefinitely.
Perhaps they may covertly intervene from time to time in military goings on, or in the case of extreme natural disasters.
Until we become acceptable to them, attepting contact will be as futile as neanderthal athowing crap at the moon.
So my challenge to YOU is what, realistically, we can change to get over the threshold, or for us is it simply too soon in our collective evolution?