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Religion, the biggest hoax ever

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posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 08:32 AM
one day i realize, religious person are just too dumb / timid to leave their religion,
you think those preacher don't know the truth? they knew there is nothing inside religion, but for the sake of their job, $$$, name, status, they keep on spreading fud.

how you could appear religious without religion? to continue appear as someone who is near to farking g0D, they need to use religion, manipulate it, talk, speak as if yeah, they are farking g0D.

well, some religion will kill you if you trying to leave and think outside the box.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by requireduser
one day i realize, religious person are just too dumb / timid to leave their religion,
you think those preacher don't know the truth? they knew there is nothing inside religion, but for the sake of their job, $$$, name, status, they keep on spreading fud.

how you could appear religious without religion? to continue appear as someone who is near to farking g0D, they need to use religion, manipulate it, talk, speak as if yeah, they are farking g0D.

well, some religion will kill you if you trying to leave and think outside the box.

Thats because religion is evil. I don't serve the institution of religion. I serve Christ/God, it is for them that i live and breathe. Jesus preached to love one another and to be at peace, how is that spreading "fud"?

No one can appear even close to God, we are all flawed beings. Christ is the only one who lived a perfect life, for anyone to say they are perfect or pretend they are is heresy. These are not christians that pretend to be perfect and pretend to be better than everyone else. Those types of people are Pseudo-christians, and they try to invade every church and spread their filth and holier than thou beliefs and attitudes. Christians are sinners who are forgiven and redeemed, but in no way are we ever perfect. We try to keep Christ's teachings and to do good works for God, and try to keep his laws and sometimes we slip and still sin but we pick ourselves up and keep trying. God and Jesus are not evil, its what pseudo-christians have done in their name that turns people away and God will hav ehis reckoning with them. Jesus said "not everyone who says unto me Lord, Lord shall enter into the kingdom of my father" and this is true. There are pseudo-christians who can sit on the front pew in any church and will still end up in hell.

It takes more than just sitting in a pew, or paying a tithe or mouthing some empty words in worship or prayer to get you into heaven. If you cannot do good works for the Lord, and truly believe and practice your beliefs and live by the word as much as you can you shall not see the Lord when you pass from this world. You shall reap the darkness and despair you have sown all your life and you shall reap it for eternity, alone and shut off from God and anyother people. It is said that hell is so vast that you can call out to other people and hear them but you will never find them. You will be alone until Judgement Day when God has his angels cast you into the lake of fire and are destroyed forever.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 11:55 AM
S & F OP, you spoke truth. Religion is nothing but a cesspool of lies anybody can see it. Anybody who wants to see the truth can see it.

posted on Aug, 20 2011 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Darkmask
There is not a shred of evidence that can prove whatsoever, that any religion is true. Why? Because they are all just lies.

Why am I saying these things?.......because I'm getting tiered of waiting for people to WAKE UP!

edit on 19-8-2011 by Darkmask because: (no reason given)

My first suspicion was that you are saying it to troll for stars and flags..

I do not know why it is, but people are different-- perceive things differently, ask inward questions of different natures, and experience the world in various ways.

Some have deeply spiritual experiences, and of those, religions, theology, and the the metaphysical is a meaningful language-- expressing concepts and idea familiar to their own experiences.

On the other hand are those who do not perceive such things-- and when they encounter those who do-- such sometimes become very uncomfortable by the very alien nature of those experiences-- alein to their own perceptions.

So, calm down-- it is not a giant plot against you. You are perfectly normal. Blind, but blind is normal.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by dmac2112

Nobody's attacking anybody here. Did I start this topic? Your reply to mine is neither relevant to what I posted, nor clever. How about answering my questions since the OP never did....

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by The Endtime Warrior

How about answering my questions since the OP never did....

At first I was going to respond to your post but I decided there really wasn't much there to respond to. But since you're going to whine about it, here it goes.

For every religious person you meet that you claim to be this way, there is one that had found faith on their own.

Hmmmmm... no questions here. Although I think your stats might be a little off. Have any sources?

Ok. So admittedly there are an "Elite" power in the world. Why would they stop at religion? In what ways could they control Atheists and non-believers alike? Science? Self-worship? Earth worship? (I've repeated this in other threads but it is worth repeating since the same christian bashing threads keep appearing as well.

Religion is just one of many tools the Elite have at there disposal.

I wasn't singling out Christianity. I included the Jewish faith and Muslims as well.

The irony is you would have others believe that forced beliefs such as christianity or any other religion for that matter is a "tool" to control. What if you are the "tool"? Ever think of that? What makes your beliefs better than others?

Is this meant to be an insult??

You sound like someone who wants to cry racism because slavery existed so long ago. Get over it.

?????..............I think someone needs to chill out.

I should have stuck with my original decision. There really wasn't much in your post to respond to.

edit on 21-8-2011 by Darkmask because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-8-2011 by Darkmask because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 04:49 PM
Originally posted by Darkmask

At first I was going to respond to your post but I decided there really wasn't much there to respond to. But since you're going to whine about it, here it goes.

Easy, nobody is whining here, buddy. Give me the benefit of the doubt even though I may disagree with you.

Hmmmmm... no questions here. Although I think your stats might be a little off. Have any sources?

I can't give you a source for my life, just take my word for it.

Religion is just one of many tools the Elite have at there disposal.

I wasn't singling out Christianity. I included the Jewish faith and Muslims as well.

How open minded of you. So religion is the ONLY way the elite can control.
You'll do just fine in the world

Is this meant to be an insult??

Why? Got a chip on your shoulder? Quit trying to start a fight when you are challenged of your beliefs. Think constructively

?????..............I think someone needs to chill out.

I think I should have stuck with my original decision. There really wasn't much in your post to respond to.

Chill out? This is my 3rd post in this thread in 2 imply that I've been beating my head over this groundbreaking new thread you have. It took you all but 2 days to actually even respond at all. You are right, shouldn't have even bothered.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by The Endtime Warrior

Chill out? This is my 3rd post in this thread in 2 imply that I've been beating my head over this groundbreaking new thread you have. It took you all but 2 days to actually even respond at all. You are right, shouldn't have even bothered.

I haven't implied anything about you. You do seem to be somewhat aggressive in your posts.

Is there something else you wish to contribute to this thread?

I don't mind those who have opinions that differ from mine, as long as they don't express themselves in condescending way.

edit on 21-8-2011 by Darkmask because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

You wrote:

["No one can appear even close to God, we are all flawed beings."]

Only on your premises, which you need to validate, before you can say 'we' as an objective statement. But you can ofcourse go on saying 'we' without any other reason than circle-arguments. It will be less convincing though. Circle-arguments went out of fashion some centuries ago.

Quote: ["Christ is the only one who lived a perfect life, for anyone to say they are perfect or pretend they are is heresy."]

Buddha was said to be perfect, and as he wasn't a christian, he can't be a heretic.

Quote: ["These are not christians that pretend to be perfect and pretend to be better than everyone else. Those types of people are Pseudo-christians, and they try to invade every church and spread their filth and holier than thou beliefs and attitudes."]

You clearly disagree with OP, where it's written.... Quote: ["Because there is not one single person who has a single clue. That is a fact. It is possible to be a good person and treat others with mutual respect without the influence of religious dogma."]

You obviously condemn a group of people, whose main 'fault' is, that they interpretate your mythological manual different from you. So we are back to your claims of 'truth', which you really should make an effort to validate.

Quote: ["We try to keep Christ's teachings and to do good works for God,"]

And your definition of "good works" is......? Condemning other people.

Quote: ["If you cannot do good works for the Lord, and truly believe and practice your beliefs and live by the word as much as you can you shall not see the Lord when you pass from this world."]

'Good works' being, once again please?

Quote: ["You shall reap the darkness and despair you have sown all your life and you shall reap it for eternity, alone and shut off from God and anyother people."]

Are you a spokesperson for 'god', are you just guesssing, or is this one of the several intepretation-options available. If the last is the case, why is YOUR interpretation the best?

Quote: [" It is said that hell is so vast that you can call out to other people and hear them but you will never find them."]

It is ALSO 'said' that hell doesn't exist, but is a fantasy.

Quote: ["You will be alone until Judgement Day when God has his angels cast you into the lake of fire and are destroyed forever."]

Because YOU don't like these people, or because 'god' don't like them. Something in your post suggests, that you somehow believe, you are 'on the inside'.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Darkmask

Aggressive? You got that right, but I am an Aries so you'll have to forgive me. At least I had refrained from using all caps, so relax, I am quite capable of intelligent discussion. As far as contributing to your thread, I think I posted the most valid example of why your OP is maybe only half or part of the problem. So the elite can control/pacify the religious and "god-fearing" individuals, so what about non-believers? How do you pick and choose where the lies start and where the lies end? Do you have some insider knowledge of what the elite do? How much power and money do you wield to be able to speculate on their tactics/agenda? If you can't answer these truthfully and unbiasedly, I am afraid this is nothing more than an opinion thread and shouldn't be considered as fact. If you were fishing for stars and flags, which I suspect you were, perhaps I have no business being in here at all, because I am looking for intelligent discussion and not people posting on emotion alone.....
edit on 8/21/2011 by The Endtime Warrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by The Endtime Warrior
reply to post by Darkmask

Aggressive? You got that right, but I am an Aries so you'll have to forgive me. At least I had refrained from using all caps, so relax, I am quite capable of intelligent discussion. As far as contributing to your thread, I think I posted the most valid example of why your OP is maybe only half or part of the problem. So the elite can control/pacify the religious and "god-fearing" individuals, so what about non-believers? How do you pick and choose where the lies start and where the lies end? Do you have some insider knowledge of what the elite do? How much power and money do you wield to be able to speculate on their tactics/agenda? If you can't answer these truthfully and unbiasedly, I am afraid this is nothing more than an opinion thread and shouldn't be considered as fact. If you were fishing for stars and flags, which I suspect you were, perhaps I have no business being in here at all, because I am looking for intelligent discussion and not people posting on emotion alone.....
edit on 8/21/2011 by The Endtime Warrior because: (no reason given)

All ideological fascism use the same basical approaches, just with the labels slightly changed. Religion isn't alone on this.

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 11:02 PM
reply to post by bogomil

Hey bogomil, whats up? Thanks for helping to shed light on the subject. I felt my point wasn't getting across and it was turning into a shoving match, which is not what I want.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by Darkmask
I know that there are many similar threads pertaining to this title but this is my own personal take on it.

Jesus, Allah, and the God of Abraham are no more real than Zeus, Horus, Jupiter or Mickey Mouse. Those of you who are believers, are all brainwashed. I'm sorry you don't believe me, but it is most certainly true. Most of you religious types, have been raised from birth to adhere to the beliefs of your parents, way before you have the intellectual maturity to discern whether what you're being told is true or not.

Believers just don't understand exactly what religion is. It's a tool. A tool used by the Elite to control the masses. To control what a person believes spiritually, is to control them body and soul.

There is not a shred of evidence that can prove whatsoever, that any religion is true. Why? Because they are all just lies. They are just stories,and nothing more. There might be some true historical accounts written within religious scripture but even this fact is proof of nothing. If I wrote a book and said that I saw the twin towers fall and in that same book say that my buddy Bob is the direct descendant of the almighty creator and he commanded the earth to swallow the giant towers because the people of that city angered "God". The fact that the World Trade center was destroyed doesn't prove that "Bob" is who I say he is. Are you following me? The Bible and all the books like it, are proof of nothing. It doesn't matter what any of them say because it is all just words put to paper by man. We all know what kind of despicable things mankind is capable of.

Why am I saying these things?.......because I'm getting tiered of waiting for people to WAKE UP! Take a look at what religion has done to this planet. You don't need religious dogma to be spiritual. Don't let anyone tell you what "God" is. Because there is not one single person who has a single clue. That is a fact. It is possible to be a good person and treat others with mutual respect without the influence of religious dogma. Religion is whats holding us back. It's what's always held us back.

edit on 19-8-2011 by Darkmask because: (no reason given)

Feel better now, honey?
There, there...time to get a chamomile tea and relax methinks.
If you were half as right as you are dreaming you are, you wouldn't get so psychiatric about it.
Good luck with the fantasy world.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by Darkmask

ya got it correct about religion! it sure has caused a lot of destruction over the years. its' always been about control.fear and control. look at how bad it is today. the spread of radical islam and other religions. I'm well educated in hard science/adv./mathematics. I had the chance some years back to step out of the box. I found thru a simple form of meditation that there is a much bigger world/universe then we allow ourselves to see. now what you are saying about God I know for a fact to be untrue. there are other dimensional planes. you nedd to understand that we are not what we appear to be in this physical being. our true self is in what is commonly called the soul. we are eternal beings. we can leave this physical body and travel beyond the body. I have done this and so can all of you. but, you must step out of the box and allow yourselves the chance to explore the greater universe. I know none of you will accept this until you do it. then you will be telling others that this is so and they won't believe you. to do this I cleared all waking thoughts from my mind and repeated over and over "peace and love". I went into an out of body exp. and from there was in the tunnel so often described in the near death exp., at the end of the tunnel was God. Yup! from then on the visions of things to come started and have never stopped. beyond that, each of you must have a desire to go beyond the here and now. those of you who live in fear won't. well, good luck to you

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by predator0187
Religion was a way to explain events in ancient times with out the understanding we have today. They did not understand that the earths axis was on a tilt and changed as it orbited the sun to cause seasons. Same thing with day and night. The sun was being defeated daily by the night, but, today we understand that this is because we are rotating.

Religion was and still is a cover for ignorance, as our understanding increases people will realize that.

And religion, by their own writings, is the devil...



Religion was the predecessor to philosophy. I respect it for that but it has long since survived past its expiration date, now it seems to be an excuse for laziness and I imagine the biggest reason it's still around is "peer pressure" with people worrying what everyone else will think of them if they openly admit they don't believe in a god.
edit on 22-8-2011 by Nosred because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:30 PM
I think I need to clarify something about myself. I can't say that I don't believe in some sort of creator or force that created everything in the Universe. I do believe that we are here for a reason. What that reason or purpose is I'm not entirely sure but I'm positive that it's not to waste my time worshiping an egotistical "God" that derives pleasure watching his children suffer on this planet.

If "God" is a conscious being, than it had to be created by something else. If we were made in "Gods" image, then "God" is probably an Extraterrestrial and not the creator of everything in the Universe. The force that created the Universe might not be a conscious entity and even if it is, it might not even be aware that we exist.

For me the teachings of the big three religions are just to primitive and should not have a place in our modern world.
edit on 22-8-2011 by Darkmask because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 10:31 PM

I'm sorry predator, although I agree with many of your points, you're completely wrong about evil. Yes, some evil does present itself through ignorance, however, there is evil that knows EXACTLY what it does. Believe it or not, there are people out there who do horrible things, and they also know how much it hurts.
reply to post by Enlightenme1111
I Agree. There are people in this world who truly are "Evil". These people take great pleasure in causing harm to others. I have seen some disgusting acts done by humans who have no humanity. There are those who dwell among us, with the sole purpose of destroying life.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 11:01 PM

My first suspicion was that you are saying it to troll for stars and flags..
reply to post by Frira
I come to ATS for information, discussion and debate. I honestly don't care much about stars and flags. ATS isn't a video game.

Some have deeply spiritual experiences, and of those, religions, theology, and the the metaphysical is a meaningful language-- expressing concepts and idea familiar to their own experiences.

This being the religious person.

On the other hand are those who do not perceive such things-- and when they encounter those who do-- such sometimes become very uncomfortable by the very alien nature of those experiences-- alein to their own perceptions.

According to you, this would be me. I must disagree. It is the religious person who displays these characteristics to those who have no religion.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by Darkmask

If "God" is a conscious being, than it had to be created by something else. If we were made in "Gods" image, then "God" is probably an Extraterrestrial and not the creator of everything in the Universe. The force that created the Universe might not be a conscious entity and even if it is, it might not even be aware that we exist.

God is understood as being the ultimate reality with the physical universe being merely a projection.
In other words, God exists outside our 3-Dimensional universe... outside of the sequence of time.
If God has the power to create the universe merely by will alone... and grant us with sentience, it means God is sentient.

posted on Aug, 23 2011 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by requireduser
totally agreed with you,
but i sense that, "some people", they just need religion to go on because their capacity isn't same like us, they just don't wanna think, they prefer to faith rather than using their mind to ponder.

I too agree with you. I think people need religion because they are too weak to stand on their own two feet, and too lazy to research on how to enhance their own spiritual development. Remember, religious people do not research, or read the Bible, what they do is blindly accept what others tell them to believe. It is very cult like, look up the word "cult" in the dictionary.

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