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The Elite Language: Latin

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posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:12 PM
A few translations and meanings for you: English to Latin.

Two you all should know by now:

Government: "Govern Mente" - Mind Control
Mortgage: "Mort Gage" -" Death Engagement"/"Death Grip" (enslaved till death)

These two I have been working on are not so common.

I am sure you are all aware of "common purpose" and who they are?

Common Purpose: translates to the Latin "vulgaris voluntas" 10 points to anyone who can see what two words come from this? lol.

But this is the one I have had to work hardest on.

Apocalypse: (The True Latin Translation is) aperio labis se

The rough everyday translation for apocalypse is "revelation" as in the bible and revelations. But the true translation after some work is actually:

aperio labis se - which translates to - "Reveal Disaster Himself" - but interestingly enough the Latin word labis also means "landslip/subsidence". Plugging these words into the translation you get the following:

aperio labis se - "Reveal Subsidence Disaster Himself" - we all know in ancient times there was massive subsidence where many lands sunk into the oceans, we see the evidence of this where large pyramids and other structures have been found deep in the oceans.

Anyways, thought I would share this with you all.

Times are getting tough, so take of yourselves, and everyone else


edit on 19-8-2011 by TheMindWar because: Typo

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:46 PM

Common Purpose: translates to the Latin "vulgaris voluntas" 10 points to anyone who can see what two words come from this? lol.

Vulgar Voluntary or Voluntary Vulgar


posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:54 PM
Do you think we should all learn Latin?

I'm trying to learn German and Russian. Learnt enough French to get by in. But not Latin.

Another way of translating the symbolism of Subsidence is; Hell, as it is under ground and it would be a disaster if you ended up there.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 08:06 PM
Government: "Govern Mente" - Mind Control
Mortgage: "Mort Gage" -" Death Engagement"/"Death Grip" (enslaved till death)

Both of these are actually from the old French (true though, that they were derived from Latin)

Govern - To direct
-ment (from -mentum, as in momentum) - the result of action

Mind in Latin is actually "Mens" So: Government - To direct action

Mort - Death
Gage (from gaige) - Pledge

Mortgage -Death-pledge

Just thought a little clarification would be nice

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 08:26 PM
What's your problem with latin? I took a year of it in highschool. It helps incredibly with pronouncing and understanding the names of species (bio major)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 08:50 PM
Latin hmm, i took a year throughout 10th grade it was #ing borring i wish i had stayed a lil longer though; they have to do something with these "dead languages", make them more alive i don't know, interactive, 3d whatever.

I'm not sure about these dots you're tying to connect though.

I could be wrong but lots of law terms (in the u.s system particularly) find their roots in the french system (mortgage etc). Being french and having studied the law a little that's what i have noticed.Napoleon left his print on the other side of the atlantic i guess

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 09:00 PM


The countertenor in history

In polyphonic compositions of the 14th and early 15th centuries, the contratenor was a voice part added to the basic two-part contrapuntal texture of discant (superius) and tenor (from the Latin tenere which means to hold, since this part "held" the music's melody, while the superius descanted upon it at a higher pitch). Though having approximately the same range as the tenor, it was generally of a much less melodic nature than either of these other two parts. With the introduction in about 1450 of four-part writing by composers like Ockeghem and Obrecht, the contratenor split into contratenor altus and contratenor bassus, which were respectively above and below the tenor.[2] Later the term became obsolete: in Italy, contratenor altus became simply altus, in France, haute-contre, and in England, countertenor. Though originally these words were used to designate a vocal part, they are now used to describe singers of that part, whose vocal techniques may differ (see below).[1]

In the Catholic Church during the Renaissance, St Paul's admonition "mulieres in ecclesiis taceant" ("let the women keep silence in the churches" – I Corinthians 14:34) still prevailed, and so women were banned from singing in church services. Countertenors, though rarely described as such, therefore found a prominent part in liturgical music, whether singing a line alone or with boy trebles or altos; (in Spain there was a long tradition of male falsettists singing soprano lines). However, employment of countertenors never extended to early opera, the rise of which coincided with the arrival of a fashion for castrati, who took, for example, several roles in the first performance of Monteverdi's Orfeo (1607).

Plane tree (planted in 1680)

Ombra mai fu

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(("Ombra mai fu" is the opening aria from the 1738 opera Serse by George Frideric Handel. ))((Serse (Xerxes, HWV 40) is an opera seria in three acts by George Frideric Handel. ))

...Handel adapted the aria from the setting by Bononcini who, in turn, adapted it from the setting by Francesco Cavalli. All three composers had produced settings of the same opera libretto by Nicolò Minato.

[edit] Music

"Frondi tenere e belle … Ombra mai fu"

Performed by Enrico Caruso in 1920.


Originally composed to be sung by a soprano castrato (and sung in modern performances of Serse by a countertenor, contralto or a mezzo-soprano), it has often been arranged for other voice types and instruments, including solo organ, solo piano, violin and piano, and string ensembles, often with the full title "Largo from Xerxes", although the original tempo was larghetto.

In the opera, the aria is preceded by a short recitativo accompagnato of nine bars, setting the scene ("Frondi tenere e belle"). The aria itself is also short; it consists of 52 bars and typically lasts about four minutes.

The instrumentation is for a string section: first and second violins, viola, and basses. The key signature is F major, the time signature is 3/4 time. The vocal range covers C4 to F5 with a tessitura from F4 to F5.

[edit] Words

Plane tree (planted in 1680)
The title translates from the Italian as "Never was a shade". It is sung by the main character, Xerxes I of Persia, admiring the shade of a plane tree.

Frondi tenere e belle
del mio platano amato
per voi risplenda il fato.
Tuoni, lampi, e procelle
non v'oltraggino mai la cara pace,
nè giunga a profanarvi austro rapace.

Ombra mai fu
di vegetabile,
cara ed amabile,
soave più.

Tender and beautiful fronds
of my beloved plane tree,
let Fate smile upon you.
May thunder, lightning, and storms
never bother your dear peace,
nor may you by blowing winds be profaned.

A shade there never was,
of any plant,
dearer and more lovely,
or more sweet.

a men-

Amino? Amin-we? Am0n?

edit on 19-8-2011 by nii900 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 11:49 PM
The development of today's English was heavily influenced by Latin.
Source 1

Sixty percent of the English language comes from Latin.

Source 2

The first Latin effect was in that period. Latin effected the language with the merchants traveling the tribes. Some of the words taken from Latin are; kettle,wine,cheese, butter, cheap...
The period of Early Modern English was also a period of English Renaissance, which means the development of the people. New ideas increased. English language had grown as a result of borrowing words from French ,Latin, Greek.

English was primarily a Germanic language, but it was influenced in its development over time. Not surprisingly, we see these influences glaringly apparent in the English we speak today.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 11:54 PM
You don't have to learn latin, although it wouldn't is a website that should be looked at occasionally, although.

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