posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 07:24 AM
Originally posted by rsk360
personally i think that there are different types of deja vu..some may be the result of dreams, others may be the result of similar situations in a
past life, but thats just my opinion
Deja vu...literally translated, means, seen before - or, already seen.
The way we experience this phenomena is different for all people at different times. The sense of smell figures predominantly in the majority of deja
vu situations, as a catalyst (why this is so is moot). Suffice to say, something triggers the 'memory'.
Some experiential situations are so similar as to be analogous, and therefore attributed to deja vu...but are not.
Deja vu, strictly speaking, describes the feeling that you have been, done, experienced the same situation at some other time locum. These feelings
can and do present in the 'dream state'. These feelings can and do present in highly charged (fast vibrating) situations. These feelings can and do
present in contemplative moments, when brain wave patterns are able to fascilitate the levels of perception needed to access them.
When feelings are highly charged, or vibrating quicky; or when brain wave patterns are in the zone needed to access them, the paradigms of time and
space melt into experiential insignificance; to the point where, a deja vu can present itself as a prophetic experience, or an experience which
accesses a future locum. Telling the difference requires both vigilance and perspective. Vigilance, in case the deja vu accesses a future event; and
perspective, in case the the deja vu accesses a genuine, already experienced (been there) situation.
Hope this helps